United States
lolders Posted at 2017-9-4 08:36
Yes I agree.
OK flew two batteries, nothing out of the ordinary it felt solid and the link was totally stable.. However I didn't get to go farther then 400m due to location. But I flew it around there in all directions and din't see one flicker on the stream. I am using the latest iPhone 7Plus at the moment as I cracked my screen on my older iPad Mini. After landing I took the phone off the mount and it wasn't even warm to the touch.
Ah you're running an iPhone 7 Plus ...
One thing that I'm guessing is that the latest model iPhones (and probably the iPhone 6S as well) have more than enough juice to really chunk the CPU processes that DJI app requires. But my iPad mini 4, which has an A8 CPU, is just raked through the coals ...
But also, since you're mentioning your experience there ... Maybe the distance issue has less to do with the actual distance, but more to do with the mobile device crapping out when it can't hang ... And maybe that point happens when I get about 500m away? Regardless, on the old firmware, we didn't have problems with any of this stuff.
I would love to be able to toss $1000 USD around to buy this or that tablet device (like it was candy or peanuts) just to test out different devices, but I would prefer to just know what is necessary for now and for the future, and to buy the appropriate device specific for flying. We (stupidly) purchased the iPad mini 4 for the DJI setup, since that's what I concluded was the most appropriate for the requirements. That assumption was definitely wrong.
I've been holding off for the new iPhone 8 (?) for more than a year since my contract was up ... So when that thing comes out this week, I'll be putting an order in and testing it out whenever it comes. If it proves to have no issues with anything, then I'll know 100% that it is my tablet device. If the equipment still has problems, well then I guess I won't make any progress.
Though I've heard from others that have (for example) DJI CrystalSky, who also have issues using the DJI tablet hardware. So who really knows ...
Best I can say at this point is thank goodness not everyone has to deal with these issues. At least that makes me happy knowing that there's hope. |