Is there anyway to not get locked out after 1 month?
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New Zealand

Hoarfrost Posted at 1-19 17:12
Starlink? It covers Antarctica now.

We have starlink at the main Base, I have managed to login over it a couple of times, but again with the latency because of the multiple satellite hops, it usually takes about 10 minutes of trying, and you have to get a local login from the IT folk. However once you get away in the deep field, most camps have extremely limited comms. Typically just VHF or HF radio.
1-19 18:26
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Flight distance : 4009 ft

Labroides Posted at 1-19 17:17
Do any of those complaining about being locked out fly with a wifi-only tablet.
I do and my drone doesn't have internet access when I'm flying.
I'm not getting locked out.

In my personal experience (and my younger brother before me)

We have been locked out only with the RC Pro and the Mavic 3...

It has not happened (yet) with the RC or the N1 and the Samsung tablet, while using the Mini 3 Pro

I would tend to think that it has something to do primarily with the DJI Fly - RC Pro combination...

I remember you mentioning the tablet last year, and perhaps that could be one possible solution to the problem...

But then it makes you wonder why and what the hell did we buy the RC Pro for???
1-19 19:41
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United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 1-19 16:19
Agreed.  The only thing I will add is indeed China does spy & steal IP, but they learned from the best.  There is no bigger offender of government surveillance & intrusion than the government of the United States.  They intrude & spy on everyone & everything, foreign & domestic alike.  Much of our alphabet agencies have been weaponized against political adversaries & the general citizenry at large.  The US government violates its Constitution regularly with unlawful mandates, Executive decrees, unlawful regulations, & Judicial activism.  Perhaps worst is it colludes with the media, big tech, & big business to censor free speech, suppress countering opinions, & manipulating the public with false narratives.

1-19 21:30
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Dirty Bird Posted at 1-19 12:41
Personally I have never experienced the logout issue, but clearly others are.  What I find most concerning is, if this is taking place across-the-board for all DJI models, it could potentially render every DJI drone unusable.  Hypothetically, were DJI to fold or the servers be shut down, then eventually all DJI aircraft would log out & become grounded.  I don't expect DJI to fold, but this is certainly an alarming & reasonable concern which DJI should address.

With the lack of any real response and differing answers from mods on here and contact directly online we are no nearer to knowing why or the reason for this happening.

For 8 years or so flying drones was pretty simple you charged it up went to a location and flew. Now with NFZ fly safe etc dji are moving the goalposts as the go without informing anyone why how or when they will enforce something new on their drones now belonging to us that will greatly hinder us from flying.

Firstly this monthly sign in has not being my experience , its more erratic than that, when I first seen not logged in I presumed I was not logged into my online dji account IE: the account that allows me to post on here which I have never signed out of, wrong, I was signed out of my flying account an account I never signed up for, unless in some very small print when activating some new equipment and I have no information about this account whether its part of my “normal” account or something dji created without consulting me or anyone else. But now they have full control over when and how I fly my drone, I say how I fly my drone because when you’re not logged in they very graciously will allow you to fly max 50m distance and max 50m height “how kind of them”

As others have said its very frustrating embarrassing and debilitating, its not always so simple to tether to hotspot on your phone  particularly if as many might find themselves in locations without sufficient Wi-Fi , if this happens thats it you don’t fly that day and dji has exercised what it thinks is its right to render the drone you paid good money for useless.

You asked about all drones, It’s my thinking its more about the controller than the drones, with my Mavic 3Pro I use RC Pro and the problem is ongoing , I haven’t had a problem with mini 3p or air 3, I also still own a phantom 4 pro with normal remote and fly an old matrice 600 with crystalsky without any problems. So while I’m not 100% sure I think it might be coming from the RC Pro, but believe that DJI won’t stop at just that remote so one could expect it to come to other devices as they are rolled out.

I can be anywhere in the world and I will get dji notifications for this forum that a question post has been replied too , IU constantly get notifications from dji for every product the sell for sales for their you tube channel etc, so why can dji not notify me that my “flying account” will be signed out in 3/5/7 days and I need to sign in if I want to fly.
I think this is just another ill thought out idea dji had and felt no need to inform users or notify them when purchasing equipment that unless signed into an account you never signed in or out of they dji will now be controlling your drone and how and when you fly it.

It would be good to get the official notice as to what remotes/drones will be affected “why” and how this matter can be resolved so as users will not get caught short whether professionals enthusiasts or general users. I think this is part of a bigger plan for the future and that is slightly worrying, I think we might see dji drones in the future will not be allowed to fly unless you use their remotes , no more iPads phones or third party devices.
1-20 03:18
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Really if people want to find a pattern 'we' need to start  making short posts listing when they last flew logged in, when they flew logged out, (fly a flight specifically to record this) the equipment used, app version and the last login date, ( fly a logged in flight ASAP after the logged out flight ) WITH NO waffle in the post.
That way its easy to see the data and enter it in a spreadsheet, without having to plough through loads of 'superfluous' waffle.

THE FLIGHT LOG RECORDS WHEN YOU ARE LOGGED OUT as a warning message, if that message is missing you are logged in, its quite easy to check.
At a guess there would be a way for Windows to scan the PH csv's to look for the logged out message, I do such stuff using Linux.
1-20 04:44
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Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 1-20 04:44
Really if people want to find a pattern 'we' need to start  making short posts listing when they last flew logged in, when they flew logged out, (fly a flight specifically to record this) the equipment used, app version and the last login date, ( fly a logged in flight ASAP after the logged out flight ) WITH NO waffle in the post.
That way its easy to see the data and enter it in a spreadsheet, without having to plough through loads of 'superfluous' waffle.

While that would be useful, the main point here is very simple. DJI changed something after many people purchased their products. They have now taken the liberty to sign users OUT of their accounts if the dont fly within a certain period of time, this also only seems to apply to those using certain equipment. This was all done without any consultation with any users of their equipment, it was something users could only find out once they were on location and if they didn’t have the where with all to sign in DJI decided on their own to prevent users who now own their equipment from using it without any consultation warnings .

Why should members here on this forum gather data to show dji something they already know is happening and still offer no explanation 1 as to why they imposed this 2 why they imposed this on users only using certain equipment.
I already submitted a log to dji and I just received a message saying I need to sign in to my account “even though I have no clue what account” at least once in a Callander month.
And just to be clear I am always signed into my account IE: the only account I signed up for the one that gives me access to this forum and some other dji stuff. The logged out account is one dji created without anyone’s permission in order to control how and when we fly. This is wrong and I’m sure it breeches our rights as consumers .

The logs will only tell you that it is happening when it’s happening how often it happens, it won’t give anyone the answers as to why or how dji can impose this kind of thing on users without informing them pre purchase.
1-20 06:48
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Hallmark007 Posted at 1-20 06:48
While that would be useful, the main point here is very simple. DJI changed something after many people purchased their products. They have now taken the liberty to sign users OUT of their accounts if the dont fly within a certain period of time, this also only seems to apply to those using certain equipment. This was all done without any consultation with any users of their equipment, it was something users could only find out once they were on location and if they didn’t have the where with all to sign in DJI decided on their own to prevent users who now own their equipment from using it without any consultation warnings .

Why should members here on this forum gather data to show dji something they already know is happening and still offer no explanation 1 as to why they imposed this 2 why they imposed this on users only using certain equipment.

Not being nasty but you make my point quite well with " if the dont fly within a certain period of time, t"  and "only seems to apply to those using certain equipment.".   
I have flown a logged in flight near my house and probably within wifi range but been logged out maybe 30 minutes later for an indoor flight.
And .... what equipment ? The "what" being the problem, we need to know what equipment is affected and or what software is affected.
I do not remember if the phone's wifi was on or off for those two events.

As for "Why should members here on this forum gather data to show ...." my thought is that the information would be useful to US, not DJI. DJI should already know the parameters that log the user out.

In the above I am not arguing with you that the imposition of this behaviour is a nuisance or worse and I agree that it needs a better and more consitant explanation that those I have seen. But since DJI seem to largely ignore the requests in connection with problem, gathering our own data seems to be the only option left ...... unless someone wants to take the matter to court.
1-20 09:56
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Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 1-20 09:56
Not being nasty but you make my point quite well with " if the dont fly within a certain period of time, t"  and "only seems to apply to those using certain equipment.".   
I have flown a logged in flight near my house and probably within wifi range but been logged out maybe 30 minutes later for an indoor flight.
And .... what equipment ? The "what" being the problem, we need to know what equipment is affected and or what software is affected.

I have sent flight log to dji and the response was not very satisfactory. But I also believe we would need to get answers to simple questions like, what account is logged out and when did users sign up to this account. I have only ever signed up to one account that was more than 8 years ago and I have never been signed out of this account , I am also the only person able to sign out of this account. So when I receive warning “not logged on “ it’s from a different account which I never signed up to and I presume this is the same for everyone else. Unless they dji surreptitiously had users sign up to some account when activating new equipment.

I think gathering data by waiting for 1 month without flying will not be easy and while it may help knowing this is real and happening, we already know most of that, why is this happening and where will it end up are questions that need to be answered first I believe.
1-20 12:36
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Hallmark007 Posted at 1-20 12:36
I have sent flight log to dji and the response was not very satisfactory. But I also believe we would need to get answers to simple questions like, what account is logged out and when did users sign up to this account. I have only ever signed up to one account that was more than 8 years ago and I have never been signed out of this account , I am also the only person able to sign out of this account. So when I receive warning “not logged on “ it’s from a different account which I never signed up to and I presume this is the same for everyone else. Unless they dji surreptitiously had users sign up to some account when activating new equipment.

I think gathering data by waiting for 1 month without flying will not be easy and while it may help knowing this is real and happening, we already know most of that, why is this happening and where will it end up are questions that need to be answered first I believe.

It can not be "wait a month without flying".
Because my logged-in and logged-out flights were separated by minutes, not days or weeks.

With regards to 'what account', I think they are one and the same or connected.
1) if you make a post here via the app you distance totals appear as they do for a forum-made post, even if the displayed name is different from your 'forum name'.
2) You can in some way, I forget how, get your app posts to display in the forum under your forum user name.
3) Your logs, synced using the app log-in, add to your distance totals here. If they were separated or disconnected accounts then your distance totals would 'belong' to someone else.
1-20 13:05
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Hallmark007 Posted at 1-20 12:36
I have sent flight log to dji and the response was not very satisfactory. But I also believe we would need to get answers to simple questions like, what account is logged out and when did users sign up to this account. I have only ever signed up to one account that was more than 8 years ago and I have never been signed out of this account , I am also the only person able to sign out of this account. So when I receive warning “not logged on “ it’s from a different account which I never signed up to and I presume this is the same for everyone else. Unless they dji surreptitiously had users sign up to some account when activating new equipment.

I think gathering data by waiting for 1 month without flying will not be easy and while it may help knowing this is real and happening, we already know most of that, why is this happening and where will it end up are questions that need to be answered first I believe.

Additionally, the points total seen via the App is the same as that seen via the forum and that applies across all three apps Fly, Go & Go4.
1-20 13:17
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United States

So what this all boils down to still doesn't make any sense. Why is there a penalty for being logged out in the first place? Being logged in or logged out during flight doesn't make any actual difference, so why has DJI made a performance handicap on their drones for being logged out? Even if an RC is logged out the drone is still bound to your account. If you're logged out the bird is still sending out the same RID packets the same if you were logged in. If you're logged out the drones registration is still perfectly valid. There's no law on the books that require this and there's no governing body who has even requested this type of policy to be in place. This is 100% DJI's call for implementing and they wont even come here and explain any details or reason for it,  
1-20 15:32
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4009 ft

I think it is time to wake up guys...

DJI doesn't give a flying hoot about either this issue or their customers...

In a very typical Chinese culture, they are simply waiting that you get tired and bored and then just go away... They have been doing it since day one... Just look at this forum with open and objective eyes, and you simply cannot miss it...

There is no one more deaf than those who do not want to hear

The one month or less forced log out, it is just one of the problems that is not and probably will never get addressed...

We waited 6 months before giving up and purchasing another brand of drone... And we are no longer alone in making this kind of decision. So as you can see, DJI policy does work very well...

My brother just contacted ACCC last week about this matter... Let's see what it can be done... I would suggest you guys do the same in your own country, especially if you NEED TO LEGALLY USE YOUR OWN DRONE WHEN YOU WANT

In all honesty, the way things are going, I don't think DJI has much time left to fix the mess they left behind them...
1-20 16:19
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4009 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 1-20 18:16
As others have mentioned I am wondering if this is limited to certain RCs or RC/aircraft combos?  I see lots of reports of logouts with the RC Pro.  I have never experienced a logout but I don't have an RC Pro.  All my birds have the stock RCs except the Mini 3 Pro & Mini 4 Pro which have the DJI RC & RC2 remotes.

The majority of reports for the past 12 months seems to concentrate on RC Pro and the Mavic series...

The RC or the N1 don't seem to have the same issue... I can't remember which update did change the logout for the consumer drones from three months down to >one...

It is not a big deal as it does affect a very small percentage of consumers, but nonetheless, as it stands, it has no reason to exist. If the enterprise customer can be logged out every three months, I don't see why we need to be kicked out once a month with a similar radio setup. The RC Pro has been crippled, and no true explanation has been given!

1-20 19:41
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United Kingdom

Why don't you two, Burt37 and Dirty_Bird, get behind the idea of some form of standardised, condensed posting of information concerning these log outs. It would mean that the data could be readily seen, entered into a spreadsheet and patterns picked up. My suggestions for useful information would be

forum name,
drone model,
controller model,
date logged out,
date of previous logged in flight,
date of last log in,

If a flight is  flown or even the motors started, a txt flight log is dreated. It is easy enough to read the txt or a csv of it and the log in/out staus is recorded in those logs, as a warning if you are logged out, so, the abscence of such a warning means you were logged in.

I.e the information could be readily made available to stop the theorising about what equipment is affected and what the time periods are.

The questionable data I would add to the above list is "Date the app was last connected to the internet" that would, I think, have to be manually recorded and therefore subject to human error, forgetfulness etc..

1-21 14:08
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4009 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 1-21 14:08
Why don't you two, Burt37 and Dirty_Bird, get behind the idea of some form of standardised, condensed posting of information concerning these log outs. It would mean that the data could be readily seen, entered into a spreadsheet and patterns picked up. My suggestions for useful information would be

forum name,

Why don't you, try to learn or understand what we are on about first!

It has been suggested to you before and more than once... ... 249&pid=3101984

1-21 14:43
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Burt37 Posted at 1-21 14:43
Why don't you, try to learn or understand what we are on about first!

It has been suggested to you before and more than once...

What is it that I fail to understand ?
If the following fails to summarise the situation please explain how it fails.

People are finding themselves logged out in circumstances where they can not log in.
This occurs in circumstances that are not yet fully understood.
If it were fully understood there would not be speculation about what equipment was/is affected or precisely what the time period is and what 'resets' the clock.
As a consequence of being logged out their drone is range and height limited and this is often detrimental to their planned usage of the drone.

Why did you respond to an honestly offered idea with such a reply?

1-21 15:32
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Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 1-21 15:32
What is it that I fail to understand ?
If the following fails to summarise the situation please explain how it fails.

I believe its very clear that the problem is with the RC pro, but the real problem is what right have dji to interfere with our drones and try to push on users when they are allowed to fly their drones. This matter can be resolved very easily . Don’t sign anyone out of their account without their permission or notify users that they will be signed out in a specified time , allowing users to avoid not being signed in when they intend to fly. To do this there is little need for any data , no drone owner should ever have his/her drone bricked by dji and should be non negotiable. DJI are very well aware that this is happening and it is a real problem to users.
1-22 08:33
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

Hallmark007 Posted at 1-22 08:33
I believe its very clear that the problem is with the RC pro, but the real problem is what right have dji to interfere with our drones and try to push on users when they are allowed to fly their drones. This matter can be resolved very easily . Don’t sign anyone out of their account without their permission or notify users that they will be signed out in a specified time , allowing users to avoid not being signed in when they intend to fly. To do this there is little need for any data , no drone owner should ever have his/her drone bricked by dji and should be non negotiable. DJI are very well aware that this is happening and it is a real problem to users.

Even better, DJI should NOT require login to fly. Activation is enough. There should be ZERO communication between drone and DJI unless initiated by the owner, then only to update or to upload logs. This might go a long way toward lifting the ban also.
1-22 08:59
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Mobilehomer Posted at 1-22 08:59
Even better, DJI should NOT require login to fly. Activation is enough. There should be ZERO communication between drone and DJI unless initiated by the owner, then only to update or to upload logs. This might go a long way toward lifting the ban also.

Absolutely. If DJI wants to keep selling in Western countries they need to build back trust, and do it quick. This may be the first topic that everyone in the community agrees with. Except for maybe Labroides but it sounds like he may even be changing his mind. While everyone is in agreement here DJI admins are nowhere to be found.
1-22 09:53
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Hallmark007 Posted at 1-22 08:33
I believe its very clear that the problem is with the RC pro, but the real problem is what right have dji to interfere with our drones and try to push on users when they are allowed to fly their drones. This matter can be resolved very easily . Don’t sign anyone out of their account without their permission or notify users that they will be signed out in a specified time , allowing users to avoid not being signed in when they intend to fly. To do this there is little need for any data , no drone owner should ever have his/her drone bricked by dji and should be non negotiable. DJI are very well aware that this is happening and it is a real problem to users.

Sorry Hallmark but that doesn't explain my 'x' minutes log out with a Mavic Mini or Mini 2 and a Samsung S6 phone.
I will have a play with my log book and see if I can find the two flights.

Sorry Hallmark, I can't tell, I swapped phones too much and there may be deliberate logs outs mixed in amongst those logs but I have 18 logged out flight records but at the abo...e most there was three hours between the logged in flight and being logged out.

1-22 10:16
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United States

There may be a work-around, albeit an expensive one, for those of us that are at risk of the automatic 30-Day sign-out policy that DJI imposes for drones operated off-grid.

When I am out of wireless coverage on any job, I tether my DJI controller to my iPhone for internet access and for the majority of the lower 48 this works.  It's not all that fast but it does work.  I suspect most of us are doing this when we need to already.

If I needed to work off-grid, and at risk of DJI's misguided 30 Day automatic sign-off policy, I would be looking at Satellite phone solutions that have the ability to access the internet, and that I could tether to either my M3E or RC Pro controller as a means to login into my DJI account if needed.  Based on some cursory research I see that some Sat-Phones solutions even provide coverage at the poles.

This is just a suggestion, as I have I have not tested it myself.  Short of selling my fleet of DJI drones, this would be a work-around that I would be looking at.
1-22 11:24
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4009 ft

Mobilehomer Posted at 1-22 08:59
Even better, DJI should NOT require login to fly. Activation is enough. There should be ZERO communication between drone and DJI unless initiated by the owner, then only to update or to upload logs. This might go a long way toward lifting the ban also.

Finally, we are going in the right direction!

I got to thank Mobilehomer for explaining in two line what the problem really is. I hope now Sean you can see how useless having irrelevant data on this matter would be... I know that you are collecting every flight log that you can get your hands on and constantly nagging people for it..

But you don't need to nag me on this matter. Like I told you once before. You can do it if that makes you happy... Just don't involve me in your "play with my log book"...

For the past 12 months, some of us have experience forced logout while using the RC Pro radio...

Some of us started immediately to complain about it...

Lots of you, were very quick to judge and make unrelated comments about this problem, but now it seems that slowly you are coming to the party, so welcome...

Now, things that we can do as customers and users of this forum are:

1)Stick together as a group.

2)Don't let DJI get away with removing/changing your drone/radio behaviour by making these firmware moves without either your knowledge or consent.

ASK for DETAILED changelogs!!! It is your right!!! It does affect your purchase!!!

3) Contact your local consumer agency and exposed the problem that Mobilehomer just so eloquently pointed out just above

4)Don't let this thread die, like the SDK, and all the other never resolved issues...
1-22 11:35
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Burt37 Posted at 1-22 11:35
Finally, we are going in the right direction!

I got to thank Mobilehomer for explaining in two line what the problem really is. I hope now Sean you can see how useless having irrelevant data on this matter would be... I know that you are collecting every flight log that you can get your hands on and constantly nagging people for it..

''But you don't need to nag me on this matter. Like I told you once before. You can do it if that makes you happy... Just don't involve me in your "play with my log book"...''

Ahh well you see, you and I have different approaches, I would prefer to the establish a pattern based on the evidence provided by those who are suffering, its seems to me that you would rather that pot shot guesses at the pattern.
I am not nagging you, quite frankly it wouldn't be worth wasting my time in the effort.
It strikes me that you prefer to whinge than do something constructive.
1-22 12:18
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4009 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 1-22 12:18
But you don't need to nag me on this matter. Like I told you once before. You can do it if that makes you happy... Just don't involve me in your "play with my log book"...

You can say that again!

We definitely have a different approach!

Whatever rocks your boat... I really don't care...

Now please, don't continue to derail this thread...

Start a new one if you wish, and play with your things...

1-22 12:27
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

Burt37 Posted at 1-22 12:27
You can say that again!

We definitely have a different approach!

Burt, in reality - YOU are doing the trolling here. Every time someone else has a different opinion, you start badgering them.
1-22 12:47
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It's the same issue for me. I often fly remotely for weeks at a time and rendering my drone usless on long remote trips is just a shocker.
1-22 13:31
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It's the same issue for me. I often fly remotely for weeks at a time, and rendering my drone useless on long remote trips is just a shocker. Can't believe that DJI has not addressed this and followed GO Pro in wrong decisions
1-22 13:33
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It's the same issue for me. I often fly remotely for weeks at a time, and rendering my drone useless on long remote trips is just a shocker. Can't believe that DJI has not addressed this and followed GO Pro in wrong decisions
1-22 13:36
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Mobilehomer Posted at 1-22 08:59
Even better, DJI should NOT require login to fly. Activation is enough. There should be ZERO communication between drone and DJI unless initiated by the owner, then only to update or to upload logs. This might go a long way toward lifting the ban also.

About 5 years ago djis systems were being hacked on a daily basis, it was then they introduced Firmware in fact pushed Firmware on users supposedly to stop the hacking. The sign in basically consisted you being signed into your account here on this forum, once signed in you would be in full control of signing in and out IE : if you didn’t sign out then your account remained signed in. Strange thing now is you can be signed into your normal account but logged out of this “flying” account something I never signed up for.
This has now changed substantially, dji now shut you out of your account if you don’t fly for 30 days, they do this without informing you , so unless you are counting the days you will get caught out someday and Murphy’s law says it will be on the important days you want to fly.
This being logged out is only affecting certain equipment “for now” but I think this will change .

Being signed in has been around for 5 years on all drones , automatically signed out has only arrived since we got the RC pro.
1-22 13:43
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Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 1-22 10:16
Sorry Hallmark but that doesn't explain my 'x' minutes log out with a Mavic Mini or Mini 2 and a Samsung S6 phone.
I will have a play with my log book and see if I can find the two flights.

its not a problem, I do know there is value in what you’re saying regarding gathering data.
1-22 13:45
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Ms Ivy
Second Officer
Flight distance : 21338379 ft
United States

Log out issues not limited to the Mavic3 series.
DJI Logged me out today.

Drone - Mini2
RC  used dji-RC-N1
Last time used 9 days ago
location 3 miles from home no wifi had to return home to get logged in.
had mav3 with me and was not logged out

1-22 14:22
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United Kingdom

Hallmark007 Posted at 1-22 13:45
its not a problem, I do know there is value in what you’re saying regarding gathering data.

1-22 14:52
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4009 ft

1-22 16:30
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

1-22 17:01
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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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Ms Ivy Posted at 1-22 14:22
Log out issues not limited to the Mavic3 series.
DJI Logged me out today.

So they’re coming after everyone
1-23 02:18
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I feel for the OP on this. DJI--there is no internet in Antarctica! And MANY other places these drones are used. This person could be making the all-time greatest film, that promotes the M3Pro (in the most spectacular place on Earth) -- been there--, and this corporate policy prevents the customer from doing that. Stop this login stuff immediately, or you will have a revolt--at best.
1-24 05:16
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

It could help some people but not others, if the FLY App is logged out LItchi remains unrestricted, Tested with a Mavic Mini.
Obviously this is of use to only those whose drones can use Litchi.
1-24 11:25
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Ms Ivy
Second Officer
Flight distance : 21338379 ft
United States

DJI Logged me out today. 1-24-24 1030AM

Drone - Mavic 3
RC  used dji-RC-N1 - Device a google Pixel 4XL
Last time drone was used 3 days ago 1-21-24
location of event:  9 miles from home,  on remote part of Watagua Lake , no wifi available near by to connect to.
Luckily I had good cell coverage and was to turn my phone to a local hotspot to be able to login the pixel4xl.  other wise the M3 grounded.
Very Uncool
1-24 11:32
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4009 ft

Ms Ivy Posted at 1-24 11:32
DJI Logged me out today. 1-24-24 1030AM

Drone - Mavic 3

And yet, DJI Tony reckon that's not possible...

"Hi there. To ensure flight safety, the FlySafe Database will be updated from time to time, which requires users to connect to the Internet. Thus, a prompt for account login is displayed to remind users to connect to the network. If you don't connect to the network for one month, the DJI Fly App will be logged out automatically after one month, and re-login is required. I will provide your feedback to the relevant team. We appreciate your patience and understanding."

So the questions now are:

Are you Ivy going to be patient and understanding?

Is DJI going to fix this?

Is the "relevant team" capable of understanding and fixing this?

1-24 13:48
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Ms Ivy
Second Officer
Flight distance : 21338379 ft
United States

Burt37 Posted at 1-24 13:48
And yet, DJI Tony reckon that's not possible...

"Hi there. To ensure flight safety, the FlySafe Database will be updated from time to time, which requires users to connect to the Internet. Thus, a prompt for account login is displayed to remind users to connect to the network. If you don't connect to the network for one month, the DJI Fly App will be logged out automatically after one month, and re-login is required. I will provide your feedback to the relevant team. We appreciate your patience and understanding."

Am I going to be patient?  Do I have a choice? logged out twice with 2 diffrent DJI drones all within the same week.
1-24 16:57
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