Camera tilts to one side.
2647 66 2017-8-12
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Antares Fortune Posted at 2017-9-20 00:47
I upgraded to  2.00.0106.

It will still not connect to the controller.

Have you tried the two methods to re-link the RC to the drone? Please try them for several times, if it is the same, could you please shoot a video about the relink process and post it here for better assistance?
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Antares Fortune
Flight distance : 410499 ft
United States

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-9-20 01:25
Have you tried the two methods to re-link the RC to the drone? Please try them for several times, if it is the same, could you please shoot a video about the relink process and post it here for better assistance?

I have.  I will post a video shortly.

When I try syncing without using my tablet, the controller beeps three times, but does not beep continuously as it does in the example video.
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Antares Fortune Posted at 2017-9-20 01:26
I have.  I will post a video shortly.

When I try syncing without using my tablet, the controller beeps three times, but does not beep continuously as it does in the example video.

How about when you try to link them with the tablet? Does the controller beep continuously? Waiting for the video, then I can understand the situation better.
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Antares Fortune
Flight distance : 410499 ft
United States

It does not.

My internet just went down.  I am posting this via my phone.  I will upload the video once it comes back up.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

I just finished reading this whole thread, and have to admit, I'm feeling pretty disappointed.

If I feel like this, just from reading the post, I can only imagine how the OP must have felt.

Getting refurbished drones, that have not been thoroughly tested, before sending them out?? Who does this??

Now I wonder who the lucky drone pilot will be, who gets the original drone he sent in for repair?

Why aren't these drones which were sent in for repair, actually fixed and then returned to the original owner?

It just seems so wrong to me, to continue shipping us loyal customers, someone else's drone. WTF?
No where else does this happen. It wouldn't be acceptable, and could bring the law down on you, if it occured over here..
These so called refurbished units haven't been fixed or tested enough, to know the unwary customer will be pleased, instead it's surprise~unhappiness.

Thank the Lord above, I'm not in need of sending my trouble free drone in, only to get a different messed up "Unit" in replacement...

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Antares Fortune
Flight distance : 410499 ft
United States

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-9-20 01:40
How about when you try to link them with the tablet? Does the controller beep continuously? Waiting for the video, then I can understand the situation better.

DJI Diana,

The 8 or 9th time must be a charm.  Because my internet went down I decided to continue to attempt to get it to synch.

I lost track of the number of times I went through the process but somewhere around my 8 or 9th attempt the red light turned blue and the controller started beeping.  It synched up almost immediately.  I have no idea why that time it worked.  But it did so the next step is to flight test it and confirm the horizon issue has been resolved.

I thank you for your continued effort to resolve this issue.
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Antares Fortune Posted at 2017-9-20 02:48
DJI Diana,

The 8 or 9th time must be a charm.  Because my internet went down I decided to continue to attempt to get it to synch.

Glad to hear, hope everything goes well.
Use props
Flight distance : 165105 ft

Antares Fortune Posted at 2017-9-20 02:48
DJI Diana,

The 8 or 9th time must be a charm.  Because my internet went down I decided to continue to attempt to get it to synch.

Wishing you all the good luck. If this one works as expected, I will jump for joy.

Please fly it soon, so I can exhale! Haha

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Antares Fortune
Flight distance : 410499 ft
United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-9-20 02:23
I just finished reading this whole thread, and have to admit, I'm feeling pretty disappointed.

If I feel like this, just from reading the post, I can only imagine how the OP must have felt.

To be clear, I receive the unit I sent in this time.  
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Antares Fortune
Flight distance : 410499 ft
United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-9-20 02:56
Wishing you all the good luck. If this one works as expected, I will jump for joy.

It will be a couple of days.  It is raining today with winds up to 40mph.  Tomorrow winds of 25 mph are forecast.  Things aren't supposed to calm down until this weekend.
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Flight distance : 1033222 ft
  • >>>
United States

Antares Fortune Posted at 2017-9-20 03:24
It will be a couple of days.  It is raining today with winds up to 40mph.  Tomorrow winds of 25 mph are forecast.  Things aren't supposed to calm down until this weekend.

After reading this entire thread I must say, your a very patient person. This would drive me crazy. Luckily i have no issues at all yet.. Hopefully i wont either.
Use props
Flight distance : 165105 ft

Antares Fortune Posted at 2017-9-20 03:21
To be clear, I receive the unit I sent in this time.

Yes, you did!! Ah, just as it should have been, all along... ;-)

Use props
Flight distance : 165105 ft

Antares Fortune Posted at 2017-9-20 03:24
It will be a couple of days.  It is raining today with winds up to 40mph.  Tomorrow winds of 25 mph are forecast.  Things aren't supposed to calm down until this weekend.

If you are very careful , you can fly/hover indoors... ;-)

Perhaps for now, utilize the onboard flight SIM! during inclement weather.

I am rooting for you, with fingers crossed...

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Antares Fortune
Flight distance : 410499 ft
United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-9-20 11:14
If you are very careful , you can fly/hover indoors... ;-)

Perhaps for now, utilize the onboard flight SIM! during inclement weather.

Yeah....I'm not going to try that.  

Definitely not with the luck I've been having.  
Use props
Flight distance : 165105 ft

Antares Fortune Posted at 2017-9-21 12:15
Yeah....I'm not going to try that.  

Definitely not with the luck I've been having.

With the fall upon us, time is of the essence..

I hope you get a chance to go out and fly, enjoying your purchase to the max.

It's been wet and raining here, but thankfully, I have RealFlight Drone SIM.


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Antares Fortune
Flight distance : 410499 ft
United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-9-21 12:28
With the fall upon us, time is of the essence..

I hope you get a chance to go out and fly, enjoying your purchase to the max.

Add to that I leave New England in 3 weeks.

The rain stopped, but it has still been fairly windy here.  I did get the drone airborne today.  The flight lasted about 2 minutes.

When I get home after work tonight I am going to do something I probably should have done before taking off.  I am going to make sure I run the unit through the IMU and gimbal calibration.  After that, if the winds have calmed down I will try to get out tomorrow before work.  If it is still excessively windy, I will wait until they die down.
Use props
Flight distance : 165105 ft

Antares Fortune Posted at 2017-9-21 16:06
Add to that I leave New England in 3 weeks.

The rain stopped, but it has still been fairly windy here.  I did get the drone airborne today.  The flight lasted about 2 minutes.

Wait, are you flying in windy conditions, and haven't calibrated your drone?

Boy, you sure enjoy living dangerously. You know, that's a no-no, correct?

If you haven't calibrated your drone, you shouldn't be flying.
Have you already done the compass calibration. If not, your drone might fly away, bye bye.

I can't stress this enough, RTFM, and do all of your calibrations before ascending into the heavens.

You should count your lucky stars, &  buy yourself a lottery ticket. Wicked grin

If you need any assistance, please don't be afraid or too shy to ask. The forum is here for you.

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Antares Fortune
Flight distance : 410499 ft
United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-9-21 16:33
Wait, are you flying in windy conditions, and haven't calibrated your drone?

Boy, you sure enjoy living dangerously. You know, that's a no-no, correct?

Yeah...I realized after I got in the air that I had not done it and immediately landed.  With the whole synchronization issue I ended up just being thrilled when that was finally resolved and quite frankly I didn't even think of it.    Definitely not my brightest moment.

But then again, not my darkest either.

Use props
Flight distance : 165105 ft

Antares Fortune Posted at 2017-9-21 17:07
Yeah...I realized after I got in the air that I had not done it and immediately landed.  With the whole synchronization issue I ended up just being thrilled when that was finally resolved and quite frankly I didn't even think of it.    Definitely not my brightest moment.

But then again, not my darkest either.

I often wonder about most drone fly aways. What the heck makes this so common?

Was it a firmware/drone malfunction, or pilot error that caused the loss.

Thankfully, by posting the phantom help LOG info, we can usually find both the "factual" problem and the location where the misguided drone remains. Or where it's remains can be collected.

By reading all the pertinent PDF publications associated to your specific model, and watching numerous helpful, explanatory vids on YouTube or Vimeo, you too, can become far more knowledgeable about your hobby grade aircraft. I wish everyone here could have a completely trouble free drone, just as myself and most others experience. I would pull my hair out, if I had to go through what some here have done. Frustration would be an understatement. So when I read some of the polite concise descriptive posts with devastating news from fellow pilots, I must say it surprises me. I would probably be most livid.

Ok, while, my iPad 3 battery is down to 8%, I had better dine and duck, into the shower... While it charges back to a respectable level.
Be well.

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Antares Fortune
Flight distance : 410499 ft
United States

I wonder myself.

I know on the flight my drone crashed it was behaving...abnormally.   Prior to that flight I had logged several hours of flight time and it had been absolutely trouble free.  I had not experience a single problem.  

I had been flying earlier that day with absolutely no problems.  On that flight it acted like it was a hopped up on crack.   It was abnormal enough that a friend who often goes out with me asked, "What the heck got into that thing?"   The entire flight lasted 37 seconds.

When it crashed it was moving much faster than it ever had before.  When it collided with the object, a tree, I thought perhaps I had gotten the orientation backwards because I was watching it and not the camera.  I also would have expected the collision avoidance feature to have kept it from hitting the tree.  (I was not attempting to test that feature.  I was surprised by how fast the drone was moving and didn't react fast enough.)  I reviewed the flight replay and no, it was moving forwards, not backwards.  The recorded control inputs corresponded with what I recalled making.   I also checked to make sure that it hadn't accidentally gotten switched into a different flight mode. The sticker over the flight mode selector was still in place.  I lifted one edge of it thinking maybe the switch had been moved and the sticker simply slid with it.  It hadn't.  It was still in the correct position.

I was rather frustrated that the collision avoidance feature had failed to keep the drone from hitting the tree, but figured that ultimately, it was pilot error and that I should/would be responsible to pony up the money to get it fixed.  Which I did.  I wasn't thrilled, but hey...someone has to take responsibility and I was the guy at the controls.

I sent it in for repair and, well...the rest has been documented here.  

I am hoping that in the next day or two I can report a successful resolution the issue.
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Antares Fortune
Flight distance : 410499 ft
United States

Alright.  All calibrations done.  Batteries are charging.

Here is hoping the weather cooperates tomorrow.
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Antares Fortune
Flight distance : 410499 ft
United States

Dublinphantom Posted at 2017-9-20 07:01
After reading this entire thread I must say, your a very patient person. This would drive me crazy. Luckily i have no issues at all yet.. Hopefully i wont either.

Thank you, Dublinphantom.  It has been incredibly frustrating.  I'm generally a patient person and the fact that we were working towards a resolution helped.  I realize that everyone that makes something will have problems with something at some point.  I don't mind the problem so much as how it is dealt with.  To that end, I give DJI Diana a tremendous amount of credit for following this issue.
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Antares Fortune
Flight distance : 410499 ft
United States

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-9-20 02:54
Glad to hear, hope everything goes well.

DJI Diana,

At the risk of prematurely declaring victory, I would like to report that after my initial flight test, the problem seems to have been resolved.   I hope to make a couple of more flights this weekend to confirm this and will post the results.

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Antares Fortune
Flight distance : 410499 ft
United States

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-9-20 02:54
Glad to hear, hope everything goes well.

DJI Diana,

I shot this earlier today.  I have since made another flight with no issues.  About the only thing I noticed different with the camera is that it seems to travel upward more than it did previously (as seen around the 30 second mark), but unless that is going to cause a problem it appears that the issue is resolved.

I would like to extend a very large, and personal Thank You to you.  I appreciate the time and interest you took in resolving this issue.  I am grateful for for your assistance.  Thank you!

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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Antares Fortune Posted at 2017-9-23 19:24
DJI Diana,

I shot this earlier today.  I have since made another flight with no issues.  About the only thing I noticed different with the camera is that it seems to travel upward more than it did previously (as seen around the 30 second mark), but unless that is going to cause a problem it appears that the issue is resolved.

You are welcome. Besides,  for the camera, it is normal, there is a setting called Enable Upwards Gimbal Tilt Limited to 30 Degrees, you can disable it.
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Antares Fortune
Flight distance : 410499 ft
United States

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-9-25 01:11
You are welcome. Besides,  for the camera, it is normal, there is a setting called Enable Upwards Gimbal Tilt Limited to 30 Degrees, you can disable it.

Well then...don't I feel stupid.

It appears the problem has been resolved.  

Thank you so much for your attention in this matter.
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Antares Fortune Posted at 2017-9-25 05:19
Well then...don't I feel stupid.

It appears the problem has been resolved.  

My pleasure, very glad that we made it finally, enjoy it and happy flying!
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