First Officer
Flight distance : 10731690 ft
United States
Here is the key to pano success. First of all yes I used a ND16 throughout most of the day. First thing you want to do is of course ensure manual camera settings especially shutter. You need to make sure you can lock exposure so it does not change throughout the pano process aod do this by using manual shutter, if you do auto exposure which I highly do not recommend then you need to lock exposure. If you are set on auto then lock in where you want the first pic taken, you point your camera at its highest point(as this will usualy be the brightest) and set your shutter to where the EV is 0, typically for me using ND16 was using shutter between 1/100 to 1/200 Then move your camera down about half way and start your pano. Make sure not to move the drone. This ensures that your sky will not be overexposed which is typically the case if using auto ev/shutter.
Although I do not have the MA the concepts and process should be the same for the MA. Mine done with MP.