Recurring run-away problems with Mavic & DJI Go 4 Under iOS
2579 23 2017-9-9
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Flight distance : 33438 ft
United States

I've had recurring problems with corrupted Home Point assignments upon innvocation of MC > Home Point Me. See Note the Home Distance increase to 12,199 meters after the attempt to reset the HP Me to local environsOr, (more accurate map)

Instead of recording the new HP at the RC/Mobile device location, it updated the HP to a previous HP, 12,199 m away, confirmed to have been used in another flight two days prior, and the AC started off automatically to this location after issuing the warning "The remaining battery is only enough for RTH." Then  other warnings "Braking to avoid obstacle", when there were none. I caught it in the nick by pressing the abort button on the RC.

This after making sure the launch home point was properly recorded. According to the screen message at the Home Pont: Me location, the new attempted location was 124 feet from the launch home point, not 12,199 meters. All this noted on the above link.

I deactivate DJI Go 4 after every use, assuming left-over remnant data that might corrupt the next flight. This was a fresh, new start for the day. Subsequent flight experiments worked OK, although, here were   "Wait: updating the IMU" warnings.

Don't know if the errant HP is stored in the Go app, or the Flight Controller or the RC.  with the lack of an architectural overview, it's been a guessing game as to where the errant Home Point sits from one flight to the next. This is the closest posting that addresses the issue:

This is the second run-away flight resulting from the same bug. Again, fresh start for the day. See and Again, note the Home Distance increase to 1,368.3ft after the attempt to reset the HP:  Me at around 75 ft from the launch HP,  4m 37s into the flight. Same stale HP used in a previous flight near my home two or three days prior.

Running DJI Go 4, v. 4.1.5 (updated to 4.1.9), DJI Mavic FW: v. 01.03.1000, iOS: 10.3.3 iPad Mini 4 wifi-cell with AT&T data SIM.

All data synched with DJI cloud.

Note that it has been extremely frustrating to extract DAT data from the flight controller with the latest DJI Assistant 2 with FW 01.03.1000. See . I've exported the "Black Box" to my computer, but not much there.

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DJI Susan

Could you upload the DAT files to Google Drive and send us the link? I'd like to check the exact status.
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Flight distance : 33438 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-9-17 22:15
Could you upload the DAT files to Google Drive and send us the link? I'd like to check the exact status.

Dear DJI Susan,
Here's the Dropbox link to the folder Mavic Log Files. ... EHvfSJfiPiM6Ya?dl=0

Please read the file: DJI Mavic Log File Analysis.docx

Please note that after recent updated firmware, DAT files were not available using DJI Assistant 2. See

Jerry Shaw
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Flight distance : 33438 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-9-17 22:15
Could you upload the DAT files to Google Drive and send us the link? I'd like to check the exact status.

Dear DJI Susan

Here's another DropBox link if the other one doesn't work. I'm new at using DropBox. ... EHvfSJfiPiM6Ya?dl=0
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Flight distance : 33438 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-9-17 22:15
Could you upload the DAT files to Google Drive and send us the link? I'd like to check the exact status. ... EHvfSJfiPiM6Ya?dl=0

Has data analysis been completed?

Please review data and respond.  Mhai suggests returning my Mavic for repair. On-line repair website states that data analysis will not be done as part of repair. Can you confirm that this problem is a hardware problem, and not a software problem?
Please advise.

Please see email from Mhai (DJI  Support).
Your request(#745873)has been updated, please reply the email below.

Mhai (Support)

9月22日 06:49 CST

Dear Jerry,

We suggest to send it for repair.

To make the repair process easier and more convenient, we created an Online Repair Request system for you. After filling out the online forms you will receive a case number.

To get started with your online repair request click: HERE

To check on the case status click: HERE

If you are located outside of the United States, reply with the information requested below. We will create an RMA for you so that you can send it in for repair.

Full Name:
Shipping Address (no PO box):
Phone number:
Name of DJI Product:
Purchase date of product:
DJI account for activation:
Dealer name or DJI Order Number:
Troubleshooting steps you have tried:
DJI Care Agreement Number:
OSMO Shield Agreement Number:
(If yes, please include a copy of your DJI Care proof of purchase with your RMA.)

Please note: For your protection please do not send any sensitive information, including credit card numbers, via email. This e-mail address is not secured to receive credit card information. Any credit card information received through this e-mail address will be destroyed upon receipt. We apologize for the inconvenience; your protection is our priority.

Hoping for your cooperation and understanding .
Thank you.

Hope I'll help you with your concern.

Is there anymore concern, you want me to assist? Don't hesitate to e-mail us back again.

Thank you for contacting DJI.

Have a nice day ahead!

Best Regards,

DJI Support

Tel: +1 (818) 235 0789
Online Support:

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United Kingdom

Be wary of sending anything to DJI for repair.

Where did you buy the MP and what are their warranty obligations? FInd that out first IMO.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 40147441 ft
  • >>>

I had the same problem, a few weeks ago, but because of several other problems my Mavic is in DJI repair, (they change core board) but is yet to come back to me. I truly hope it is OK now
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
  • >>>
United States

interesting.. some people mentioned homepoints are broken in previous firmware update too..  i cannot confirm if broken for me, my limited testing on new firmware only home point issue i have seen is it sometimes just doesn't record any, have to manually set it..  newest firmware and iOS app update hasn't given me any real issues, yet.  other than no home point gets updated sometimes..  even 5 minutes of having 12 sats... i did an active track following a little boat i rented and was using my GF's iphone and latest app to make sure location of the RC was working at least so if it thinks following me it not try to return somewhere else..that sort of worked, it did shrink my RTH point consistently as it following further and further out the H was properly marked on us.., until suddenly it said low battery RTH and i dont know where it was going it flew up and started going back..! so i canceled it and did a hand grab landing...
so is something weird, but broken, i dont know, my testing is fairly seems to "malfunction" but i dont know if im doing it right.. or if there is some trick im missing
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DJI Susan

fans0302c8e9 Posted at 2017-9-20 07:13
Dear DJI Susan

Here's another DropBox link if the other one doesn't work. I'm new at using DropBox.

Sorry for the late response. I have forwarded all data to our engineers to check the exact status. We will contact you if there is any update. Appreciate your patience.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1941322 ft
  • >>>
United States

incessant updates cause havoc and why I will stay with much earlier firmware where I encounter NO problems.  
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Flight distance : 33438 ft
United States

Jinjur Posted at 2017-9-22 11:04
Be wary of sending anything to DJI for repair.

Where did you buy the MP and what are their warranty obligations? FInd that out first IMO.

My MP is still under warranty. Bought it through Amazon.  Here's DJI's   response demanding that I send it in: "Kindly try to do the online repair request Jerry, and send us the error that occur on the website. You have to send us back the drone first before the result of data analysis. Kindly update us if you already have a case number."

Now, I get this response from DJI Susan: " Sorry for the late response. I forwarded all data to our engineers to check the exact status. We will contact you if there is any update. Appreciate your patience."

Hard to believe, since I've submitted flight data DAT files two weeks ago.

Meanwhile, other people are losing their MPs due to this problem See . ... oss-of-drone.25732/

Finlayson got a new drone, thus DJI acknowledges the problem but does nothing to solve it.

My suspicion is that with so many different models, and so many designed for the professional market, that those of us in the hobbyist market are getting the short shrift on support.
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Flight distance : 530758 ft
United States

DJI Susan wrote :
Could you upload the DAT files to Google Drive and send us the link? I'd like to check the exact status.

Can you kindly supply a utility app or feature that does this painlessly for the customer instead of demanding that the customer perform these tasks manually ?


So, why don't you do it already ?

Suggestion - the app should let the user specify a date / time range - then pick the file - and it should ask if they want to save it to their local computer AND ( here is the tricky part ) it should have a feature that SENDS IT TO THE RIGHT PLACE FOR SUPPORT !  Oh yeah, not to forget to include all the relevant user and equipment and support case number info etc .

WE ALL KNOW YOU CAN DO IT - now the question remains - WHY do you keep forcing the customer to perform these manual procedures ?

Is it that you really don't want the files and you want to keep it more difficult for customers to get support ?

YES - that is the only valid reason !
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Flight distance : 530758 ft
United States

fans0302c8e9 Posted at 2017-9-22 10:11 ... EHvfSJfiPiM6Ya?dl=0

Has data analysis been completed?

The first week I had my Mavic ( about 4 weeks ago ) .
The unit showed an 0x800 forward sensor malfunction error - then later on it went away by itself .

I had a similar problem with support when I wanted to return it as a warranty claim - they told me to fill out the repair form - then they stated that I may be charged for return shipping and that a $ 68 per hour diagnostic fee was possible - etc ...

I got conflicting information from support on the text chat - and after reading case after case in the forums about bad-support  horror stories - I decided that I am safer keeping a drone that works instead of going through the eternal ' thank you for your patience ' and ' please do this and that and send it to there and give us another month to access the link you are required to provide after you fill out the form and agree to the charges and penalties . '

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Flight distance : 530758 ft
United States

Osee Posted at 2017-9-29 09:55
The first week I had my Mavic ( about 4 weeks ago ) .
The unit showed an 0x800 forward sensor malfunction error - then later on it went away by itself .

Do you find it strange that when I make these obviously logical assertions and scathing accusations that DJI does not care about supporting their customers, that there is not one single reply to the contrary ?

If you answered NO - then you have a full understanding of reality .

If you answered YES - then you should study what GOOD customer support looks like elsewhere - then come back and compare what you saw there and what you see here ...
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DJI Susan

Osee Posted at 2017-9-29 09:36
DJI Susan wrote :
Could you upload the DAT files to Google Drive and send us the link? I'd like to check the exact status.

We are aware of this, that's why the post is here: It is only available for certain drones, hopefully more drones will be added in the future.

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DJI Susan

Osee Posted at 2017-9-29 09:55
The first week I had my Mavic ( about 4 weeks ago ) .
The unit showed an 0x800 forward sensor malfunction error - then later on it went away by itself .

I'm sorry to read your unpleasant experience. Is there any case number can offered? I'd like to look into the exact status.

By the way, please click the reply button of my reply, so that I can handle this timely. Appreciate your understanding.
Use props
Flight distance : 530758 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-10-9 01:50
We are aware of this, that's why the post is here: It is only available for certain drones, hopefully more drones will be added in the future.

From a cursory quick look - that appears to be a positive move towards progress ->

However, previously I attempted to follow specific directions about how to use the Assistant to view the flight data or retrieve the DAT files and from what I remember, I got a message that no files were found .  And the viewer showed nothing .

I don't remember it being a complicated procedure, so I don't think I was doing anything incorrectly .

Also, I tried to follow precise directions of finding the files on the SD card / and or / in the Android file system and was not able to find any of the files .

Once again, it was not troublesome to follow the directions but the results were disappointing .

When I get time, I will go over those directives at the link you provided .

I have been working with computers / electronics / data / networks since 1976, so I am not often challenged by following routine procedures ...

Thank you .
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Flight distance : 530758 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-10-9 01:53
I'm sorry to read your unpleasant experience. Is there any case number can offered? I'd like to look into the exact status.

By the way, please click the reply button of my reply, so that I can handle this timely. Appreciate your understanding.

Case Number:  CAS-920904-T3B5W7

The status is that I wanted assurance that I would not be under obligation for any charges - if i chose to return the drone for warranty replacement .

The result is that I was not able to acquire that assurance, so instead of returning a unit that works fine and taking a chance of long processing delays with the potential of being charged diagnostic fees -> I chose to take a chance and keep the unit .  Even though it had an intermittent 0x800 forward sensor failure error - it has not reoccurred so I decided I would wait until that error or another problem happens before seeking service .

Those basics are only part of the problem - a bigger problem was the troublesome process of communications / to / from tech support .  
Use props
Flight distance : 530758 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-10-9 01:50
We are aware of this, that's why the post is here: It is only available for certain drones, hopefully more drones will be added in the future.

The link you provided is broken -> because the period is erroneously included ...  * Kong Error * ( new label tag to use for describing DJI snafus )

NOW you know why I have consistently been separating my punctuation from my text for about 20 years now - since the internet proliferated .

Not only does it provide for better clarity in reading and understanding - it stops unwanted characters from accidentally being included in URL links, text selections and highlighting .

Besides that - I routinely provide MEGA white space between items, paragraphs, sentences etc .

Because we do not have to be conservative about memory, paper or ink any more when writing ...

One day the rest of the world will catch on ...

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DJI Susan

Osee Posted at 2017-10-9 12:31
Case Number:  CAS-920904-T3B5W7

The status is that I wanted assurance that I would not be under obligation for any charges - if i chose to return the drone for warranty replacement .

According to DJI's policy, the drone can be replaced when the issue appeared within 15 days. Whether it is eligible for replacement or free repair depends on the damage assessment.

Per the case log, our colleagues have send you the shipping label since 8th Sep, but it seems that you haven't returned it for now. Please pack the unit and send it out asap. We will try our best to help you.
Use props
Flight distance : 530758 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-10-12 02:41
According to DJI's policy, the drone can be replaced when the issue appeared within 15 days. Whether it is eligible for replacement or free repair depends on the damage assessment.

Per the case log, our colleagues have send you the shipping label since 8th Sep, but it seems that you haven't returned it for now. Please pack the unit and send it out asap. We will try our best to help you.

it is certain that an 0x800 error occurred about the 4th day before I flew the drone - it went away a few weeks later by itself

this certainly is a warranty problem - but since i was not guaranteed that I would not be subjected to a $ 68 an hour diagnostic fee - and because i was told two different things about return shipment charges  and i can't know if it will be repaired or replaced - I do not want to send the working unit in .

it is very hard to trust a company that threatens to charge me more money for making a warranty claim - when i have to send my unit in and wait for a decision -

i suppose your diagnostic is to retrieve data from the drone - instead of sending it 2000 miles away - it seems that the assistant should be able to download everything

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DJI Susan

Osee Posted at 2017-10-13 06:32
it is certain that an 0x800 error occurred about the 4th day before I flew the drone - it went away a few weeks later by itself

this certainly is a warranty problem - but since i was not guaranteed that I would not be subjected to a $ 68 an hour diagnostic fee - and because i was told two different things about return shipment charges  and i can't know if it will be repaired or replaced - I do not want to send the working unit in .

According to your description, the error code disappeared by itself, it might be the misinformation. Does it appear again in the later usage? If not, there is no need to send it in.

The damage assessment was based on the unit itself, instead of the data as it has not been crashed.
Use props
Flight distance : 158780 ft

HereForTheBeer Posted at 2017-9-22 15:18
interesting.. some people mentioned homepoints are broken in previous firmware update too..  i cannot confirm if broken for me, my limited testing on new firmware only home point issue i have seen is it sometimes just doesn't record any, have to manually set it..  newest firmware and iOS app update hasn't given me any real issues, yet.  other than no home point gets updated sometimes..  even 5 minutes of having 12 sats... i did an active track following a little boat i rented and was using my GF's iphone and latest app to make sure location of the RC was working at least so if it thinks following me it not try to return somewhere else..that sort of worked, it did shrink my RTH point consistently as it following further and further out the H was properly marked on us.., until suddenly it said low battery RTH and i dont know where it was going it flew up and started going back..! so i canceled it and did a hand grab landing...
so is something weird, but broken, i dont know, my testing is fairly seems to "malfunction" but i dont know if im doing it right.. or if there is some trick im missing

Hi. Very similar happens To me after last firmware update.
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