Major Serious Bug - Distorted Audio with External Mic
21290 243 2023-1-21
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As a better way of showing the problem, I've added the (.LRF) MP4 to my Dropbox.
Short .mp4 of U3A audio -12db on scooter
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It does sound like air is hitting the capsule. If you sit on the bike, don’t move and rev, does that distort? (So there’s no wind blowing by)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1180089 ft
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For me it sounds like it a combination of wind + engine noise
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United States

ask this  chap about your mic issue  

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United Kingdom

Great find thanks. Very informative video & subbed so I don't miss the next episodes.
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So many inputs, but still not solved and no one from DJI cares to respond too.
\Whats the point of calling it an ACTION camera if it cannot record simple audio correctly?

GoPro works 10001% perfect, no matter where you place the mic. So, no excuses we can have to mic placement too.
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United Kingdom

My apologies. I just tried the GoPro and you are right. The GoPro doesn’t distort but the Action does. So it’s NOT the mic being overloaded! Looks like more attenuation is needed……

I wonder whether DJI could add a -18 and -24dB reduction? Going to be needed for any motor sport.

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United States

Well Action speakes Louder then Words. and primary its Video, secondary its Audio. I am agreeing, not disagreeing DJI fixed the  issue at Hand you gave  -19Db the most you can do did we get -19Db?? think not.  I got funds and its going to g o P r O.
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United Kingdom

Twice on Black Friday I tried to order a GoPro 11 from their website and twice my order was cancelled telling me to buy it locally so I ordered the OA3 instead and picture wise I don't have any complaints, I just need to get this audio sorted out better having bought a DJI tested and compatible microphone.
In my screenshot of the audio in RX, it shows the level is already low but clipping, if DJI were to give us a greater range of attenuation, when we then raise the volume (gain) would that not increase the noise floor? Writing that I remember hearing on several occasions, even with DJI's own wireless mic system the user has to attenuate both the transmitter signal and the receivers signal by -12db each... and that seems to work for moto vloggers. So even their own mic setup doesn't work too great with the OA3... assuming it works perfectly well in other applications.

@lancraig10, not forgotten to do the test you suggested, hopefully soon
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DJI needs to simply push an update and get this fixed.
This is annoying now.
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United Kingdom

soamjena Posted at 1-25 08:15
DJI needs to simply push an update and get this fixed.
This is annoying now.

Absolutely. Distortion on audio is painful and this camera won't work with motor sports!

DJI, any chance of adding -18dB and -24dB in a firmware update for motor sports people?  Rally drivers would want this too.

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United Kingdom

m326 Posted at 1-25 07:58
Twice on Black Friday I tried to order a GoPro 11 from their website and twice my order was cancelled telling me to buy it locally so I ordered the OA3 instead and picture wise I don't have any complaints, I just need to get this audio sorted out better having bought a DJI tested and compatible microphone.
In my screenshot of the audio in RX, it shows the level is already low but clipping, if DJI were to give us a greater range of attenuation, when we then raise the volume (gain) would that not increase the noise floor? Writing that I remember hearing on several occasions, even with DJI's own wireless mic system the user has to attenuate both the transmitter signal and the receivers signal by -12db each... and that seems to work for moto vloggers. So even their own mic setup doesn't work too great with the OA3... assuming it works perfectly well in other applications.

Basically, the louder the signal at source the better. Not so loud that the mic is overloaded though. So loud microphone into attenuated preamp is best and gives the lowest noise. The problem here is that even with -12dB, motorbike people will suffer because they probably need to raise their voices above an already loud engine. Plus the fact that the mic is enclosed in a helmet! That is hard for a microphone. It's like shouting over a hammer drill! I'm guessing that speedboats would have a worse problem because they don't even wear a helmet to cover the mic. Probably why so many have no audio and music covers it all up!!

I have to say, I can’t see cheap mics being any better really because most tend to have similar sensitivity, cheap or expensive. Cheap mics sound ok, but they tend to have more self noise and are more 'coloured' sounding on the whole. The more expensive mics just sound better. The Rode mic that the op is using is an excellent lavalier and actually not too expensive. Some lavs are very expensive and I did try a pro one on the Action …… it distorts close up. About 6 inches away and most of my lavs settle down.

Self noise or preamp noise isn’t an issue on a motorbike. Because of this problem, I might try to plant the lav on one ear (like glasses), or down at my throat. Or even to the side of my mouth. That might just be enough to get rid of the distortion until DJI do something. (If anything)

Another workaround is to put another lead in line with a volume control. They are available for headphones but can work with microphones that are too loud. It will raise noise, but won’t be noticeable on a motorbike.

The Action mic indicator when recording does go red when it overmodulate, so it’s dead easy to adjust by watching the indicator. If it goes red, turn the mic down.

Only other option which won’t be liked is a recorder in your pocket to be sync’d later.

To be honest, audio for video can be very tricky at the best of times. Most Action users just accept what they get and never really worry about how bad their audio is! You’d be surprised how good Action footage appears subjectively, if the audio is good. It really raises the perceived quality which is why I have so many microphones and bits of recording gear here. Poor quality video is actually more acceptable than poor quality audio. Audio distortion is just painful!!

The in line volume control would fix this if DJI do nothing.
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johansenfoto Posted at 1-22 18:25
Did you guys see my video I posted here?
The BOYA mic work great WITHOUT helmet on, but with helmet on even -12 is distorted. so OP is right.
But with cheap mic from ebay it works great.

Hi can u please put link for mic that works fine?
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United Kingdom

Iancraig10 Posted at 1-25 09:29
Basically, the louder the signal at source the better. Not so loud that the mic is overloaded though. So loud microphone into attenuated preamp is best and gives the lowest noise. The problem here is that even with -12dB, motorbike people will suffer because they probably need to raise their voices above an already loud engine. Plus the fact that the mic is enclosed in a helmet! That is hard for a microphone. It's like shouting over a hammer drill! I'm guessing that speedboats would have a worse problem because they don't even wear a helmet to cover the mic. Probably why so many have no audio and music covers it all up!!

I have to say, I can’t see cheap mics being any better really because most tend to have similar sensitivity, cheap or expensive. Cheap mics sound ok, but they tend to have more self noise and are more 'coloured' sounding on the whole. The more expensive mics just sound better. The Rode mic that the op is using is an excellent lavalier and actually not too expensive. Some lavs are very expensive and I did try a pro one on the Action …… it distorts close up. About 6 inches away and most of my lavs settle down.

Thanks again for a most informative post.
I had intended to add the bit about viewers turning off if the audio is poor at the end of my post.
I'm more interested in good sounding ambient recording rather than vlogging, I have a 32bit field recorder that would be ideal - but size is an issue. Also thought about trying a pocket recorder in my jacket pocket, that might be next... watch this space.
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United States

you got a smartphone, can use a external mic and an App
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Has anyone tried the DJI wireless mic kit for osmo action 3 ?
Does it do any good, or its also buggy ?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1180089 ft
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djiuser_ozoRSdEpnM3T Posted at 1-25 14:00
Hi can u please put link for mic that works fine?

Theese are mics I bought years ago on ebay so there is no link anymore.
But any cheap TRS mic will work, doesn't cost more than $3 anyway.
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United Kingdom

m326 Posted at 1-25 15:25
Thanks again for a most informative post.
I had intended to add the bit about viewers turning off if the audio is poor at the end of my post.
I'm more interested in good sounding ambient recording rather than vlogging, I have a 32bit field recorder that would be ideal - but size is an issue. Also thought about trying a pocket recorder in my jacket pocket, that might be next... watch this space.

I use Rode stereo mics. One is around £200 and the other around £500. There aren’t many stereo portable mics around. Mostly I guess because engineers just configure two mono mics for stereo.

There is also a rather nice Sennheiser mic. The  mke450 which is more directional than the Rode mics which are more spacey sounding.

For really cheap ‘kind of’ stereo, there is actually a nice little stereo lavalier made by Sony which is only around £32.I use that sometimes when I’m out with a camera and want to record ambience separately so I can mic it with speech later.

I haven't tried stereo into an Action 3 yet. I'm not sure that it gives a stereo track. The old Action only took one channel I think and made it into a dual mono track.

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United Kingdom

Iancraig10 Posted at 1-25 23:37
I use Rode stereo mics. One is around £200 and the other around £500. There aren’t many stereo portable mics around. Mostly I guess because engineers just configure two mono mics for stereo.

There is also a rather nice Sennheiser mic. The  mke450 which is more directional than the Rode mics which are more spacey sounding.

That would be a handy mic to add to the collection, thanks for the link.

You raised one of the questions that I was contemplating asking, and that's about the OA3 audio utilisation. It's baffled me what mics are in operation and in what settings. I had assumed that if wind noise reduction is on - that only the hidden mic is operational and if directional audio was selected then the two front facing mics are used instead but... wind noise reduction is available in directional also... and you can choose mono or stereo for either mode. Is there an explanation anywhere for the OA3 audio?
It would be handy to know when and where to use deadcats etc.
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United Kingdom

m326 Posted at 1-26 13:51
That would be a handy mic to add to the collection, thanks for the link.

You raised one of the questions that I was contemplating asking, and that's about the OA3 audio utilisation. It's baffled me what mics are in operation and in what settings. I had assumed that if wind noise reduction is on - that only the hidden mic is operational and if directional audio was selected then the two front facing mics are used instead but... wind noise reduction is available in directional also... and you can choose mono or stereo for either mode. Is there an explanation anywhere for the OA3 audio?

The wind reduction is an electronic version of a windshield. Personally, I prefer using a windshield because sometimes, when the wind blows in the ‘wrong’ direction, the audio can go a bit weird using electronics.

Rode make some mini stick on windshields that can fit over the mics on the camera or you can use a Windslayer yo cut wind noise on an action cam. (Just a big piece of foam that the camera fits into.)
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instamic sound
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Dat Biker Dude
Flight distance : 98776 ft

So I guess I'm not the only one going crazy wasting tons of money on this junk of a product. First time purchased Osmo action 3 adventure combo, only to be disappointed by the abysmal clipping issues with the external mic. I've been doing motovlogging for years and have never come across as bad clipping as the osmo action 3. Tried all types of connectors, mics etc. It seems with wired mics , no matter how low I turn my gain sensitivity , it doesnt work and the audio is so badly distorted that it cant be used.
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United Arab Emirates

Dat Biker Dude Posted at 1-28 05:15
So I guess I'm not the only one going crazy wasting tons of money on this junk of a product. First time purchased Osmo action 3 adventure combo, only to be disappointed by the abysmal clipping issues with the external mic. I've been doing motovlogging for years and have never come across as bad clipping as the osmo action 3. Tried all types of connectors, mics etc. It seems with wired mics , no matter how low I turn my gain sensitivity , it doesnt work and the audio is so badly distorted that it cant be used.

exactly, im really tired.
I have spent over 500$ extra on adapters and mics, but still no good.
Really frustrated.
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United Arab Emirates

so no solution from DJI too ?
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It’s best to avoid multiple adapters. Try directly usb c or wireless solution
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DJI Wanda

Hello, there. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Our engineers would like to further analyze your issue.
Would you please support us and transfer the required data for us?
1. Original Video and Camera log
2. A photo of the SD card
3. The model of your external mic and connection cable.
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DJI R&D Squad
Flight distance : 1209413 ft
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Hong Kong

we are looking into the issue you meet.
we need the above things DJI Wanda described for analysis to find a solution.
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Flight distance : 290564 ft

I created this forum account just to reply to this thread and to let the OP know he is not alone with this issue! I, too, have recently switched from GoPro to Osmo 3 Action. I will start by saying the battery case, the battery life, the ease of use, the touch screen menus and the camera is made wonderfully. I love the way it attaches versus the old gopro case, so there are many things I love about the product. HOWEVER - The audio is simply unusable! Unless there can be a fix, I will be forced to go back to Go Pro! - My GoPro 4 Black has an automatic gain adjustment, which worked wonderfully.

I have an external microphone into my helmet from the Osmo 3. It is the Sennheiser XS LAV Usb - C. I am using the recommended Samsung Pro Plus 256GB V30 A2 UHS-I Speed Grade 3.
No adapters are being used, the microphone is plugged directly into the camera.

Even with -12 DB gain in PRO setting, the audio clips and it is unusable. But with the -12db gain, the audio is very quiet but the audio is still hitting a "ceiling" and still clipping, just at a lower volume? Hard to describe not being an audio engineer or code developer....

Where can I submit video footage to help assist with this fix?
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Dat Biker Dude
Flight distance : 98776 ft

m326 Posted at 1-23 10:09
At low speeds it's right at the top end and is breaking down, not wind

Beat me to it. After setting the gain to -12db, it seems to be hard-limiting the final audio, and not limiting what's coming in. So the clipping is happening already.
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Dat Biker Dude
Flight distance : 98776 ft

snowcatxx87 Posted at 1-30 09:41
I created this forum account just to reply to this thread and to let the OP know he is not alone with this issue! I, too, have recently switched from GoPro to Osmo 3 Action. I will start by saying the battery case, the battery life, the ease of use, the touch screen menus and the camera is made wonderfully. I love the way it attaches versus the old gopro case, so there are many things I love about the product. HOWEVER - The audio is simply unusable! Unless there can be a fix, I will be forced to go back to Go Pro! - My GoPro 4 Black has an automatic gain adjustment, which worked wonderfully.

I have an external microphone into my helmet from the Osmo 3. It is the Sennheiser XS LAV Usb - C. I am using the recommended Samsung Pro Plus 256GB V30 A2 UHS-I Speed Grade 3.

exactly the same thing. I've attached the above picture to show what's happening. This was recorded using the record button from the off setting. The mic was placed under the cheek pad of the helmet so it's highly unlikely there's "air" entering it. The same setting with goPro, and even my old Git-up Git-2 Pro camera delivers fantastic results.
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United States

I have the Action 2 with the near same clipping bug - that the OA3 also inherited.  But DJI has refused to add the -12db gain to the Action 2 firmware.  Nonetheless have used wired external mics that work ok.  But for wireless - now use the Rode and can dial in perfect audio without any clipping.  The Action 2 has been relegated to 4K120 slo mo action footage and backup - as my Insta360 has taken over pretty much all primary action duties with perfect wireless audio even in extremely windy open air conditions.  Because of all the issues including blown audio - decided to return the OA3 and get the Insta in lieu.  Interestingly has been the perfect swap.  But YMMV.  Maybe try the Rode on the OA3 if all else fails.

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DJI Wanda

soamjena Posted at 1-25 06:21
So many inputs, but still not solved and no one from DJI cares to respond too.
\Whats the point of calling it an ACTION camera if it cannot record simple audio correctly?

Hello, there. Sorry for your inconvenience again. We have replied to you before and would like to know more information. We leave messages in PM. Would you please check?
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United Arab Emirates

DJI Wanda Posted at 1-29 19:36
Hello, there. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Our engineers would like to further analyze your issue.
Would you please support us and transfer the required data for us?

Hi, can you send me an email to me [a] so I can send all the details.
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DJI Wanda

soamjena Posted at 1-31 16:26
Hi, can you send me an email to me [a] so I can send all the details.

Thanks for your reply. May we know the full email address? Is it possible to contact you through the email address you registered for Forum?
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DJI Wanda

snowcatxx87 Posted at 1-30 09:41
I created this forum account just to reply to this thread and to let the OP know he is not alone with this issue! I, too, have recently switched from GoPro to Osmo 3 Action. I will start by saying the battery case, the battery life, the ease of use, the touch screen menus and the camera is made wonderfully. I love the way it attaches versus the old gopro case, so there are many things I love about the product. HOWEVER - The audio is simply unusable! Unless there can be a fix, I will be forced to go back to Go Pro! - My GoPro 4 Black has an automatic gain adjustment, which worked wonderfully.

I have an external microphone into my helmet from the Osmo 3. It is the Sennheiser XS LAV Usb - C. I am using the recommended Samsung Pro Plus 256GB V30 A2 UHS-I Speed Grade 3.

Hi, there. Sorry for the inconvenience. For the issue you feedback, our teams would like original videos and the camera log for further analysis. Would you please help?
We will send you the steps on how to export the camera LOG in PM.
Please check.
Your understanding is highly appreciate.
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Dat Biker Dude
Flight distance : 98776 ft

Gain is Set to -12db in the camera.

Recorded using Rode wireless go :

Recorded in Stereo using a custom mic with 1000Ohms resistor

The sound in the Wireless Go recording is just as horrible, but the one with 1000 ohm resistor seems to be much, much better. Like I said, the -12DB gain is only lowering the volume once the sound is already recorded or saved, resulting in loss of data and peaks being cut off when the volume is high. So it's not "limiting" anything. it's only lowering the volume using a hard volume reduction of the data already recorded it seems.

You can see the lost peak volume here. This is from the levels where the clipping occurs.

Now take a look at what's happening when I recorded a motovlog using my trusted GitUp Git2Pro ( 40$ ) Camera with just a USB jack and a cheap stereo mic :

The peaks are all intact, and the audio just visually can be seen as clean and clear. The voice is clear. The mic is placed directly in front of my mouth next to the cheek-pads.
Here's the result :
Youtube Link

I see no response from Dji on my posts or any feedback so far. I'll make a detailed video on this topic when I get a chance and post it for everyone to see what's happening.
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United Arab Emirates

DJI Wanda Posted at 1-31 22:03
Hi, there. Sorry for the inconvenience. For the issue you feedback, our teams would like original videos and the camera log for further analysis. Would you please help?
We will send you the steps on how to export the camera LOG in PM.
Please check.

I have the original files.
I can send it yes.
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Flight distance : 290564 ft

Dat Biker Dude Posted at 2-6 11:48
Gain is Set to -12db in the camera.

Recorded using Rode wireless go :

Thank YOU! You beat me to it. This is exactly what I wanted to show when I got to my editing PC, I am currently out of town.

This is exactly the problem, the gain adjustment is after audio has been captured and creating that "ceiling" that I was trying to explain. You hit the nail on the head, this is the issue.

My trusty GoPro 4 lowers the gain automatically, and keeps all audio and peaks in tact. The Osmo 3 has an insane peaking issue.

DJI - I don't want my first video with your camera to my 900K subs on youtube to have horrible audio. Please fix ASAP!
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If you have the external Rode set to -30db gain and the hard ceiling is still there - then the audio problem is much worse than the Action 2.  In any event DJI should copy the audio code for the Action 2 and with internal -12db gain should work ok.  When the hard ceiling is there - audio is useless.  

In my waveform - the peaks reflect extreme open air wind buffeting in Hawaii with the DJI or Insta pushed outside a window.  The audio is crystal clear with no hint of wind buffeting noise - same with skiiing and snowboarding up in Whistler.  Looks to be a straightforward fix if DJI puts this as a priority.

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Flight distance : 290564 ft

I, too, can see the issue. With a -10DB reduction, it just caps it -10db, but the peak still happens and you can see the hard hard cutoff in red circle, but look how much height it has left until 0 db.....

I have submitted logs and video to DJI via DM.

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