Flight distance : 2528264 ft
United States
Pareja IV Posted at 2017-7-22 08:39
4P lot. All the issues. Every time I fly I discover a new one. I am forward to find a flight video from people who say that has no issues. By the moment I only find people talking to a camera saying "hey I have no issues", videos of sort and soft flights (or P4s settled in the sky like a tripod camera) with the owner explaining: "I have no flight issues" or "horizon tilt issue fixed....,you see, no issues". I've flown 14 batteries after the firmware update, testing all the solutions posted in the forums, I've sent the data logs to DJI, I've posted some videos to show the problems I've found. Everything with two purposes: 1.-To find a solution. 2.-To prevent people who haven't update yet from doing so.
I really appreciate your aim to find a common denominator in the hardware or in the updating process, that could help to find a solution. I have very few hopes because I believe that the problem is the firmware itself (with an small hope pointing to the no IMU calibration).
Aloha Pareja,
What is the beginning of your serial number for your P4 aircraft. Inside the battery bay. Mine is 075554Q.
Aloha and Drone On! |