Kevin Stewart
Flight distance : 649426 ft
Flight flight after upgrading firmware to 1.2.8(P3A) and pilot app 1.2.0
noticed that the P3 wasn't holding position so well(17satellites), it was drifting a little and required correction (which previously wasn't needed).
Flew to the maximum altitude limit in the App, and had LOW image transmission signal warning! Just 500meters away,and low signal? On 1.1.9 and pilot app1.1.0 ,I went 2.2KM away, and had full range on rc and video!
FPV was good and smooth for 15 minutes ,and then suddenly the device screen went completely black! And came back in 3-5 seconds,after which there was horrible lag! 1 frame per 5-8 seconds!! Obviously time to RTH and land,also something showed up |