NFZ - the solution?
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17692 103 2018-12-6
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Flight distance : 1535679 ft

AlansDronePics Posted at 12-8 08:56
This is a question I forgot to raise. Good one. Well said.

Please refer to my response to Dirty Bird directly above.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

AlansDronePics Posted at 12-8 06:20
A few things I would like to clarify.
1/ I did not decide to remove the NFZ because I wished to fly into restricted areas. I have now successfully removed it so I can fly where I am allowed by law or with permission from Air Traffic Control. Vary rarely, certain land owners have asked me for photos, like our church. No gains to me in any way, I might add. I was able to fly in those places until the recent firmware and database updates by DJI. Nothing has changed with the real law though.
2/ DJIs NFZ implementation is flawed and is just an irritant. After a lot of flapdoodle, you can tick some boxes and fly in the non-central zone, anyway, (Not for me though, suddenly it no longer works). If I was the sort who wanted to fly irresponsibly and illegally, all I need to do is tick the boxes. So what deterrent is this abomination of an addon? I wouldn’t have stopped the Drone amongst the surfers incident  (Video), or the flights over cities or people. Would it?

I want to touch specifically on points 4, 5 and 6 you made...

Yes, these devices should NOT be sold to consumers as casually as going to buy an iPad; there should be mandatory training required before even activating the drone... The GO 4 app can be designed to force the customer to proceed to an online training course and complete it with a satisfactory grade, and then be required to enter an activation code from the training agency site into the GO 4 app in order to clear the drone for activation. And, proper notification of required training should be clearly printed and visible on the packaging of the drones, and info provided to the customer by any sales associate selling the unit in person, or advisory posted on online sites where one might buy a drone.

Yes I'm sure this would put some people off from buying a drone like you said, but it go a LONG way towards ensuring safer operations. I say safer, as some people, even after having taken the course, will still fly irresponsibly, that's a given. But it would go a long way towards improving safety, and improving public perception of the battered community.

As for the idiots who have wrecked the public image of drones for the rest of us, sadly, due to the proliferation of newer, more advanced drones, more and more continue to flood into the market, and not leave. This is also exasperated by social media, who tend to film these idiots flying their drones recklessly and then making the videos go viral in some instances. The average, uninformed Joe would look at one of these videos and instantly say "Oh these drone users are so bad, I hate them" without knowing just how wide spread drones have become in many aspects of society in positive ways.

As for the NFZ software implementation being poor on DJI gear, I agree with this, as I said in a previous post in this thread. But, because it's software, that can be improved. So far *knock on wood* DJI has changed direction as of the Mavic 2 line, and has been listening to some pilot complaints, and updating the GO 4 app and M2 firmware to make it better. It's a slow process, but they do finally seem to be improving a little. Once things settle down in the US with the new FAA rules now being drafted as per the Reauthorization Act, and DJI becoming an official LAANC partner, we should expect to see the NFZ system improved and more properly implemented.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10464596 ft

AlansDronePics Posted at 12-8 08:56
This is a question I forgot to raise. Good one. Well said.

This is sometimes the trouble with TFR it's just announced locally.
We have this each year and it's just announced in local papers and on sign when you
arrive at the town.
People which are travelling often miss that.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 12-8 11:24
TFRs & NOTAMs are supposed to be issued for public safety, NOT to protect the World Surfer Organizations' desire for exclusivity.

Wrong, a TFR or NOTAM can be issued to anything needing exclusive use of airspace, or to denote an airspace hazard to other aircraft pilots, which includes operators of private functions seeking to temporarily restrict airspace for a private function, in which a helicopter is being brought in below FAA minimum AGL regulations for the purpose of filming.

Stop trying to twist facts and laws around to prop yourself up, and going around throwing passive-aggressive insults, as it only makes yourself look like a tool.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

Alright i do believe we have a tie so we go back to the topic agreed?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 12-8 11:28
Now he advocates everyone be forced to pass a course before being allowed to own a drone.

But he's not a control freak...

Actually, that was my suggestion, DirtyBird. However, that was in the context that the whole drone industry adopted it, at the start. As you may know, the UK (closest to me) started a registration scheme in Nov. this year and an on line exam to follow late next year. The registration is unlikely to be rigorously policed, so that is a waste of time, because the good guys, like you, will do it and the bad guys won't bother. The exam will be another of the UKs idea of what a droner needs to know. This of course bears no relationship to real life and will do nothing to keep the bad fraction out of the arena.  Another nice little earner for someone to devise a nonsense.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

EdisonW1979 Posted at 12-8 11:56
Wrong, a TFR or NOTAM can be issued to anything needing exclusive use of airspace, or to denote an airspace hazard to other aircraft pilots, which includes operators of private functions seeking to temporarily restrict airspace for a private function, in which a helicopter is being brought in below FAA minimum AGL regulations for the purpose of filming.

Stop trying to twist facts and laws around to prop yourself up, and going around throwing passive-aggressive insults, as it only makes yourself look like a tool.

Do these TFRs & NOTAMs show up in the NFZ map when you start your drone? I doubt it, so it isn't relevant to the post and also makes the reliance on this inadequate software even less useful. I say reliance, in the sense that it is at least something to check. Actually something unreliable is worse, because the sensible droner will either know where he/she can fly or if a new area, they will make specific enquiries.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

I have just installed the NDL software and only removed the NFZ from the system.
I took the drone to a prohibited area and WITHOUT the props on, set it up to fly.
Apart from the NO PROPS FITTED warning, everything buzzed and hummed like it should.
When the wind dies in a day or so, I will actually fly a couple of batteries doing simple low level and close by manoeuvres.
My main worry is if the Mavic Pro will perform reliably, particularly at distance. For me that would be a maximum of about 750 metres and below 120 metres at sea level.
My greatest delight was the very short time from booting up RC & AC, getting the satellites and simulating a takeoff.
The shear joy of lighting blue touch paper and go. a minute max. No more wasted battery life , faffing with tickboxes and verification. No more frustration. No more wasted phone credit.
Guys, Christmas has come early for me.
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United States

“Stadium Shot” is AWESOME!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

AlansDronePics Posted at 12-9 03:32
I have just installed the NDL software and only removed the NFZ from the system.
I took the drone to a prohibited area and WITHOUT the props on, set it up to fly.
Apart from the NO PROPS FITTED warning, everything buzzed and hummed like it should.

Isn't it great!?!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 12-8 11:44
At least his eyebrow doesn't fall off...  

My dad used to say, "Stop whining or I'll give you something to cry about!"

Sat here safe and legal at my computer, I can say how impressed I am with this video.
The thing I was most curious about was circling the tall building. I would have expected a loss of signal as the building blocked the transmission.
Well done!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 12-9 06:50
Thanks.  It's a Litchi waypoint mission.  The bird is flying RC contact required.

Deep respect!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

AlansDronePics Posted at 12-9 03:19
Do these TFRs & NOTAMs show up in the NFZ map when you start your drone? I doubt it, so it isn't relevant to the post and also makes the reliance on this inadequate software even less useful. I say reliance, in the sense that it is at least something to check. Actually something unreliable is worse, because the sensible droner will either know where he/she can fly or if a new area, they will make specific enquiries.

Yes, for me, for NOTAM's here in Canada, it does show up in GO 4 specifically as a NOTAM, and provides a super brief description, along with radius of the NOTAM. Cannot comment on a TFR, as I haven't encountered any on the days when I went to fly, neither in GO 4 or in AirMap. But at least I know NOTAM's do show up properly.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 12-9 06:50
Thanks.  It's a Litchi waypoint mission.  The bird is flying RC contact required.

So you're flying BVLOS, with no video feed from the drone, no control, no way of knowing if it's collided with another aircraft, or has suffered a malfunction and fallen to the ground, caused damage, caused injury, nothing???

You sir should have all your drones taken away, your irresponsible flying is insane!!!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 12-9 09:14
Certifiable.  We can't all be like you, Edison.  All rules, no content.  May want to stick close to a defibrillator for this one...

Yup, what I expected, more reckless, irresponsible, illegal flights, even by current FAA standards. And how kind enough for you to provide photo evidence too!

You do the drone community a MASSIVE disservice.
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Second Officer

EdisonW1979 Posted at 12-9 11:43
Yup, what I expected, more reckless, irresponsible, illegal flights, even by current FAA standards. And how kind enough for you to provide photo evidence too!

You do the drone community a MASSIVE disservice.

If one reads the credits at the end of the video, it appears that Dirty Bird obtained the required clearances for this epic flight
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

Boffin Posted at 12-9 14:06
If one reads the credits at the end of the video, it appears that Dirty Bird obtained the required clearances for this epic flight

All he does is mention a bunch of brands, a few associations, and the Baltimore PD. He does not make direct references to obtaining permits for this flight, nor does he list any permit numbers / issued certificates for the flight, or whether this flight was undertaken under Section 336 or 107 of the FAA codes.

Listing a bunch of brands, associations, and a police department, does NOT mean he obtained formal permission, permits, authorizations for these flights.
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Bob Brown
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4209662 ft
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United States

EdisonW1979 Posted at 12-9 14:17
All he does is mention a bunch of brands, a few associations, and the Baltimore PD. He does not make direct references to obtaining permits for this flight, nor does he list any permit numbers / issued certificates for the flight, or whether this flight was undertaken under Section 336 or 107 of the FAA codes.

Listing a bunch of brands, associations, and a police department, does NOT mean he obtained formal permission, permits, authorizations for these flights.

Are you going to make an arrest? *woop* *woop*
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

AlansDronePics Posted at 12-9 03:14
Actually, that was my suggestion, DirtyBird. However, that was in the context that the whole drone industry adopted it, at the start. As you may know, the UK (closest to me) started a registration scheme in Nov. this year and an on line exam to follow late next year. The registration is unlikely to be rigorously policed, so that is a waste of time, because the good guys, like you, will do it and the bad guys won't bother. The exam will be another of the UKs idea of what a droner needs to know. This of course bears no relationship to real life and will do nothing to keep the bad fraction out of the arena.  Another nice little earner for someone to devise a nonsense.

"As you may know, the UK (closest to me) started a registration scheme in Nov. this year"

Registration is due to start November 2019 in UK. ... dates-about-drones/
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

EdisonW1979 Posted at 12-9 08:46
Yes, for me, for NOTAM's here in Canada, it does show up in GO 4 specifically as a NOTAM, and provides a super brief description, along with radius of the NOTAM. Cannot comment on a TFR, as I haven't encountered any on the days when I went to fly, neither in GO 4 or in AirMap. But at least I know NOTAM's do show up properly.

During a recent tour of parts of Canada, I was impressed with the scenery and good attitude to cleanliness and good order. I would have taken my drone, but they must have heard I was visiting and rushed a blanket no-drone law through. There were a few places to fly, but they weren't worth visiting. One total poser, I saw him and we all know the type, pot his Phantom up in a crowded park, and was promptly marched away by 2 wardens. I saw him later in the car park, minus a drone. His wife and child seemed upset with him, I wonder why?
I thought the town of Banff was eerie. I seriously wondered if it was a Westworld set. Just a few people  walking along  like automatons and cars cruising like curb crawlers. My wife and I had a snack, sat on a park bench, watching all this excitement. I placed a carton on the ground with my foot on it so it wouldn't blow away, when an 'ociffer of da law' walked by. He looked, smiled and vanished. Later, when I got up and dumped my trash in the bear proof bin, he stepped out from behind a tree and walked back to where he came from. I mention all this, because the Country has high standards, but perhaps lacking in human understanding. Regarding drones in the country, with the proliferation of small planes, like London black cabs, I agree there is no safe place to fly a drone there.
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United States

Dirty Bird, your videos are INCREDIBLE!!
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Bob Brown
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4209662 ft
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United States

This thread is fun to read. Cool daring ohh ahh "illegal" videos and we have a communist drone enforcer that can't get the panties unwedged.  We have one side feeding the fire and the other side warming themselves on the flames. 99.2% of us agree that DJI has no right to restrict or control the use of the machines we purchase. NLD is the cure since DJI has failed to give up the control on their own.  If you do not agree with what NLD does; simply do not use NLD.  If there are laws being broken and not being enforced then your argument should be with the enforcer to enforce the laws. Also as a hobbiest (at least in my area) most of these "laws" and regulations DO NOT APPLY to my flights.  Please show me the hobbyist drone laws or just shad up about NLD already.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 12-9 09:14
Certifiable.  We can't all be like you, Edison.  All rules, no content.  May want to stick close to a defibrillator for this one...

Another enjoyable video. Thank you. Music was stirring as well.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 12-9 16:42
"Follow the Leader" was nothing compared to this insane & utterly irresponsible 10.5 mile mission over a Top Secret clandestine military facility.  This triggered the Stategic Air Command level raised to DEFCON 5, Armageddon loomed imminent, & for a moment the entire planet teetered on the brink of WW3!

I really enjoy these. Thank you.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

Just to report my progress with NDL.
The test flight went without a hitch. What pleased me most was being up in the air in a minute, as soon as the satellites were sufficient.
I did not test any intelligent mode functions this time. I don't use them often, but I will check them in a few weeks time.
A misty, out of focus camera issue that occasionally occurred with the official firmware didn't show itself, in fact the colour, sharpness and exposure seemed far better than I had seen for nearly a year.
I can recommend this upgrade away from DJI software and firmware. NB. I used the NDL version of the android GO 4 app as well.
Here are some stills I took. Not awesome, but it is the sort of crap I like to take.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

Aardvark Posted at 12-9 16:44
"As you may know, the UK (closest to me) started a registration scheme in Nov. this year"

Registration is due to start November 2019 in UK.

I am out of date it seems. I was about to go to the UK for Christmas and would have wasted my time trying to register. Thanks for enlightening me. It is still a waste of time registering and as for the test, I can hardly wait. NOT!
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Bob Brown
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4209662 ft
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United States

NDL NLD DLN whatever it is it allows you to have control and BE in control of your drone. I use the older V01.03.0700 because it gives the most stability and freedoms and the NFZ database thing is not even supported by this firmware at all. I hit cancel on any nfz update and unlock prompts and my drone flies FLAWLESSLY. No wind warnings flooding my screen, no forced landings, no screen lag, video and photos look amazing! It isn't even about a political freedoms stance.. it's more about a practical confidence in the flight software not hitting someone in the face or veering left and then crashing... it is stable and without error.
I run both iPad and Android and on either OS the drone operates as expected.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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AlansDronePics Posted at 12-10 05:18
Just to report my progress with NDL.
The test flight went without a hitch. What pleased me most was being up in the air in a minute, as soon as the satellites were sufficient.
I did not test any intelligent mode functions this time. I don't use them often, but I will check them in a few weeks time.

Great shots, beautiful place.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

Bob Brown Posted at 12-10 05:40
NDL NLD DLN whatever it is it allows you to have control and BE in control of your drone. I use the older V01.03.0700 because it gives the most stability and freedoms and the NFZ database thing is not even supported by this firmware at all. I hit cancel on any update and unlock prompts and my drone flies FLAWLESSLY. No wind warnings flooding my screen, no forced landings, no screen lag, video and photos look amazing! It isn't even about a political freedoms stance.. it's more about a practical confidence in the flight software not hitting someone in the face or veering left and then crashing... it is stable and without error.
I run both iPad and Android and on either OS the drone operates as expected.

I wish I had listened to the wiser voices here, in hindsight. I foolishly believed the updates were initially adding useful improvements to the drone functions and squishing bugs I hadn't yet experienced. I was one of the mugs who kept up to date. I see now that something bad happened within DJI and their software writers. Suddenly my confidence was destroyed by a series of software failures and I decided flying was too dangerous until the software was corrected.
Then the NFZ bit was drip-fed into the software. Initially it seemed harmless enough. Now I realise I had been hoodwinked.
I feel much the same about Windows 10, my Samsung S9+ and to some extent, my car. A pernicious erosion of confidence that the product is working for me. Next year, Win 10 will be neutered and Microsoft can G-F-Themselves. I have sterilised my Samsung J7 so it works faultlessly with the drone and the S9+ will be ex-communicated later in the year. I was amazed how much the UK dealer knew about me and where my car had been, even though it lives in a different country.  I will watch your antics Bob, and learn from a master. Ha ha.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 12-10 05:41
Great shots, beautiful place.

Thank you Hallmark. If you ever visit Alderney, Channel Islands, contact me and I will give you a personal guided tour.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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AlansDronePics Posted at 12-10 08:07
Thank you Hallmark. If you ever visit Alderney, Channel Islands, contact me and I will give you a personal guided tour.

Someday I might just hold you to that very kind offer.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

AlansDronePics Posted at 12-10 08:05
I wish I had listened to the wiser voices here, in hindsight. I foolishly believed the updates were initially adding useful improvements to the drone functions and squishing bugs I hadn't yet experienced. I was one of the mugs who kept up to date. I see now that something bad happened within DJI and their software writers. Suddenly my confidence was destroyed by a series of software failures and I decided flying was too dangerous until the software was corrected.
Then the NFZ bit was drip-fed into the software. Initially it seemed harmless enough. Now I realise I had been hoodwinked.
I feel much the same about Windows 10, my Samsung S9+ and to some extent, my car. A pernicious erosion of confidence that the product is working for me. Next year, Win 10 will be neutered and Microsoft can G-F-Themselves. I have sterilised my Samsung J7 so it works faultlessly with the drone and the S9+ will be ex-communicated later in the year. I was amazed how much the UK dealer knew about me and where my car had been, even though it lives in a different country.  I will watch your antics Bob, and learn from a master. Ha ha.

ya i kept thinking the app would get better then the NFZ crap come in and i updated one more time and said F'er this and gave in to the NLD scene and never looked back. Not sure why i kept thinking they would fix stuff and they just tore it all up. If you fly and not get crazy/follow most laws hehe and you will be fine. Have fun!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1192231 ft
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AlansDronePics Posted at 12-10 05:18
Just to report my progress with NDL.
The test flight went without a hitch. What pleased me most was being up in the air in a minute, as soon as the satellites were sufficient.
I did not test any intelligent mode functions this time. I don't use them often, but I will check them in a few weeks time.

Its the sort of stuff i like taking too, these are fabulous shots, love them.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

AlansDronePics Posted at 12-10 02:05
During a recent tour of parts of Canada, I was impressed with the scenery and good attitude to cleanliness and good order. I would have taken my drone, but they must have heard I was visiting and rushed a blanket no-drone law through. There were a few places to fly, but they weren't worth visiting. One total poser, I saw him and we all know the type, pot his Phantom up in a crowded park, and was promptly marched away by 2 wardens. I saw him later in the car park, minus a drone. His wife and child seemed upset with him, I wonder why?
I thought the town of Banff was eerie. I seriously wondered if it was a Westworld set. Just a few people  walking along  like automatons and cars cruising like curb crawlers. My wife and I had a snack, sat on a park bench, watching all this excitement. I placed a carton on the ground with my foot on it so it wouldn't blow away, when an 'ociffer of da law' walked by. He looked, smiled and vanished. Later, when I got up and dumped my trash in the bear proof bin, he stepped out from behind a tree and walked back to where he came from. I mention all this, because the Country has high standards, but perhaps lacking in human understanding. Regarding drones in the country, with the proliferation of small planes, like London black cabs, I agree there is no safe place to fly a drone there.

Here is a prime example of where I too think this is a frivolous NFZ...

Like in the US, here in Canada, areas deemed National Parks are completely off-limits to sUAV/UAV operations, even commercial, unless you have permission and permits up the ying yang.

The entire Rocky Mountain range that borders British Columbia and Alberta is classified as a National Park, with both Jasper and Banff being within the zone. It doesn’t surprise me one bit that the Phantom pilot you mention got whisked away and his drone confiscated, as that’s almost the maximum penalty for flying a UAV in a Canadian National Park. In fact, the punishment can range from a HEAFTY fine to jail time, and confiscation of your UAV.

Also in Canada, the federal RCMP and regional police forces have been given the authority to issue fines for illegal drone operations if the pilot is caught.

There are many, just breathtaking places, in both Banff and Jasper where flying a drone would be, in my view, and based on airspace traffic, completely safe, and would yield some of the most stunning aerial footage you could dream of. But alas, in this case our government has a stick up their behind, like the US, and thinks National Parks are a no-go.

I think you may have been in Banff during off-peak season, as there are actually several great places to visit, in and around the town; mostly around

There are still many great places to fly, but you won’t find them in or around most urban centres. The Thompson Okanagan reigion, Cariboo, and others in the central part of the province, are still open to drone flights, so many drone pilots can be found in those areas.

Canada’s drone laws are strict, but they’re on-par with what most of the rest of the world seem to be adopting as the new “standard” for UAV regulations. I find something the rules downright stupid, but at the same time, I look on the other side of the coin, and not only realize why they are there, but also the reason they were put in place, so I just grind my teeth a little and deal with it.

The US has been one of the last remaining countries where there were no firm “regulations” for hobbyist UAV pilots, rather only “recommendations”. Only Part 107 pilots had to adhere to set rules. Now that the US is about to get in line with the rest of the world regarding hobbyist regulations, I’m sure there will be MANY drone pilots who will continue to thumb their nose at the rules, it’s inevitable. But as fines start getting dished out, and drones start being confiscated, the mindset will begin to change, just like it did about  vehicle seatbelts decades ago.

Oh, and I love the childish attacks and attempts at profiling me, simply because I believe in following the rules, most of the time... I’m no saint, I have broken the letter of the law from time to time whilst flying my UAV too, but not to the extent some here have. Want to profile me as one persona type or another? Guess what, I don’t care, since doing so makes yourself look unbelievably immature, and such attacks carry ZERO weight with me.
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United States

Hilarious and very cool! A voice over with cracking radio static phrases would have pushed it over the top.
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United States

EdisonW1979 Posted at 12-10 16:50
Here is a prime example of where I too think this is a frivolous NFZ...

Like in the US, here in Canada, areas deemed National Parks are completely off-limits to sUAV/UAV operations, even commercial, unless you have permission and permits up the ying yang.

If the shoe fits...I rest my case.
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United States

Now who's "profiling?"    “…Stop trying to twist facts and laws around to prop yourself up, and going around throwing passive-aggressive insults, as it only makes yourself look like a tool.”

What's childish and immature about this?  Name calling, derogatory and abusive comments....
“…You might be ignorant…”
“…discussion with a gun-loving American Redneck...”
“…the audacity to make the comments you have given the idiot you Americans have in the drivers seat in the White House right now.”
“…despite your constant ignorant denials…”
“You sir should have all your drones taken away, your irresponsible flying is insane!!!”
“You do the drone community a MASSIVE disservice.”

Perhaps you weren't abused as a child.  Maybe this is the source of your anger and angst:  “…because I get verbally abused for flying a quad..”  

So like you mentioned to Dirty Bird:  GET OVER IT.  So do the "drone community" a MASSIVE service and get some professional help.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10464596 ft

Bob Brown Posted at 12-10 05:40
NDL NLD DLN whatever it is it allows you to have control and BE in control of your drone. I use the older V01.03.0700 because it gives the most stability and freedoms and the NFZ database thing is not even supported by this firmware at all. I hit cancel on any nfz update and unlock prompts and my drone flies FLAWLESSLY. No wind warnings flooding my screen, no forced landings, no screen lag, video and photos look amazing! It isn't even about a political freedoms stance.. it's more about a practical confidence in the flight software not hitting someone in the face or veering left and then crashing... it is stable and without error.
I run both iPad and Android and on either OS the drone operates as expected.

Fully agree. I did the same but then updated to V01.04.0300 and will stay there.
No altitude limit and no wind warning or forced landing.
Have on the other hand updated the Fly Safe Database just to test it.

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Second Officer

G_Sig Posted at 12-11 22:10
Fully agree. I did the same but then updated to V01.04.0300 and will stay there.
No altitude limit and no wind warning or forced landing.
Have on the other hand updated the Fly Safe Database just to test it.

Nice shots G_Sig. Like how the glaciers make their own rivers through the valleys
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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G_Sig Posted at 12-11 22:10
Fully agree. I did the same but then updated to V01.04.0300 and will stay there.
No altitude limit and no wind warning or forced landing.
Have on the other hand updated the Fly Safe Database just to test it.

They look great G_Sig . Great job.
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