The latest firmware update(s) that slapped us in the face
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6979 103 2017-8-19
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Flight distance : 394291 ft
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Figures , no firmware yet
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Yea ... I'm just blown away that they won't acknowledge it.
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ronin rs211
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United States

It must be lost in translation, yo DJI...FIX IT
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Flight distance : 5137874 ft
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United States

Mindy, Can you please ask the question to your engineers, did they ruduce power output on thr last update intentionality on our I2s?  
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Flight distance : 394291 ft
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United States

Johnnie ,
I bet you will not get an answer from DJI administrative personal..about the power reduction of the output wattage
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft
United States

Sorry to hear about your issues folks - tragic to see that nothing has changed that much in the world of DJI and it's capability in Software Engineering.
Us I1 owners have had many faults, downgrades and downright dangerous issues all introduced via supposed software 'updates' for the couple of years it's been out.

It has got to the point that we need to keep an entirely spare rig (AC/RC/Tablet) for the purposes of post-upgrade testing before we change anything on the production aircraft.
I regret ever upgrading to V1.3 years ago!  - ever since then the I1 has been awful in comparison to the launch version (even though that had GPS issues)

It's the ugly, frustrating side of being a DJI owner - the reps here don't have any means of making things happen, so if you can't return your gear to a retailer for refund then sit back and settle in for a long wait.

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United States

paraviz02 Posted at 2017-8-23 06:15
Yea, they removed all those and changed the policy so we are stuck at whatever recent version we have upgraded to. It's a bit of a bummer.

Fair enough. Well I suppose I am going to keep mine off the net for a while then.   Whatever firmware I have on board which was the most current two months ago seems to be working.
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Flight distance : 394291 ft
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United States

Lucky you ...
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Flytcam_Shaun Posted at 2017-8-24 22:09
Fair enough. Well I suppose I am going to keep mine off the net for a while then.   Whatever firmware I have on board which was the most current two months ago seems to be working.

Yea that one was working great. WAS ...

The new one released on June 26, 2017 ... My goodness, what a complete disaster. We can't even fly at a level of safety that I feel comfortable with at this point.

Constant disconnections, video feed issues, iOS overheating ...

DJI seems to be completely silent on the matter, which is insulting. As a developer myself, I'm used to making huge mistakes (not often, but when they happen, they sure are a doozy!) ... And we ALWAYS have to acknowledge the customer/client's complaint.

We actually don't have a choice but to acknowledge it, or we lose the business. After finding out that it was a mistake that could have been prevented, we address that with the client immediately. The longer it takes to own up to, the less professional we appear.

There's absolutely no way that these issues are not completely obvious to DJI engineers. Please DJI, just tell us that you are very well aware of the problem that was created with the recent firmware and GO 4 app, and that you are at least working on a quick resolution so that we can start flying! PLEASE.

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Got a new problem with latest disastrous firmware update!

Still trying to work on INSPIRE2 with constant disconnections and warnings (my regular customers cant wait R&D to fix a problem)!

I was recording video on SSD, ProRes 4444. After every disconnection recordings was stopping automatically by drone (seems like it is programmed so).
Then I copied video (4444) from SSD and checked files. Every file that was stopped not by me but by drone after disconnection was broken! (no way to playback it via Mac/PC or import to Premiere/FCut).
Looks like metadata problems with finishing the file.

Video from MicroSD is ok.   
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United States

Dinos6 Posted at 2017-8-25 11:25
Got a new problem with latest disastrous firmware update!

Still trying to work on INSPIRE2 with constant disconnections and warnings (my regular customers cant wait R&D to fix a problem)!

My goodness, that is not good!

The only thing that any of us should know for sure is that the video coming from the gimbal camera to whichever storage device in whatever format should be perfect. No missing frames, no corrupt files, no issues. Maybe HD feed issues to the RC (or in the case of the latest firmware, constant issues with HD feed) ...

But there should be absolutely no reason why the video is garbage to the local storage device on the Inspire 2.
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United Kingdom

The updates sound awful and it seems nonsensical not to revert back to a working version  Just got my inspire 2 and so worried about connecting it up and the fact that it will want to update. Mine, I assume will have an old firmware version. Can I ignore updating it and just fly. If you tell me I will report back if it fly's as originally expected.
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United States

Media-drone Posted at 2017-8-25 13:38
The updates sound awful and it seems nonsensical not to revert back to a working version  Just got my inspire 2 and so worried about connecting it up and the fact that it will want to update. Mine, I assume will have an old firmware version. Can I ignore updating it and just fly. If you tell me I will report back if it fly's as originally expected.

Ya -- you can leave it as is. I would definitely recommend not updating ... At least until DJI either acknowledges what has happened in the newest firmware and gives a VERY good reason for doing so, or until they release a new firmware that ALSO acknowledges what has happened and provides a fix for that.

But if your version is not the recent version (I think it's v01.01.0010), then you should definitely keep it at whatever it is at. You'll be much happier that way, and your Inspire 2 will definitely impress.
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United States

paraviz02 Posted at 2017-8-25 10:52
Yea that one was working great. WAS ...

The new one released on June 26, 2017 ... My goodness, what a complete disaster. We can't even fly at a level of safety that I feel comfortable with at this point.

This unfortunately this is par for the course from them.  I love their products when they work.  When they have glitches, they seem to play apples game of we know nothing, you must be doing it wrong.   Back in 2013 there were a rash of flyways with the Naza series which included the Phantom 2.  I never experienced one, but knew plenty of people who had.  The people this would happen would be people who know this stuff and arent newbs.  It wasn't until two years later that whatever they did, they silently fixed it.  Flyaways became rare.

I think the problem is that they are churning these out so damn fast that the QC is obviously lacking.  I had the same problem on the I1, luckily backing off to 10.09 solved it.  For a long time Ion my Phantom 4 Pro that I bought, i had horrible gimbal drift issue.  I took it back and exchanged it for another one and it  still had the problem.  I did all of the dummy stuff like re-calibrating sensors and camera.  When I updates the firmware  around the same time my I2 came magically the problem was fixed.  In my P4's case I know exactly what the issue was.  It was not getting enough power to the roll motor, which means the P value of the PID's was a bit low.  I explained this to DJI and got no feedback.  Now its solid.  But I hear the most current firmware is screwing up  on that system.  Once again I am leaving it alone.

They should give us a rollback option until they have stabilized a new firmware.   They need to establish a beta program where only people who elect to be a tester, put new firmware on board.  We as consumers should not be the bata testers.
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Really sad to read these experiences. It makes us very cautious with firmware updates and eventually people begin to ignore updates. If DJI repaires bugs which are important for REAL safety it really should be mentioned on update description because most of us won't update anymore after these experiences.

I have had lucky and update didn't break aircraft completely. iOS processor complains overstress sometimes but it does not mean anything for me in terms of usability.  Range, video feed etc. is fine, or at least nothing new troubles hasn't appeared. Random things and glitches I have seen since January all the time but they just keep pilot alert. Once I noticed with latest FW critical issue: copter began "fly away" at speed of about 20 km/h with solid GPS lock but it ended with ATTI and worked fine since. This would have been critical at low altitude near people and property.

I have X4S only. Perhaps X5S and SSD has something to do with problems?
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United Kingdom

paraviz02 Posted at 2017-8-25 13:49
Ya -- you can leave it as is. I would definitely recommend not updating ... At least until DJI either acknowledges what has happened in the newest firmware and gives a VERY good reason for doing so, or until they release a new firmware that ALSO acknowledges what has happened and provides a fix for that.

But if your version is not the recent version (I think it's v01.01.0010), then you should definitely keep it at whatever it is at. You'll be much happier that way, and your Inspire 2 will definitely impress.

Paraviz02, thank you for the information and I appreciate the reply. I will avoid the firmware update and report back if I have any of the issues that seems to be common with the latest firmware updates.
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United States

Kopteristi Posted at 2017-8-25 22:33
Really sad to read these experiences. It makes us very cautious with firmware updates and eventually people begin to ignore updates. If DJI repaires bugs which are important for REAL safety it really should be mentioned on update description because most of us won't update anymore after these experiences.

I have had lucky and update didn't break aircraft completely. iOS processor complains overstress sometimes but it does not mean anything for me in terms of usability.  Range, video feed etc. is fine, or at least nothing new troubles hasn't appeared. Random things and glitches I have seen since January all the time but they just keep pilot alert. Once I noticed with latest FW critical issue: copter began "fly away" at speed of about 20 km/h with solid GPS lock but it ended with ATTI and worked fine since. This would have been critical at low altitude near people and property.

Yea we're using X4S also. So the issue definitely affects both X4S and X5S users.

And I agree, to see every small update in the firmware would be a huge boost in confidence. When they leave things out, it makes for very disappointing surprises. (And causes a bit of trust issues ...)

I am looking forward to DJI's resolution for these current problems. But most importantly, how DJI handles firmware updates from this point on. I was super excited with the Inspire 2 performance, it was very impressive -- this recent firmware was a big-time confidence breaker, and cannot wait until we're back in action.
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paraviz02 Posted at 2017-8-28 09:59
Yea we're using X4S also. So the issue definitely affects both X4S and X5S users.

And I agree, to see every small update in the firmware would be a huge boost in confidence. When they leave things out, it makes for very disappointing surprises. (And causes a bit of trust issues ...)

If we look back to December - February when Inspire 2 came to market we see that first FW updates brought a bunch of new functions.  Since then FW has been updated several times and interval has been short, read: test time has been short.
It is impossible to test everything extensively with such short interval and results are seen now.

This is very same road we saw on mobile phones at 2000 - 2010 when they really boosted up. Nokia did rule the market with share above 50%  or so (some areas above 70%) and brought not properly tested phones to market. What we saw then? Competitors surprised condescending Nokia and crashed it in few years with simple and basic but working products.

What shows good attitude in DJI is that they delayed Matrice 200 series. It happened same time when Inspire 2 troubles began widely. It was apparent that rattling props would not fit to HighEnd line and these FW issues neither. I guess we see different approach with Matrice and some new innovations which could (hopefully) be implemented to Inspire 2 also.
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Flight distance : 394291 ft
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United States


Still waiting on some news of Firmware fixes or a firmware rollback .  Just because it is quiet of this forum does not mean we forgot what DJI has done to kill our inspires 2's. .
As I Still see it , your still scared to tell us the truth!
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Flight distance : 394291 ft
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United States


Still waiting on some news of Firmware fixes or a firmware rollback .  Just because it is quiet of this forum does not mean we forgot what DJI has done to kill our inspires 2's. .
As I Still see it , your still scared to tell us the truth!
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Flight distance : 18275925 ft
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DJI Mindy
Still waiting for your comment.
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United States

Saw an Inspire 2 firmware v01.01.0200 in the release notes for the Mavic Pro. Hopefully they will be giving us some good news soon.
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ATCs llc
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United States
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ATCs llc
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United States
It's not Just DJI, it's ALL Chinese companies, I did some work for Deer Jet, Beijing Capitol last year, they hired me to manage a Pre-Buy sale on one of their Gulfstream GV Corporate Jets, at the end of the project I invoiced them for $30k and they flat out ignored me and didn't pay me, the bill is now at $100k and I'm starting to lien all of the aircraft they have in their fleet. Chinese companies are totally un ethical and they think they can cheat and lie and be corrupt without consequences. They feel they are "Untouchable" and many of them are using "Russian Lawyers" (Actually law apprentices) because they are too cheap to pay for a real lawyer.....

Think about this, if you go into a showroom and pay $15,000.00 for a new car and drive it off the lot then you find out that there are electrical problems, the GPS doesn't work, the door locks don't open and nothing on the car works as advertised you are going to drive it right back to the dealer and get your money back and the dealer is going to give it to you because that's what INTEGRITY is.....
The Chinese don't care about Integrity
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United States

ATCs llc Posted at 2017-8-29 17:35
It's not Just DJI, it's ALL Chinese companies, I did some work for Deer Jet, Beijing Capitol last year, they hired me to manage a Pre-Buy sale on one of their Gulfstream GV Corporate Jets, at the end of the project I invoiced them for $30k and they flat out ignored me and didn't pay me, the bill is now at $100k and I'm starting to lien all of the aircraft they have in their fleet. Chinese companies are totally un ethical and they think they can cheat and lie and be corrupt without consequences. They feel they are "Untouchable" and many of them are using "Russian Lawyers" (Actually law apprentices) because they are too cheap to pay for a real lawyer.....

That's too bad to hear ...

On the other side of things though, or company has been shafted multiple times by American corporations over contracts and payments, maybe not as bad as in your case ... but I would say the level of integrity overall on planet earth (at least where capitalism lives) has been taking a nosedive over the past 50-60 years.

It is a shame what is going on all over the world.
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Flight distance : 50988 ft
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Ha ha .... Regarding suasnews, I commented once on a thread in DJI forum once and the thread was deleted very soon though I did not explicitly pronounce DJI. Anyway this thread is not about the Bond things. And I would not comment anything about the dji.retroroms regarding a way to rollback because it is against the forum rules but I can just say that I tried with success but with some problem and I do not recommend you to try because I2 is too expensive.
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DTK Posted at 2017-8-20 18:59
I hope everyone now learns the lesson. Don't update FW until it is all clear by the earlier adopters,especially when your living depends on it. It is my hobby yet I don't want all this hassle either so I have chosen not to update for I1 anymore.

I would love to leave old FW on, but its scary having it always tell you it needs to be updated.. worried one day it will just force it on a job or in the air so I always try to wait a few days let others update, then do it and always test it before going to a job.
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paraviz02 Posted at 2017-8-23 06:14
Yea, I haven't yet updated to 4.1.7. The release notes for that did not say anything about Inspire 2. Only notes on Spark.

It would be excellent if they could explicitly say "This fixes the iOS overheating, horribly glitchy video, and the overall terrible experience that many users are having."

iOS overheating, sure its not the charging of battery while screen at max brightness? For horribly Glitchy video, did you try any of the custom setting for video transfer?  I was going to use it for a job Wednesday but will now go do a  thorough test, all this got me a bit worried.
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EagleEyeUAV Posted at 2017-8-23 08:35
anybody think its not so much a firmware issue but more of go 4 app issue it could make some sense couldnt it?

I have found the most bugs with the go 4 app.. I always do the app first, controller, then inspire 2.  I also make sure I'm running apples current firmware and not their Beta firmware for example.
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United States

lolders Posted at 2017-9-3 10:23
iOS overheating, sure its not the charging of battery while screen at max brightness? For horribly Glitchy video, did you try any of the custom setting for video transfer?  I was going to use it for a job Wednesday but will now go do a  thorough test, all this got me a bit worried.

Yea, made sure not charging. Also, was using iPad/RC in the shade.

Issue with video ... It seems (as far as I can tell) that video starts to become completely useable for flight or videography as soon as the iOS device starts having problems.

Though, this was also the case when using DJI Goggles and not just iOS.

The bottom line is that absolutely zero of these things were an issue on the older firmware. And to me, this was extremely apparent. Like a slap in the face. (Note, the topic title.)

So, whatever happened was either too much too fast as a result of aggressive changes by DJI, or completely sloppy work that would not pass quality control that even a burger place would have.

I would really love to see the hardware that DJI used to develop the latest firmware. There's no way they were testing this with retail Inspire 2 hardware or with a "standard iOS device". Absolutely no way.

I've already invested nearly $7,000 USD in DJI equipment, and for them to let us sit here wondering what the heck is going on, that's another slap in the face.

Bottom line: SLAP IN THE FACE.

We would really appreciate some type of official acknowledgement OR workaround for how to deal with the mess that we've invested thousands of dollars into. It is really not fair that DJI has taken our money and then taken our product.

I could go on and on ...
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United States

lolders Posted at 2017-9-3 10:23
iOS overheating, sure its not the charging of battery while screen at max brightness? For horribly Glitchy video, did you try any of the custom setting for video transfer?  I was going to use it for a job Wednesday but will now go do a  thorough test, all this got me a bit worried.

If you are on the latest firmware and app, try getting past 500 meters with quality video feed. Let us know how it goes for you.
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paraviz02 Posted at 2017-9-3 12:33
If you are on the latest firmware and app, try getting past 500 meters with quality video feed. Let us know how it goes for you.

I will try that in about an hour and let you know
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paraviz02 Posted at 2017-9-3 12:33
If you are on the latest firmware and app, try getting past 500 meters with quality video feed. Let us know how it goes for you.

It also sounds to me like a lot of these problems are all related to the DJI GO 4 app...  I think its because there are so many drones to make updates for.. Although it may only be an update for "spark" who knows maybe it screws things up for other users..  Even my GF said, maybe they should have a separate app for every drone.. that way focus wouldn't be lost.. with IOS 11 coming out next month or sooner, probably a good idea to wait until you see the go 4 app is updated for iOS 11 before doing it on your device you use for these things..
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United States

lolders Posted at 2017-9-4 04:43
It also sounds to me like a lot of these problems are all related to the DJI GO 4 app...  I think its because there are so many drones to make updates for.. Although it may only be an update for "spark" who knows maybe it screws things up for other users..  Even my GF said, maybe they should have a separate app for every drone.. that way focus wouldn't be lost.. with IOS 11 coming out next month or sooner, probably a good idea to wait until you see the go 4 app is updated for iOS 11 before doing it on your device you use for these things..

Yea good points there.

With the fact that they have one app for half their lineup (and another app for the other half), and the fact that not every user's mobile device is created equal ... that makes for a huge question mark for DJI. I can see how DJI would want to use the most capabilities from the tablet device, but now my iPad mini 4 seems like it is an old man that can't even get around anymore.

It would be awesome if there was a hardware video decoding chip in the RC, that way all mobile devices can at least focus on standard app functions, and not high processing video.

Looking forward to hear how your flight goes. Good luck.
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Flight distance : 1303780 ft

paraviz02 Posted at 2017-8-25 10:52
Yea that one was working great. WAS ...

The new one released on June 26, 2017 ... My goodness, what a complete disaster. We can't even fly at a level of safety that I feel comfortable with at this point.

Well you know, there are the engineers and the programmers on one side, and the managers on the other. Guess who has the last word.
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Flight distance : 1303780 ft

Call me old-fashioned but I think the idea to use a smartphone/tablet and an app for just everything is a terrible idea.
It may be fine to switch on a wifi-controlled lightbulb or something like that but not to control something that requires high processing power and where software stability is critical to safety.
Would you like your car to be controlled by your smartphone?  

Interestingly states are devising all kinds of drone regulations everywhere  but it is mostly about what the pilot is allowed to do or not with her drone. In contrast to airplanes, those regulations often say very little about the reliability of the aircrafts themselves, which in the case of consumer drones leaves a lot to be desired - to put it mildly.

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Flight distance : 7 ft
United States

I have the inspire1 Pro and have these same issues I'm using fw 1.11, so we can only roll back the FW to the previous version only?
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paraviz02 Posted at 2017-9-4 05:52
Yea good points there.

With the fact that they have one app for half their lineup (and another app for the other half), and the fact that not every user's mobile device is created equal ... that makes for a huge question mark for DJI. I can see how DJI would want to use the most capabilities from the tablet device, but now my iPad mini 4 seems like it is an old man that can't even get around anymore.

Yes I agree.

OK flew two batteries, nothing out of the ordinary it felt solid and the link was totally stable.. However I didn't get to go farther then 400m due to location.  But I flew it around there in all directions and din't see one flicker on the stream.  I am using the latest iPhone 7Plus at the moment as I cracked my screen on my older iPad Mini.  After landing I took the phone off the mount and it wasn't even warm to the touch.  

Although I am glad, I was really hopping I could shed more light for you but hopefully it gives reassurance to some..  In my area and line of work I don't really ever go farther then that or haven't had to yet..  I generally launch close enough LOS is always adequate.

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Flight distance : 7 ft
United States

DTK Posted at 2017-8-22 02:46
A youttube video here with some relevant info.

I didn't see anything for Inspire 1 Pro?
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United States

lolders Posted at 2017-9-4 08:36
Yes I agree.

OK flew two batteries, nothing out of the ordinary it felt solid and the link was totally stable.. However I didn't get to go farther then 400m due to location.  But I flew it around there in all directions and din't see one flicker on the stream.  I am using the latest iPhone 7Plus at the moment as I cracked my screen on my older iPad Mini.  After landing I took the phone off the mount and it wasn't even warm to the touch.  

Ah you're running an iPhone 7 Plus ...

One thing that I'm guessing is that the latest model iPhones (and probably the iPhone 6S as well) have more than enough juice to really chunk the CPU processes that DJI app requires. But my iPad mini 4, which has an A8 CPU, is just raked through the coals ...

But also, since you're mentioning your experience there ... Maybe the distance issue has less to do with the actual distance, but more to do with the mobile device crapping out when it can't hang ... And maybe that point happens when I get about 500m away? Regardless, on the old firmware, we didn't have problems with any of this stuff.

I would love to be able to toss $1000 USD around to buy this or that tablet device (like it was candy or peanuts) just to test out different devices, but I would prefer to just know what is necessary for now and for the future, and to buy the appropriate device specific for flying. We (stupidly) purchased the iPad mini 4 for the DJI setup, since that's what I concluded was the most appropriate for the requirements. That assumption was definitely wrong.

I've been holding off for the new iPhone 8 (?) for more than a year since my contract was up ... So when that thing comes out this week, I'll be putting an order in and testing it out whenever it comes. If it proves to have no issues with anything, then I'll know 100% that it is my tablet device. If the equipment still has problems, well then I guess I won't make any progress.

Though I've heard from others that have (for example) DJI CrystalSky, who also have issues using the DJI tablet hardware. So who really knows ...

Best I can say at this point is thank goodness not everyone has to deal with these issues. At least that makes me happy knowing that there's hope.
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