If Dji doesn't implement DNG/RAW for the spark will you walk?
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9231 44 2017-9-6
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Flight distance : 468668 ft

Not to be too controversial but a thought occurred to me that I have been mulling over in my mind is that if DJI do not implement a firmware update with DNG/RAW capabilities for the spark will I move on from the spark?

My initial thoughts are yes as the reason why I bought the spark was because I am an avid photographer and the spark was lightweight and easy to carry around. From a photography point of view it gave me the ability to take images from a vantage point I could never have dreamt of. Now that the newness of the Spark has gone and I am looking at it as a photography tool with it not having DNG/RAW it really I feel leaves me in a predicament where I want to push the dynamic range of my images moreso than a jpeg will allow but the spark is falling a little flat.

Now I can understand DJI's marketing that if you want DNG/RAW upgrade or buy the mavic and above, however from a consumer point of view I just can't understand the reasoning as this is almost a normal part of everyday life, especially with smart phone technology etc.

I would like to hear your thoughts on what direction DJI may take and if they decide against this will you move on from the spark?
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Flight distance : 155984 ft

No. It was never advertised as a pro or even hobby level photo drone. It is a sefie drone which happens to take pretty decent photos. I too am an avid photographer, and have had a great time with my Phantom 3 Advanced for taking photos. The Spark fills a different need entirely.

It's like this: I have  a good DSLR camera, with a multitude of lenses. It can take amazing photos, day or night. However, it is big, cumbersome, and with a versatile daily zoom lens hanging off it, you just can't take it anywhere without getting stared at. My cell phone, however, takes pretty good photos, is small, convenient, always with me, and never a hassle. This is the Phantom vs the Spark for me. The Spark is ALWAYS with me, quick and easy to set up an launch, snap a quick shot,  then tuck away and move on.

So, no. I don't care in the least that the Spark has no DNG/RAW mode. It has AE lock, manual shutter, and white balance. I'm happy with it for photos.

ps: used to shoot professionally for a news magazine, and still work with industry pros. Rarely used RAW, the need to get the shot, and then get it transmitted, was more important that editable quality. RAW isn't always an important feature.
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Flight distance : 468668 ft

OneMatt Posted at 2017-9-6 17:48
No. It was never advertised as a pro or even hobby level photo drone. It is a sefie drone which happens to take pretty decent photos. I too am an avid photographer, and have had a great time with my Phantom 3 Advanced for taking photos. The Spark fills a different need entirely.

It's like this: I have  a good DSLR camera, with a multitude of lenses. It can take amazing photos, day or night. However, it is big, cumbersome, and with a versatile daily zoom lens hanging off it, you just can't take it anywhere without getting stared at. My cell phone, however, takes pretty good photos, is small, convenient, always with me, and never a hassle. This is the Phantom vs the Spark for me. The Spark is ALWAYS with me, quick and easy to set up an launch, snap a quick shot,  then tuck away and move on.

Great to hear Matt, agree with your comments regarding jpeg and the speed of them for news feeds. I was just thinking why if the capabilities are there they wouldn't implement. They only reason I can come up with is marketing.

Thanks for your comments.
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Unknown User
Flight distance : 63615 ft
Hong Kong

My answer is 'no'. I enjoy the Spark as it is. Though I'm open to more improvements. If I improve my drone flying and I move to something that requires some more serious video taking then I'll certainly move on. This was my first entry with a drone, and after a few updates it's been a good one so far. My friends have enjoyed it quite a bit.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

The spark needs raw support for photos more then other cameras..  I always shoot in raw and raw is incr dimly forgiving..  you can be 1-3 stops under or over exposed, have out of sync shutter, shooting in wrong white balance, basically you can make all the mistakes within reason and completely recover the image..  not to mention metering isn’t that big of a deal either..  and if your shooting in th wrong time of the day like twilight, RAW is vastly superior in being able to effectively without much or any loss completely recovery that image.. the spark has such a poor auto system it almost demands RAW support..

There is a difference between compressed raw and uncompressed raw..  compressed raw is easier to process, basically the JPG before it gets jpg’d so it hash hard limits, but usually has 5-10x the limits of a processed JPG.. uncompressed raw I would not expect...  uncompressed raw like on my Sony A7SII is insane, I can effectively set my camera up for broad daylight and shoot in near pitch black night and completely recover all the details and have no blur, grain or loss.. or really anything..  specially shooting in Slog and uncompressed RAW..  but that’s besides the point,  if the spark even used compressed raw images iPhones and such use or can use, you can recover so much details even in poor lighting..

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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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I think spark offers quite a lot in the way of photography, and many really nice photographs can be taken and with the help of good software great results can be achieved.
Yes raw and d log would be great, I'm not sure if it's possible many think that spark is capable but I'm not all together sure this is fully correct and I'm not expert enough to give a definitive answer on that question.
I own a P4Pro and Mavic, P4Pro with bigger sensor and raw can take truly great photos/video and because of its capabilities is in a different league than Mavic.
If you are truly interested in much improved photography I would suggest you skip Mavic and move on to P4Pro simply because Mavic may not have enough for you.
I would if you could hold on to your spark as it's portability and great technology is also something to be desired and I think you would miss it on days when you just want a simple days flying , it also offers the possibility of seeing the shots you may want to go back to to get a more professional shot with a more capable camera.
Remember dji are improving camera technology at a rapid rate so take your time be patient I believe there will be better technology around the corner soon.

And who knows soon spark may be updated with new software.
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Flight distance : 219219 ft
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Would love some raw support. I travel a lot so portability is the #1 priority to me. Phantom is out of question and the only considerable upgrade would be Mavic. But then again, I prefer the weight/size of Spark, so if Raw ever comes to it, it would make my drone just a little more enjoyable.
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Flight distance : 2560453 ft
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I doubt if the little sensor will benefit much from raw output.
But you always get some headroom for post processing of course.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4058619 ft
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United States

I love my Spark and wouldn't abandon it because of not providing a DNG file. That being said, I too am a photographer (since the mid-seventies) and I would love to have a RAW file from the Spark.
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Flight distance : 165030 ft

I understand the point of the Spark. I am an amateur photographer. For me, the more features the better. . You can choose to use it or not. Personally, I would love to have RAW format for pics or D-log for video. It will allow me to play a bit more in post.

I am already considering buying a Mavic and selling the Spark. However, I would have to try it first for a couple of flights. I love cycling and climbing. The Spark and its controller can fit into my 8-liter backpack easily and it can take off and land on my hand. I am not sure I would be able to do that with the Mavic.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 22129 ft
United Kingdom

All this would be wonderful if I could trust it. The other day after several great flights, it went to aircraft disconnected at 3 metres away.   Many issues trouble me .
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 62349 ft

No, I bought my spark knowing it was only 1080p video and JPEG images.  
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Flight distance : 55276 ft
United States

No. The Spark was marketed as entry level. There are users like you and I who understand that the DNG/RAW limitation is purely software based. However, for an average user who's just getting into content creation, most have zero idea what RAW is used for.

I'd appreciate if they added it, but I wont walk. The Spark is my first drone (outside of the military), but it wont be my last.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4862598 ft
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Most people never use all possibilities of RAW. Adding tons of "Vibrance" in Adobe Camera Raw is not real RAW processing. Just shoot without overexposure and with right white ballance and you still have great possibilities/headroom to work even with JPEG.
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Flight distance : 230141 ft

I guess what annoys us (you) is the fact we know it's capable of such but DJI are not wanting to enable it because it would close the gap between the Spark and Mavic?
I hope it gets released just to give us options.
I think we all chased the form factor and features of the Spark not price.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1778045 ft
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United States

I knew what Sparkie was going in and it has surpassed my expectations.
I have a Pro rig (Inspire 2, X5S) to use when I need high definition. Spark is my run-n-gun rig. Grab and go, fast, and IMHO, better than advertised.
My main reason for getting it was to use in perilous environs where I wouldn't want to risk the $6K I2. Mainly roof inspections where there are a lot of trees and other obstacles.
I was (and still am) amazed at it's abilities. More than a selfie drone indeed.

I can take a jpeg and get just about what I can get from a raw image with my Corel Photo Paint and Corel Draw software. I used to shoot JPEG + RAW and have gone to JPEG only as I wasn't getting any better results from the RAW images. I use Corel Video studio X10 for video.
My reason for choosing Corel software is that I own it and do not have to pay monthly membership fees.
I think Spark is all they say it is, if not more.
My $.02.

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Flight distance : 468668 ft

polguixe Posted at 2017-9-7 09:11
I understand the point of the Spark. I am an amateur photographer. For me, the more features the better. . You can choose to use it or not. Personally, I would love to have RAW format for pics or D-log for video. It will allow me to play a bit more in post.

I am already considering buying a Mavic and selling the Spark. However, I would have to try it first for a couple of flights. I love cycling and climbing. The Spark and its controller can fit into my 8-liter backpack easily and it can take off and land on my hand. I am not sure I would be able to do that with the Mavic.

That is my consideration too buying a magic and purely for the DNG capabilities. Like I said I can understand how they have marketed the spark and I love it, but don't necessarily agree that RAW/DNG is impossible with the sensor.
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Flight distance : 468668 ft

Sparky_17 Posted at 2017-9-7 10:47
No, I bought my spark knowing it was only 1080p video and JPEG images.

Me too, but I also bought my iPhone knowing it did similar however, Adobe lightroom mobile added the benefit of shooting in DNG as the capabilities were there.
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Flight distance : 468668 ft

Aeromirage Posted at 2017-9-7 13:46
I knew what Sparkie was going in and it has surpassed my expectations.
I have a Pro rig (Inspire 2, X5S) to use when I need high definition. Spark is my run-n-gun rig. Grab and go, fast, and IMHO, better than advertised.
My main reason for getting it was to use in perilous environs where I wouldn't want to risk the $6K I2. Mainly roof inspections where there are a lot of trees and other obstacles.

Agree with you Spark is awesome, and having the pro rig of the inspire 2 definitely helps. I guess the question at the end of the day is if DJI can add RAW to the Spark why don't they and my only answer can be the simple marketing of the spark between the mavic.
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Every cheap action cam now has a flat profile for videos.
I would wish that also dji introduces this in the future. It's a software thing.
At least several color profiles would be a good beginning.

PLS DJI. It's a good starting point for your customers to get a more professional cam because flight time an other things...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 114121 ft

It would be a great addition. However, with the AEB function and the ability to merge in Lightroom, I have got some pleasing results.
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Flight distance : 468668 ft

jksphoto Posted at 2017-11-23 04:42
It would be a great addition. However, with the AEB function and the ability to merge in Lightroom, I have got some pleasing results.

Me too but the raw format is always superior
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First Officer
Flight distance : 114121 ft

larrymull Posted at 2017-11-23 14:10
Me too but the raw format is always superior

Of course. There is no doubting that. But you have to work with the tool's you have, not what you need.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 67703 ft
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No. If I want raw I go for a DSLR otherwise I get a point and shoot camera. Same applies to spark, Mavic, phantom series.
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Flight distance : 98 ft
United States

I’ll say no and the reason being, I have no idea what you are talking about.
Drones are strictly a hobby for me. I want to push a button and have it take a picture or video.
The results are what they are and I’m fine with that.
What I do want is truth. If it’s supposed to fly 16 minutes then it should, if it’s supposed to have a 2km range then it should, an app should work as described (I don’t want to fiddle with it).
I know, under ideal conditions the flight time and distance stated are possible. Give me an average not ideal, I can live with a 12 to 14 minute flight time or a shorter range, no reason to embellish.

That said, I can appreciate the skill and knowledge of those who invested the time and energy  in the art of photography. I’m even a little jealous of your skills and hope you get the support  you seek.
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Flight distance : 891404 ft
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I'm ok with its current capabilities at its current price. I knew what I was buying when I bought, and I'm happy with my purchase. Its a different tool for a different job than a pro drone.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 194911 ft

I think having the option for raw-photos would be nice of course. But the jps that are comming out of the spark are really great for the price-value factor of this small drone. And I personally prefer less size / weight over raw, as for me personally raw is only interessting at night and flying around at night is not allowed here.
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Paul Lee
Flight distance : 120623 ft
United Kingdom

Montfrooij Posted at 2017-9-7 08:29
I doubt if the little sensor will benefit much from raw output.
But you always get some headroom for post processing of course.

Is it not the exact same sensor as the Mavic? Only need to be dialled back to allow for the 3rd axis gimble to work efficiently?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 194911 ft

Paul Lee Posted at 2017-11-26 04:53
Is it not the exact same sensor as the Mavic? Only need to be dialled back to allow for the 3rd axis gimble to work efficiently?

Yes, it is the same sensor on both drones.
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Flight distance : 2560453 ft
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Paul Lee Posted at 2017-11-26 04:53
Is it not the exact same sensor as the Mavic? Only need to be dialled back to allow for the 3rd axis gimble to work efficiently?

You would say so indeed.
But I'm not sure.
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I will not walk away, but its a big disapointemnt that raw/dng is not implemented. It was not announced has a pro level drone but RAW implementation It has nothing to do with being "pro".  It gives way more flexibility to edit and DJI should unlocked it for the Spark. What some users call "PRO" will never go for the spark has a tool for the job. There is no justification for DJI to be afraid to unlock it. It will not even cannibalise sales from its bigger brother the Mavic... DJI please just unlock it
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United Kingdom

DJI please just unlock it. Couldn’t agree more. Stop being stubborn
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United States

Please just unlock RAW.  For those that know how to use it, it is a powerful tool.  If you leave .jpg as the default, there is no downside for the casual hobbyist who doesn't understand it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 194911 ft

I would love to have RAW-Suport too. But I dont think this will be enabled someday for spark. Maybe for the next generation. But even there I think I you would like to have RAW you have to switch to a "better" drone. e.g. Mavic. Why? Because its one of the advantages of it over the Spark and they would remove this cause for buying a more expensive drone.
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Flight distance : 468668 ft

dedreiix Posted at 2017-12-4 18:54
I would love to have RAW-Suport too. But I dont think this will be enabled someday for spark. Maybe for the next generation. But even there I think I you would like to have RAW you have to switch to a "better" drone. e.g. Mavic. Why? Because its one of the advantages of it over the Spark and they would remove this cause for buying a more expensive drone.

That is what I did my friend, mavic is awesome!
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Second Officer
United States

dedreiix Posted at 2017-12-4 18:54
I would love to have RAW-Suport too. But I dont think this will be enabled someday for spark. Maybe for the next generation. But even there I think I you would like to have RAW you have to switch to a "better" drone. e.g. Mavic. Why? Because its one of the advantages of it over the Spark and they would remove this cause for buying a more expensive drone.

Not only is the Mavic better with the video and photo options, everything is better.  Better radio connection to the RC, better video feed (signal interference), more power, longer battery life, three axis camera gimbal, etc.   

Humor is customers wanting the Spark to be a Mavic.  Buyers remorse or just champagne dreams on a beer budget?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1277503 ft
United States

I'd like to have RAW as an option, but I'm not planning on moving on. I'm actulally thinking about a second as a backup. I dig the size and the ability to fly without people freaking out.
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Jos A
First Officer
Flight distance : 73209 ft

No, I bought my spark knowing it was only 1080p video and JPEG images, otherwise i choose the Mavic Pro.
And you must have a powerfull computer to edit the 24 mb pictures,specially for a pano
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 194911 ft

Gunship9 Posted at 2017-12-5 14:19
Not only is the Mavic better with the video and photo options, everything is better.  Better radio connection to the RC, better video feed (signal interference), more power, longer battery life, three axis camera gimbal, etc.   

Humor is customers wanting the Spark to be a Mavic.  Buyers remorse or just champagne dreams on a beer budget?

Youre absolutly right.

Spark is the best compromise between portability and good picture quality.
Yes Mavic is not much bigger in size, when folded. But it weights the double of the Spark.
And for me portability is based on weight.

And paying the double for having raw is no valid option for me. (I do not make movies, so 4k is no argument for buying)

Spark´s price-quality is great. Nothing more to add.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 194911 ft

larrymull Posted at 2017-12-5 13:56
That is what I did my friend, mavic is awesome!

Fully understandable.
For me the price is too high, but I´m really happy with the Spark. And I can live with its "missing features". :-)
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