Second Officer
Flight distance : 14869882 ft
United States
[edit at the end]
DJI-Ken, or other DJIer - I am getting prompted for firmware upgrade on my p3A as of today. Do you think it's worth adding the firmware # to this thread title, and creating a new thread with the current release? I would like to see what are all the numbers (firmware, radio firmware, app version), and what peoples' experience is upgrading to it so far?
I did not see any new thread on the subject yet.
Well, I powered on again, and it's happy now! That was weird!!!! I was powering on my table at home, testing if all is well after cleaning it with san air compressor - once i gfot a compass error, and the 2nd time the firmware....
Now it seems to be happy on:
app:2.9.1 (Android)
Aircraft: 1.9.60
How weird was that?!!!!
Are there any SPECIAL concerns when blowing things with a compressor? Naturally I was carefull not to direct too much on any component, motorw from the top, the gimbal motors from every angle exposed, then some onto the body to flush through the vents a bit, from a distance, wires on the legs, so on....