Flight distance : 101332 ft
New Zealand
DarkEnergy Posted at 2017-1-14 11:33
I've been looking at your images and also mrclfr's posted images. They are indeed softer in the lower right but I'm not convinced it is a camera problem. I'm inclined to leave open the possibility that the problem is related to the compression algorithm and not the camera. Being all of the submitted images jpg and not raw makes impossible to assess this possibility. I'm worried that while I see the individual camera pixels in the top left they dissapear at the lower right and at the same time patches of pixelation do appear. The sharpening imposed in the images does not help either. My question is, does the softening also appear also in images in raw format? Will be possible to take full resolution images in "raw&jpg" format to be able to assess the performance of the compression algorithm?
I believe I have a similar issue for the entire right side, not as extreme as others here (luckily) but if you're pixel-peeping at 100% it is noticeable. I notice that even with sharpening at -1, the JPEGs look much remarkably sharper on the same edge compared to those in RAW, which is to be expected for a RAW format file without lens correction. I will try a manual lens correction in LR and see if it makes a difference |