Flight distance : 355482 ft
robbe121 Posted at 6-5 00:41
I talked to the DJI support Team yesterday and the result is pretty disappointing... no official way to downgrade and it seemed they didnt cared much ._.
I have sent a support email, but they still haven't replied...
I think that the problems is not completely related to firmware. I was reviewing some footage and I am able to track the moment of failure quite accurate.
I bought the cammera on saturday.
I have done some footage and tests during sunday and monday. Everything working great.
I have updated the firmware on monday night, everything looks ok.
I have recorded some footage tuesday mornig, everything ok.
I turn on the cammera tuesday night and the display was showing the picture different, with a bad stabilization...
I have the mount in the front of my car and I was able to repeat a recording in the same street that the footage from monday night. Compared the two recording, the difference is very notorious.
But the recording of tuesday morning are ok. So the firmware is not the problem... I am suspecting on something like a hardware sensor that may meassure the horizontal or something like that. The rotation of the cammera is detected fine.
I will try to upload that comparation to youtube to show you.
Thank you all for the support.