I also add a few requests after a few days of use:
- possibility of reversing the joystick controls as is the case with the Ronin and other gimbals. For many people, myself included, it is much more natural and immediate;
- As written by other users, it would be great to be able to lock the exposure (and maybe even the focus). It could be great to introduce a lock function and then be able to choose what goes into lock (everything, just WB, just exposure, just Focus etc). And in general the way manual exposure and exposure compensation are accessed could be more convenient.
- Option to be able to see on the screen what shutter and iso you are shooting at;
- option to be able to see the focus point while recording;
- it seems strange to me to be able to swipe the EV control bar only after pressing record, why? Am I missing something?
- finally my joystick in going oblique down (both left and right) never replicates the same movement that happens doing it going up. you can hardly get it to move oblique when going down. Is it normal?
I think they are all options that can be integrated and probably more relevant than others already present, making this excellent product even better. |