After Firmware update, 1st flyaway Compass gone BAD
4967 46 2015-8-4
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jag 101
United States

I agree if its not broken don't fix it. in the manual if you are going to a different location do compass calibration or before each doesn't say do imu calibration. if your copter is warming up more than xpected you will do cold IMU and will resolved the issue. bottomline if it works well don't play with EXPENSIVE DRONE..If the actual engineers in dji tell me then that's the time I will do it.If you are one of the engineers who designed this then you are right.I got cited by police two times but I win there is no regulation I told them im flyng below 400 ft,  flyng public area ,and 5 nautical radius away  to the nearest airport  yet same as this put it to writing not personal experience or opinion.
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United States

Protocol?  We have folks here saying they never did a calibration after a firmware update...protocol? where in the manual does it say you have to do a calibration after a a firmware update? NO ANSWER.

People here are assuming on things that have no official DJI  bearing.. All in the name of common sense and protocol.. That's bullshit.  if DJI does not put it in writing, it's not official. So don't come here with your opinion and criticisim because they are baseless and unfounded. Until DJI puts in writing it's meaning less.


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United States

I have only been flying drones for 2 weeks so forgive me if I speak out of turn but even I figured it would be a great idea to do a complete calibration after new firmware was installed.  But then again I am also under the impression that people should take responsibilities for their own actions or lack of them.  DJI isn't responsible for what you do with your drone or how you proceed after a complete update to the software/firmware, that is your choice.  But it sounds to me that you have failed to take responsibility for your actions.  YOU chose not to recalibrate the sensors after an update, YOU chose to have your drone fly off without checking your sensors to make sure everything was correct, YOU chose to not fully understand how the drone reacts when connection is lost, YOU chose not to limit the drone to specific parameters which would prevent it from flying off to never never land.  If you are willing to take $1300 and just throw it out the window that is again, YOUR choice.  But to someone who is new to this and takes responsibilities for his own actions I will do whatever I can to ensure my $1300 drone doesn't just "fly away" when I go fly.

Just a newbies opinion
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Willie Wonka
United States
Offline Posted at 2015-8-7 03:09
Protocol?  We have folks here saying they never did a calibration after a firmware update...protocol ...

If you feel that way then its your opinion, don't follow the common protocol and go ahead and fly without calibrating after firmware update but don't come asking for help after it flies away and crashes into pieces.

what some are getting away with it IS ONLY because it was ACCIDENTALLY left on a level surface away from any electronics while doing the firmware upgrade, why don't you try and calibrate it and then upgrade the firmware while moving it around and then see the sensors look out of whack when you initialize it as if you going  to start flying.
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United States

johnsonjf Posted at 2015-8-7 03:39
I have only been flying drones for 2 weeks so forgive me if I speak out of turn but even I figured i ...

I've only been flying but a couple of weeks. This is my 1st drone. Please tell me where you found the enlightnment to re-calibrate everything after a firmware update? I have followed the DJI instructions to the letter and the only thing I have recalibrated is the compass. It would be a "wise" move for DJI to
"include" in their instructions that a recalibration of everything is in order for every firmware update. I had no idea that a firmware update could compromise other calibrations. How would EVERYONE know that?
From reading this thread it would seem the only thing accomplished here would be a sense of lousy attitued to anyone that poses an issue and the dwindling of many of us in participating in this forum.
Those experienced should be "helping and guiding" those that have errored or are seeking help. But not to try and show how superior they think they are, to those still learining. That behavior falls under the catigory of "dick head"!!!!!
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This calibration business is more an art than a science. Some people seem to do this every flight, Some hardly ever. Manual of A2/WKM says something like you travel more than 100 miles (if i remember well) between flights then you need to recalibrate. This an adding/changing electronics on the bird.
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United States

While you should always calibrate the compass after installing new firmware, the following guide explains other situations when a compass calibration should be done:

In addition to calibrating everything after installing new firmware, you should also check all of the settings in the DJI GO/Pilot app. Steps #47 and #48 in the instructions below are very important parts of the firmware installation. Don't make the mistake of disregarding them.
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