DNG files are way too dark in LIghtroom - What am I doing wrong ?
6808 65 2022-6-1
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DJI Thor Posted at 6-5 19:06
Hi, there. Hello, there. Sorry for your inconvenience. Could you please give the original files of DNG and JPEG for us to double-check? You could upload them to Google Drive/ Dropbox and send the link to us. We will forward it to our engineer for further analysis. Thank you.

Here are two samples for you. Settings are the same except I think I might have been in auto white balance.

https://drive.google.com/drive/f ... _FKsdly?usp=sharing
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Flight distance : 225210 ft

Hello, I have the same findings. When importing a DNG in photoshop the image looks underexposed, I have to raise the exposure and the shadows quite high to match the level of details of the jpg, but the result is quite different. There is some kind of vignetting also, but I didn't try the 48mp mode to have a comparison.
The drone seems to apply an auto-HDR on the jpg (with the dual iso ? or an auto-bracketing ?) + a vignetting correction. Could it be that we get the low exposure data in the 12mp DNG instead of a neutral exposure picture ? anyway the DNG is useable, the sky is not burnt thanks to the low exposure and the shadows still have detail.
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Flight distance : 145020 ft

Meuhbat Posted at 6-7 15:13
Hello, I have the same findings. When importing a DNG in photoshop the image looks underexposed, I have to raise the exposure and the shadows quite high to match the level of details of the jpg, but the result is quite different. There is some kind of vignetting also, but I didn't try the 48mp mode to have a comparison.
The drone seems to apply an auto-HDR on the jpg (with the dual iso ? or an auto-bracketing ?) + a vignetting correction. Could it be that we get the low exposure data in the 12mp DNG instead of a neutral exposure picture ? anyway the DNG is useable, the sky is not burnt thanks to the low exposure and the shadows still have detail.

This is quite annoying as I either have to REALLY to crank up the shadow slider (most of the time at +100 or apply a strong vignetting correction of +75.
But sometimes it's the 48mp pictures that seem overexposed.
I really hope DJI will fix it in the next firmware update.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

fans8f487c1d Posted at 6-6 09:18
Here are two samples for you. Settings are the same except I think I might have been in auto white balance.


Hi, there. Thanks for your reply. We have forwarded it to our team for further analysis. If there is any feedback, we will keep you updated. Thank you.
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United States

I am probably late to the party, but experiencing the same. The 12MP images have huge vignetting issues. This image was shot at 1/3200sec, EV0

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I have a theory as to what's going on here.  The Mini 3 has a "dual ISO" setting, but it only seems to use it in standard photo mode.  It's basically already trying to do HDR, by combining two different ISO settings at the same time.  I noticed that as soon as I flip from 12MP to 48MP that the exposure changes, even though I didn't change any settings yet.

Could this be confusing L/R on the import?
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Flight distance : 145020 ft

Darkpaw Posted at 6-8 17:09
I have a theory as to what's going on here.  The Mini 3 has a "dual ISO" setting, but it only seems to use it in standard photo mode.  It's basically already trying to do HDR, by combining two different ISO settings at the same time.  I noticed that as soon as I flip from 12MP to 48MP that the exposure changes, even though I didn't change any settings yet.

Could this be confusing L/R on the import?

You might be on the right track as this problems only occurs in the 12MP DNG shots.
The 48MP shots don't get the HDR treatment so that might be the reason they don't have that strong vignetting.
I really hope DJI will find out what's the problem and fix it as this is really a problem.
I saw someone in another forum who had made a panorama, but because of that vignetting problem, the result looked bas as there were dark areas where the photos were merged which ruined the pano.
I can't understand why there aren't yet any youtubers talking about that problem, are they just shooting JPGs or only videos ?
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Flight distance : 238747 ft

fans7b6014ff Posted at 6-9 04:43
You might be on the right track as this problems only occurs in the 12MP DNG shots.
The 48MP shots don't get the HDR treatment so that might be the reason they don't have that strong vignetting.
I really hope DJI will find out what's the problem and fix it as this is really a problem.

"I can't understand why there aren't yet any youtubers talking about that problem, are they just shooting JPGs or only videos ?"

This is the only thing that makes me wonder if it could be a hardware problem with just some copies of the drone. If it were everyone, for sure there would be lots of posts about it, but I can't find anything. I've even asked a few reviewers in their comments but they don't answer.
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United Kingdom

Darkpaw Posted at 6-8 17:09
I noticed that as soon as I flip from 12MP to 48MP that the exposure changes, even though I didn't change any settings yet.

Yeah that's my experience also
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Hi, I'm seeing the same issue when loading 12MP DNG into lightroom as well as Photoshop Camera RAW. I'm not sure if this is related but I'm also seeing stronger artifacts in the DNG that I don't see in JPG.



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Flight distance : 145020 ft

fansa79f7156 Posted at 6-12 04:19
Hi, I'm seeing the same issue when loading 12MP DNG into lightroom as well as Photoshop Camera RAW. I'm not sure if this is related but I'm also seeing stronger compression artifacts in the DNG that I don't see in JPG.


Yeah that doesn't look great.
Maybe DJI messed up and forgot to include the profile in the 12MP DNG files.
I really hope they will be able to fix that quickly in the next firmware update. Or are we screwed and it's a hardware issue as not so many people are talking about that problem (or maybe people just shoot videos or take photos in JPG and never use the DNGs with their Mini 3 Pro).
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

Windows is reading the embedded JPG preview (which is "edited" by the drone).  Lightroom is rendering the actual DNG and that looks right - its a huge dynamic range scene so you'd expect a dark foreground.

You can prove this by right clicking on the DNG and looking at its properties - windows reports it as a 960 x 720 resolution image.  Its reading the embedded jpg preview not the actual DNG.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

neodraig Posted at 6-5 14:14
Thanks for the tests, it really shows the vignetting problem.
I can't understand why such a strong vignetting is applied to the 12mp DNGs once they are imported in Lightroom (or Capture One).
Could there be a bug in the informations embedded in the file ?

Vignette is not being applied - its present.

The JPGs (and the embedded jpg preview in the dng file) have it applied but due to a firmware bug it seems the correction is not being embedded into the DNG for software to use.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

To clarify here the bug we're all seeing seems to be:-

- JPGs have lens correction correctly applied
- Embedded JPG previews have the correction applied
- 48mp images have the vignette correction applied in the DNG
- 12mp images DO NOT have the vignette correction applied in the DNG.

So to summarise, its a bug where the profile correction for the 12mp format images is not being written into the DNG file for use with software.

Thats a firmware/software bug that should be a very simple fix.
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Flight distance : 225210 ft

Is it possible to "manually" edit a 12mp DNG to include the lens profile from a 48mp DNG ? is it a sequence at the beginning or end of the file that we can identify and change with an hexadecimal editor ? or maybe there is a feature in LR or other raw editing software to copy the 48mp profile and apply it on another image ?
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Flight distance : 5712575 ft
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No because the profile data will be entirely different (the 48mp has a ton of debayer profilers and so on).

Just dial in some 55-67 vignette in Adobe to sort it.
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Flight distance : 145020 ft

gnirtS Posted at 6-12 09:17
No because the profile data will be entirely different (the 48mp has a ton of debayer profilers and so on).

Just dial in some 55-67 vignette in Adobe to sort it.

As I already answered in another post, if you want to create a panorama using the 12MP DNG files, trying to correct the vignetting  is not enough to fix the problem, it still results in bandings (not present if you use the 48MP DNGs).

Panorama created using the 12MP DNGs with vignetting correction:
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

Panoramas you're screwed for now unfortunately, especially if using lightroom as it ignores all the lens corrections dialled in prior to merge.  Only workaround is to shoot with a LOT more overlap and crop before merging.
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Flight distance : 617598 ft

Same problem for me. I hope it will be resolved ASAP.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

Lobster Posted at 6-9 21:29
Yeah that's my experience also

I created a proper Colour Checker based profile for the drone to get 100% accurate colour rendition as i do with all my cameras.
Interestingly, the created profile was 0.5 - 0.6 stops brighter than the base imported image for both the 12 and 48mp images.

So it looks like its a software bug - for whatever reason the DNG is encoding the files about half a stop darker than intended on import.
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United States

Greetings to all. I'm wanting to re-surface this matter as I have the very exact problem going on over here on my end with the new mini 3 pro I just bought. After importing photos into Lr Classic on my mac, they're appearing darker as a result of some automated process. I've done all the troubleshooting posted here and beyond and continue to run into the same problem.

I also called DJI sport today. The individual I spoke with stated that they had never heard of the problem and advised that I should be receiving an email from the 'resolution team'. It'll be interesting to see if I do receive such a message and if anything comes of it.

At the moment, I'm suspecting that, unfortunately, there's no camera/lens/color profiles here for Adobe / DJI to recognize. I can't imagine this is happening with the newer mavic 3's.

I'd appreciate any feedback anyone might have to share. Thanks!
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United Kingdom

jlexposure Posted at 2-15 18:45
Greetings to all. I'm wanting to re-surface this matter as I have the very exact problem going on over here on my end with the new mini 3 pro I just bought. After importing photos into Lr Classic on my mac, they're appearing darker as a result of some automated process. I've done all the troubleshooting posted here and beyond and continue to run into the same problem.

I also called DJI sport today. The individual I spoke with stated that they had never heard of the problem and advised that I should be receiving an email from the 'resolution team'. It'll be interesting to see if I do receive such a message and if anything comes of it.

Post an original dng file and so someone can see the issue and perhaps work out the cause.
You'll have to upload to dropbox or similar and post a link.

I'm suspecting that, unfortunately, there's no camera/lens/color  profiles here for Adobe / DJI to recognize.
The lens correction information is built-in to the image file.
No camera profiles are required.

I can't imagine this is  happening with the newer mavic 3's.
The Mini 3 pro was released in May 2022, 6 months after the Mavic 3 which came out in November 2021.

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Flight distance : 3459731 ft
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I have the same irritating problem with my sony a7III and lightroom and m2pro and lightroom, did not noticed on my mini 3pro. Never found a solution. When i tried in another software like Afinity and some other it reads exactly like it should, but lightroom makes a mess out of my pictures. Grrrrrr
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Flight distance : 641837 ft
United States

Hello, did anyone ever solve this issue? I am having similar issues with Mavic 3 photos. They look great on the controller and before import in the MAC
preview, but upon importing they have very strong vignetting, underexposed, a greenish color cast or just an off looking white balance and it takes a long time to edit the image back to something useable. I am bracketing, and even still everything is consistently too dark. Any shots overexposed in the bracket series also look awful, poor shadow detail, blown out highlights, lack of definition, poor color etc. It's like theres no in between to get a good exposure.  The only occasion that images may look decent is blue sky day and I am shooting something close up like a building. Anything with distance looks awful.... Checked my icc profiles and its all standard import settings. I tried, capture one,. LR and Photoshop, all same thing. Thanks for any advice!
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The 360 Guy
Flight distance : 1105089 ft

Hey guys!

I'm also having this problem with my Mavic 3 (Dual Lens). In my research, I have seen many reports of people with the problem of underexposure associated with using the Smart Controller. And it was like that with me, since I exchanged my original control for the Smart Controller, I started to see how the photos were underexposed in Lightroom. Are you guys using the Smart Controller too? Cheers!
4-20 18:06
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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The 360 Guy Posted at 4-20 18:06
Hey guys!

I'm also having this problem with my Mavic 3 (Dual Lens). In my research, I have seen many reports of people with the problem of underexposure associated with using the Smart Controller. And it was like that with me, since I exchanged my original control for the Smart Controller, I started to see how the photos were underexposed in Lightroom. Are you guys using the Smart Controller too? Cheers!

It probably has nothing to do with your controller.
The obvious thing to check first is that you didn't accidentally set the exposure compensation wrong.
Upload a full-size, original image to Dropbox or similar and post a link to it here.
4-20 23:15
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