Like it so much just bought a Second one
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Offline Posted at 12-14 01:43
Well the world of Cinema use 1080p 24fps 10 times more than any other resolution . But what would they know. We all remember the disaster of shooting the Hobbit in 60 fps, it never took off and thats why still to this day 24 fps is the only choice for cinema footage, maybe Bigplumbs is on to something.

Hobbit was filmed in 48fps.

The reason for 24 FPS is really historical and ‘learned’ by the audience as being the norm. You have the resolution wrong.
Is this Hallmark Jewellery incorporated?

If you are claiming that Hobbit failed because of 48FPS, there are others filmed that way..... Titanic was done in 48 too, although it might have been converted. Avatar 2 is in 48 as well. The record ...... Gemini Man at 120fps!!!
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StevoB Posted at 12-14 02:09
At least now you've shown that you understand it, and it still seems to me that it's one person, already under 3 nicknames. Cinemas use 24fps for the smooth movement, but the maximum resolution it can give!!! I would like to see you in the front row watching a 1080p movie on a 20m long screen...

The problem is so many experts actually know very little, but have know problem belittling others . You seem to Run with the hares and hunt with the hounds and how dare anyone else have a differing opinion. But those with the last laugh are those actually making good use out of the products they bought and own. But they also have opinions and instead of listening to them you decide to hunt in your little packs to denigrate their opinions.

Regarding the “nicknames” I changed the photo on my Avatar the system changed the name, but dji mod has kindly changed it back. I can assure you Im not Bigplumbs, but once again it just shows your ignorance.
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Movies used to be videod in hd but these days 4k is more common. Mostly 4k now. Some even in 8k.

Cinemas tend to use 2K to project the image. Some have 4k.

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Hallmark007 Posted at 12-14 02:25
The problem is so many experts actually know very little, but have know problem belittling others . You seem to Run with the hares and hunt with the hounds and how dare anyone else have a differing opinion. But those with the last laugh are those actually making good use out of the products they bought and own. But they also have opinions and instead of listening to them you decide to hunt in your little packs to denigrate their opinions.

Regarding the “nicknames” I changed the photo on my Avatar the system changed the name, but dji mod has kindly changed it back. I can assure you Im not Bigplumbs, but once again it just shows your ignorance.

Again, empty talk, have you already looked at the source I gave for the photos? or are you just pretending to be important and going to follow some scientific procedure to determine the malfunction and the need for the original? It is you and your nicknames that disparage people with a different opinion, because you come here and attack, nobody writes anything to you, they just react to your aggressiveness in their own more or less tolerable way.
On topic. Do you see any image distortions? As I promised, I will also give videos AND SOURCES of course.
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Why are movies 24fps not 60?
In the silent film era, filmmakers shot movies between 16 and 20fps, which was why the motion appeared fast and jerky. Today, filmmakers typically shoot video at a minimum of 24fps because this is believed to be the lowest frame rate required to make motion appear natural to the human eye.

It is different shooting in 1080p and higher resolution on a small action camera than it is shooting on a DSLR or even a professional movie camera.
My DSLR shoot better quality video in 1080p upscaled to 4K, than any of my action cameras shot in 4K.
The reason is better sensor, cpu and the lens that is way sharper.
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Best to say nothing.
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Congrats on getting your 2nd OA3.
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Offline Posted at 12-14 01:43
Well the world of Cinema use 1080p 24fps 10 times more than any other resolution . But what would they know. We all remember the disaster of shooting the Hobbit in 60 fps, it never took off and thats why still to this day 24 fps is the only choice for cinema footage, maybe Bigplumbs is on to something.

What was the last movie you or Bigplumbs made, I really want to watch it!
Everything else is empty talk and throwing dust in people's eyes.
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United Kingdom

Kamen666 Posted at 12-14 06:04
What was the last movie you or Bigplumbs made, I really want to watch it!
Everything else is empty talk and throwing dust in people's eyes.

Laurel and Hardy, ‘Way Out West’. 16fps average.  480p. They starred in it.
(Sorry, I couldn't resist)
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Here they are

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I just finished watching a Norwegian film on Netflix…… Troll. 4k HDR though...... Far too sharp.
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Iancraig10 Posted at 12-14 06:36
I just finished watching a Norwegian film on Netflix…… Troll. 4k HDR though...... Far too sharp.

You need to watch it with +2 reading glasses on so it will be good enough
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Kamen666 Posted at 12-14 06:04
What was the last movie you or Bigplumbs made, I really want to watch it!
Everything else is empty talk and throwing dust in people's eyes.

Last movie I seen was banshee of inisheerin , it has just received 8 golden globe nominations and I have produced two drone shots for it. What have you done except whine on this forum …..
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Iancraig10 Posted at 12-14 06:36
I just finished watching a Norwegian film on Netflix…… Troll. 4k HDR though...... Far too sharp.

I don’t why you’re still whining, you proclaimed that FW update sorted out your A3 just as I said it would the rest of the whining Ninnys are still confused as to what’s going on. Johansenfoto has a real fetish for old people also had his sorted out through FW. This was the advice given initially but you all or at least 5 of you decided to drink Marcos cool aid, so you all whined about nothing anyone could prove but ended up in exactly the same place as everyone else. “WDTS” bunch of Women Down at The Shops and if you read the forum it was actually your good friend David Harry who said this , how right he was
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johansenfoto Posted at 12-14 03:49
Why are movies 24fps not 60?
In the silent film era, filmmakers shot movies between 16 and 20fps, which was why the motion appeared fast and jerky. Today, filmmakers typically shoot video at a minimum of 24fps because this is believed to be the lowest frame rate required to make motion appear natural to the human eye.

Oh you really are a clown … be educated and weep…..

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I provided answers to your ignorant statement about movies. No ‘whining’ as you put it. All you do is antagonise people. Much worse than whining which is easier to ignore. Pots. Kettles. Hare. Hound. Whatever. Load of old tripe.

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Iancraig10 Posted at 12-14 06:36
I just finished watching a Norwegian film on Netflix…… Troll. 4k HDR though...... Far too sharp.

You who worked in the industry learned very little and nobody claimed or said anything about Netflix . Don’t be a clown all your life.

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Don’t be an antagoniser. Stick to jewellery and being nice to customers.

I have only been correcting your statement which you don't like so as usual, you get nasty. I'm not 'whining' as you so nicely put it. (As usual) I DID NOT say that the A3 was fixed. I said that is was greatly improved and could mean that I keep it.

The film industry is moving over to 4k. It takes a long time because of the cost of the gear. I wonder why they're doing that if it's worse? Cinemas project in 2K normally. Some have gone over to 4k but again, it's the expense of changing.

1080 films are upscaled for playback. (Slightly older films)

As far as the Action 3 is concerned, it might well be beneficial to film in 4k and render in 1080 if that's what you want to watch. You could then zoom in a bit on footage with no loss in quality theoretically. (If the focus is right)

Best that I don't tell you what Dave Harry thinks of this forum....... why do you think he rarely comes on here?  He's busy with the A2 and guess what ..... he's mentioned 'SOFT PICTURE' in certain settings!!! He's not interested in the 3 because guess what ...... he didn't like the CLOSE FOCUS of the Action 1 and got rid of it. We were talking about it last week.

In any case, this is all nothing to do with Mr Plumb's second camera because he likes it so much and I don't know why I reply to you because talking to you is highly unpleasant and you are a pain in the

Mods 57

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Iancraig10 Posted at 12-14 10:48
Don’t be an antagoniser for the whole of your life. Stick to jewellery and being nice to customers.

I have only been correcting your statement which you don't like so as usual, you get nasty. Not 'whining' as you so nicely put it. (As usual) I DID NOT say that the A3 was fixed. I said that is was greatly improved and could mean that I keep it.

In any case, this is all nothing to do with Mr Plumb's second camera because he likes it so much.

Yes you’re right about this, but it didn’t take long for the whining Ninny’s to ridicule someone actually enjoying what they had purchased and using it the way he felt was best for him, your Norwegian friend seems to have a real ageism problem as if older people cannot have opinions a very extreme view that was first adapted by the ridiculous moustached cretin of the 40s who believed that blond haired blue eyed race was all that was important on this earth.
You know you shouldn’t  whine when you’re attacked if you have ridiculed others and the same for the other fools who done the same.
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What’s this got to do with you? Are you the Garda or something. What has Hitler to do with anything here? Why are you referring to a Norwegian guy as basically a nazi? Have you any idea how that could make him feel? Why are you calling people Ninny's? Why are you calling people fools?

There's that unpleasantness in just one post, yet again. I find your posts offensive if I'm honest and I know that telling you is a waste of time because you couldn't care less.

Mods 54, 57, 59
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Iancraig10 Posted at 12-14 11:40
What’s this got to do with you? Are you the Garda or something. What has Hitler to do with anything here? Why are you referring to a Norwegian guy as basically a nazi? Have you any idea how that could make him feel? Why are you calling people Ninny's? Why are you calling people fools?

There's that unpleasantness in just one post, yet again. I find your posts offensive if I'm honest and I know that telling you is a waste of time because you couldn't care less.

What’s this got to do with you? Are you the Garda or something. What has Hitler to do with anything here? Why are you referring to a Norwegian guy as basically a nazi? Have you any idea how that could make him feel? Why are you calling people Ninny's? Why are you calling people fools?

Well what’s it got to do with you, once again trying to tell others they have no opinions . The Norwegian guy has constantly tried to denigrate older people as if there opinions were less than younger people, and as we know Hitler had no use particularly for older useless people a view shared  by the blond haired blue eyed Aryan race . Why would someone continually refer to others as useless or unworthy because he believes they are old , its extreme ageist behaviour. Go figure that one yourself but he continues to refer to anyone he doesn’t agree with as old “why”

Your poor attempt at being Irish is nothing but embarrassing and no Irishman would need to stoop so low. Whining ninny’s ‘well it seems if anyone disagrees with the any of the whining ninny’s they all seem to reply with the same ridiculous chorus. But one thing is clear that the insulting and ridiculing always starts with the whining ninny’s “go figure that”

"Whether blind or ocd, each to his own."

Maybe if you hadn't insulted others these things would not be said.....
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I am from Belfast, I assure you. I have an English accent because I moved to the UK as a kid. It got me into a lot of trouble in school. Irish people from Belfast were not popular in the UK then. Especially the Belfast accent.  An accent doesn't determine where you are originally from but most people would know that. Not remembering the year England won the football is also not proof. You base your assumptions on stupidities. In any case, why did you bring this up? Again, deflecting? Like the Hitler jibe.... deflecting?

You call that an insult? 'Each to his own?' It actually refers to the names BOTH sides used.

Leave Mr Plumb to enjoy his camera for everyone else’s’ sake and leave me alone for my own's sake.

It's a waste of time trying to talk with both of you anyway. It really is.

Mods 61
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Iancraig10 Posted at 12-14 13:11
I am from Belfast, I assure you. I have an English accent because I moved to the UK as a kid. It got me into a lot of trouble in school. Irish people from Belfast were not popular in the UK then. Especially the Belfast accent.  An accent doesn't determine where you are originally from but most people would know that. Not remembering the year England won the football is also not proof. You base your assumptions on stupidities. In any case, why did you bring this up? Again, deflecting? Like the Hitler jibe.... deflecting?

You call that an insult? 'Each to his own?' It actually refers to the names BOTH sides used. Eejit.

You don’t talk to people . You insult them first, but then forget you did it. It was you that ridiculed bigplumbs ‘for no reason” . Its not that long ago you wrote you were from Dublin, its like dealing with Me Myself and Irene. Its clear that you also decide to try to get personal with people trying to make a bad attempt at trolling their personal lives. I’m not sure why you find the need to get so personal , maybe because your argument makes very little sense. But you’re free to comment on anything I say here on this forum but I’m not sure getting personal is part of the rules here.
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I don’t read all the uneducated nonsense the Trolls write. I am old enough and experienced enough and have bought and used enough DJI gear to know my way around it and more importantly how to enjoy it.

So many moaners and wingers on here sadly have OCD and can’t help themselves. As I have said many times they need both to get out more and get a life.
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United Kingdom

Hallmark007 Posted at 12-14 14:57
You don’t talk to people . You insult them first, but then forget you did it. It was you that ridiculed bigplumbs ‘for no reason” . Its not that long ago you wrote you were from Dublin, its like dealing with Me Myself and Irene. Its clear that you also decide to try to get personal with people trying to make a bad attempt at trolling their personal lives. I’m not sure why you find the need to get so personal , maybe because your argument makes very little sense. But you’re free to comment on anything I say here on this forum but I’m not sure getting personal is part of the rules here.

I do talk to people. Fortunately, not you or Plumb. That's a waste of time and unpleasant. Any form of real discussion with the two of you descends into nonsense like this with alarming regularity. Not just me but others too.

I didn’t say I'm from Dublin. I'm from Belfast, married in Dublin on NorthSide. With a second name being 'Craig', you'd think Irish people might recognise it as N. Irish or Scottish!  Learn to read your pm's properly.

Talking about where I'm from isn't personal then?  I see you're now divulging some of the content from our nasty little pm exchange, initiated by you!  'Divulging personal information sent to you by via pm'? You naughty boy!

Doxing is a nasty thing to do.

Doxxers collect breadcrumbs about people scattered across the internet, and then assemble those small pieces of information to reveal the real person behind an alias. Breadcrumb data can include the target’s name, physical address, email address, phone number, and more. Doxxers may also buy and sell personal info on the dark web.

I have never discussed where I'm from with Professor Plumb. Ever. I discuss nothing with him. I can't resist ... Pot calling the kettle black?

Talking about my shirts in my videos? Calling me a 'girl's blouse? Calling me a liar? Not personal? Yet more deflection. The Nazi reference aimed at a Norwegian guy was just nasty.

What's a 'bad' attempt at trolling? Would you prefer a 'good' attempt? What's that?

If you can't take it, don't give it eh?  In your own words of wisdom via pm ..... 'Go do one'

Look, I can go on forever like this. It's best just not to communicate with me really. Leave Professor Plumb to enjoy his camera so he bought two ......... (in case he picks up the candlestick holder again) He train wrecked the thread then and then you turned up. Are you two working in cahoots? ;)

Perhaps he even wrote that title to provoke people eh? Who knows. It's certainly something he would do on purpose to get a reaction. ;)

No buses come along for ages and suddenly there's two of them .........

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Bigplumbs Posted at 12-14 23:20
I don’t read all the uneducated nonsense the Trolls write. I am old enough and experienced enough and have bought and used enough DJI gear to know my way around it and more importantly how to enjoy it.

So many moaners and wingers on here sadly have OCD and can’t help themselves. As I have said many times they need both to get out more and get a life.

No one cares what you think of trolls or what you don't read? Moaners? Whingers (Talking of uneducated - Not wingers .... that's football) OCD? All in one mouthful. You missed out the word blind. At least I included both sides in my reference to the sharpness nonsense. I'm not so one sided as you.

Did you write the title of this thread to purposely provoke? It contains no real information other than you bought a camera. So what was your point in this thread?

Put your candlestick holder down Professor Plumb.. we don't want anything to happen to Miss Scarlet in the library .......

Just enjoy your cameras and leave the nonsense to the other one because post 24 started a train wreck on your thread which is a shame and you managed it all by yourself. You interpreted the previous post the wrong way.

As for the other one ..... he's on the line heading for a train wreck at this very moment. He's skating on thin ice.

Mods 64
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Flight distance : 246194 ft

Hallmark007 Posted at 12-14 10:17
Last movie I seen was banshee of inisheerin , it has just received 8 golden globe nominations and I have produced two drone shots for it. What have you done except whine on this forum …..

Wow! Good for you ! You should be proud of yourself! Did you shoot it in 720p?
Apart from this forum, I whine on other forums too, do you mind?
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Flight distance : 246194 ft

Bigplumbs Posted at 12-14 23:20
I don’t read all the uneducated nonsense the Trolls write. I am old enough and experienced enough and have bought and used enough DJI gear to know my way around it and more importantly how to enjoy it.

So many moaners and wingers on here sadly have OCD and can’t help themselves. As I have said many times they need both to get out more and get a life.

And I proceed like this when something is not in my favor
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Is this forum actively moderated?
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Iancraig10 Posted at 12-15 04:36
Is this forum actively moderated?

It would need to be because you seem to spend most of your time trolling the OP here and generally being pig ignorant to anyone who doesn’t agree with your jaundiced views …
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Kamen666 Posted at 12-15 00:09
Wow! Good for you ! You should be proud of yourself! Did you shoot it in 720p?
Apart from this forum, I whine on other forums too, do you mind?

Well my guess is you are not here for anything except to whine, so yes you go firmly into that category…
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Hallmark007 Posted at 12-15 08:20
It would need to be because you seem to spend most of your time trolling the OP here and generally being pig ignorant to anyone who doesn’t agree with your jaundiced views …


Can’t hear you.

Not listening. Neither is anyone else ......

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Flight distance : 15807 ft
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Bigplumbs Posted at 12-11 01:51
No idea just woke up looked on Amazon and saw it was a good price and bought it. I use the one I have quite a lot and to have a spare is good and also it might be useful to have one pointing one way on a vehicle or boat etc and still hold the other one.

I have the Action 1 and happy with it but want the Action 3 to do multi camera shots. The colour science between both cameras should be near identical for easy colour grading and matching in post. It's good to have a backup camera and 4K slow motion at 120 fps is a nice feature to have also.
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Fell Wanderer Posted at 12-15 08:27
I have the Action 1 and happy with it but want the Action 3 to do multi camera shots. The colour science between both cameras should be near identical for easy colour grading and matching in post. It's good to have a backup camera and 4K slow motion at 120 fps is a nice feature to have also.

I’m not sure about others experience on here mixing footage, but my Action 1 often looks slightly more purple than the footage from my 3.

The 3 looks to me as though the colour has been improved and actually, I think I prefer its colour over the 1.

Once you find what the difference between them are though, it’s easy to dial in the same colour correction for one set to be altered to look like the other.

In my case, I dial down red and blue slightly and my 1 footage gets close to the 3 footage. I like the colour from the 3 actually. It's very neutral looking.

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Flight distance : 15807 ft
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Thanks for the info Iancraig10, I'll be filming in D-Cinelike which is desaturated and quite flat so matching slight differences in colour shouldn't be hard. Once dialled in I might create a lut to drop onto future footage
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Fell Wanderer Posted at 12-15 09:34
Thanks for the info Iancraig10, I'll be filming in D-Cinelike which is desaturated and quite flat so matching slight differences in colour shouldn't be hard. Once dialled in I might create a lut to drop onto future footage

Yes, a LUT would be a fast fix. I wish I could create luts. Have no software to do that.

The 3 footage might be better for tweaking perhaps in that case because it is in 10 bit. Even better if you render in 10 bit too.

I find that d-cinelike colour comes up pretty much the same as standard and is just desaturated.
I have a little preset thing on my editor ... 'Match colour'. You sample colour and apply it to another clip so they look similar. Sometimes it works really well, but other times ........
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Iancraig10 Posted at 12-15 09:38
Yes, a LUT would be a fast fix. I wish I could create luts. Have no software to do that.

The 3 footage might be better for tweaking perhaps in that case because it is in 10 bit. Even better if you render in 10 bit too.

Tottel (first post) said he created a downloadable LUT. Go to the video on YT and you can download it from the description.
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Flight distance : 15807 ft
United Kingdom

Iancraig10 Posted at 12-15 09:38
Yes, a LUT would be a fast fix. I wish I could create luts. Have no software to do that.

The 3 footage might be better for tweaking perhaps in that case because it is in 10 bit. Even better if you render in 10 bit too.

I use Premiere Pro and LUTs can be created within the program. I'm fairly sure you can download a trial version of Premiere, which would allow you time to create LUTs then save as .cube files to be used in the editor of your choice..
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Fell Wanderer Posted at 12-15 09:50
I use Premiere Pro and LUTs can be created within the program. I'm fairly sure you can download a trial version of Premiere, which would allow you time to create LUTs then save as .cube files to be used in the editor of your choice..

Thanks. I might look for some kind of separate programme. I’d create a load of them for certain situations just to save time.
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osmonauta Posted at 12-15 09:45
Tottel (first post) said he created a downloadable LUT. Go to the video on YT and you can download it from the description.

Oh yes! I did download it and tried it with another camera’s footage. It was quite red and oversaturated, but might well be great with d-cinelike. I forgot all about it. Thank you.
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