 Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft
AlansDronePics Posted at 12-10 02:05
During a recent tour of parts of Canada, I was impressed with the scenery and good attitude to cleanliness and good order. I would have taken my drone, but they must have heard I was visiting and rushed a blanket no-drone law through. There were a few places to fly, but they weren't worth visiting. One total poser, I saw him and we all know the type, pot his Phantom up in a crowded park, and was promptly marched away by 2 wardens. I saw him later in the car park, minus a drone. His wife and child seemed upset with him, I wonder why?
I thought the town of Banff was eerie. I seriously wondered if it was a Westworld set. Just a few people walking along like automatons and cars cruising like curb crawlers. My wife and I had a snack, sat on a park bench, watching all this excitement. I placed a carton on the ground with my foot on it so it wouldn't blow away, when an 'ociffer of da law' walked by. He looked, smiled and vanished. Later, when I got up and dumped my trash in the bear proof bin, he stepped out from behind a tree and walked back to where he came from. I mention all this, because the Country has high standards, but perhaps lacking in human understanding. Regarding drones in the country, with the proliferation of small planes, like London black cabs, I agree there is no safe place to fly a drone there.
Here is a prime example of where I too think this is a frivolous NFZ...
Like in the US, here in Canada, areas deemed National Parks are completely off-limits to sUAV/UAV operations, even commercial, unless you have permission and permits up the ying yang.
The entire Rocky Mountain range that borders British Columbia and Alberta is classified as a National Park, with both Jasper and Banff being within the zone. It doesn’t surprise me one bit that the Phantom pilot you mention got whisked away and his drone confiscated, as that’s almost the maximum penalty for flying a UAV in a Canadian National Park. In fact, the punishment can range from a HEAFTY fine to jail time, and confiscation of your UAV.
Also in Canada, the federal RCMP and regional police forces have been given the authority to issue fines for illegal drone operations if the pilot is caught.
There are many, just breathtaking places, in both Banff and Jasper where flying a drone would be, in my view, and based on airspace traffic, completely safe, and would yield some of the most stunning aerial footage you could dream of. But alas, in this case our government has a stick up their behind, like the US, and thinks National Parks are a no-go.
I think you may have been in Banff during off-peak season, as there are actually several great places to visit, in and around the town; mostly around 
There are still many great places to fly, but you won’t find them in or around most urban centres. The Thompson Okanagan reigion, Cariboo, and others in the central part of the province, are still open to drone flights, so many drone pilots can be found in those areas.
Canada’s drone laws are strict, but they’re on-par with what most of the rest of the world seem to be adopting as the new “standard” for UAV regulations. I find something the rules downright stupid, but at the same time, I look on the other side of the coin, and not only realize why they are there, but also the reason they were put in place, so I just grind my teeth a little and deal with it.
The US has been one of the last remaining countries where there were no firm “regulations” for hobbyist UAV pilots, rather only “recommendations”. Only Part 107 pilots had to adhere to set rules. Now that the US is about to get in line with the rest of the world regarding hobbyist regulations, I’m sure there will be MANY drone pilots who will continue to thumb their nose at the rules, it’s inevitable. But as fines start getting dished out, and drones start being confiscated, the mindset will begin to change, just like it did about vehicle seatbelts decades ago.
Oh, and I love the childish attacks and attempts at profiling me, simply because I believe in following the rules, most of the time... I’m no saint, I have broken the letter of the law from time to time whilst flying my UAV too, but not to the extent some here have. Want to profile me as one persona type or another? Guess what, I don’t care, since doing so makes yourself look unbelievably immature, and such attacks carry ZERO weight with me. |