DJI RC only comes with the DJI Fly app, it cannot be used with a third-party app. As for DJI RC, it does not have onboard memory as well as there is no open source for a third-party app to be installed. I hope this helps.
Should you have any other questions, kindly message us here for assistance. Thank you.
salam kenal semua pilot DJI, saya mau tanya adapter charge yang cocok dan fast charging untuk semua device avata 2 seperti, google cam, motion control, 3 hub charge port battrey sebaiknya menngunakan merek apa, berapa watt, dan cabel nya merek apa ya ?
salam kenal, saya menggunakan dji phantom v2 dan hp galaxy note 10, saat merekam selalu saja hanya 10 detik dan rekaman putus, setiap kali saya rekam, dalam hitungan detik off lagi. mohon arahan para senior penyebabnya apa ya, setelan mana yang perlu saya lakukan. terimakasih
Yollanda Yollanda Posted at 10-3 20:21
Permisi, nembie numpang tanya.
Kak, lampu indikator case charger baterai dji actuon 4 saya kok hidup terus ya? Kenapa ya?
Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.
May you please confirm that you are referring to the Osmo Action Multifunctional Battery Case? Also, could you share a video of the issue you're encountering?
Yollanda Yollanda Posted at 10-7 00:31
Lampu indikator battery case hidup terus apabila ada baterai didalamnya. Saya mau share video, tapi disini hanya support gambar saja.
Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.
Could you confirm if it is blinking red? You can upload the video to YouTube and share the link here, or you can use a shareable link from Google Drive or Dropbox.
Based on the video you shared, the status is Solid Red. Please try charging again for approximately another 2 hours. When the batteries are fully charged, the status LED should be off.
May I confirm the charger that you are using? It is recommended to use the DJI 30W USB-C Charger or a USB-C charger that supports power delivery or PPS (Programmable Power Supply).
Could you please inform us of the model of your mobile device and whether you are receiving any error messages in the DJI Fly application when this issue occurs?
zulhai ijar Posted at 11-12 16:30
Pagi gan info kalau mavic pro batre no signal kenapa ya, sebelum nya ada update langsung batre no signal, terimakasih bila ada masukan
Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.
To provide further assistance, could you please share a video demonstrating the issue you are encountering?
ONEROOM Band Posted at 11-12 12:41
Salam kenal teman2 forum..
mohon bantuannya saya pake gimbal DJI Osmo mobile 6
Masih getar2 videonya ketika di ambil gambar sambil jalan..
Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.
We apologize for the inconvenience. We recommend you try calibrating the gimbal and see if yo can isolate the issue.
GoCap Posted at 11-11 15:17
Teman2 minta tolong ya, kenapa quick shot di dji mini 2 se saya ngga ada pdahal baru seminggu saya beli...tolong balas
Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.
Please follow the steps below and see if you can isolate the issue.
Kindly confirm whether it is the latest version of the App.
1. For drones without internal storage, check whether a microSD card has been inserted. For drones with internal storage, check whether the selected Storage Mode has sufficient storage. Mini 2 doesn't have internal storage, we recommend using an SD Card and make sure that the storage selected under settings is SD Card.
2. Check whether the flight mode/remote controller mode is P mode and whether the signal is strong. If the aircraft has entered the ATTI mode or another mode, the QuickShots function cannot be used. We recommend switching the remote controller back to P mode and ensuring that the signal is strong.
3. Check whether the vertical takeoff height is over 2 m. The QuickShots feature is not available if the takeoff altitude is lower than 2 m. Instruct the user to fly the aircraft above 2 m before using QuickShots.
4. Check whether you have selected the target and tapped Start. If the target is not selected or the Start button is not tapped, QuickShots cannot be triggered. Please check the QuickShots video as a reference:
5. Check whether the lighting conditions are good and whether there are obstacles around the subject If the light is insufficient or there are obstacles around, there might be a calculation error due to the visual element of the target distance. As such, the DJI Fly app will not be able to stitch Quickshots videos. When the light is sufficient and there are no obstacles around the target, keep an ample flight distance to prevent the influence of visual elements.
6. Check whether the mobile phone is compatible with the DJI Fly app.
Could you please confirm the current version of your firmware? To assist us in analyzing the situation more effectively, please provide a video demonstrating the issue you are encountering.
Bagaimana cara mengubah setting video codec HEVC pada Osmo action 5 pro.. pada action 3 ada pengaturannya, tapi di action 5 pro belum saya temukan.. terimakasih.
Halo salam kenal,
Drone Tello saya kok gagal take off ya? Kalau pakai hape untuk take off dari meja, drone nya cuma kayak miring sebelah (ngangkat sebelah), dan sebelahnya nggak mau ngangkat. Kira2 apa yg rusak dan kemana perbaikannya sekaligus biayanya kira2 brp ya?
Asri R Posted at 12-26 07:54
Kenapa drone sya ngak bisa terban pada hal masih baru?apa yang harus saya perbaiki ketika drone saya seperti berat sebelah?
Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.
Could you please confirm which drone you are currently using?