4192 67 2015-10-6
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Flight distance : 91811 ft
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United States

Why can we not just close this thread and all move on and enjoy our drones .We have all made points and expressed great views .We should be done,no one is going to win .We are all stubborn and want to be right . Lets post some positive stuff and leave this behind us ,we have all learnt from this post . Yes he is a very talented flyer and yes Paul and others are right that he was flying FPV etc..it is clear in his own video  .Time to move on .I for one am not reading or posting again on this subject .I showed some of this to my wife ,she said "I thought Women were bad !!!!!!! " Life is to short for all of this,as a Cancer survivor I mean this .
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Flight distance : 47674 ft
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United States

I want everyone to go to DJI's showcase on their home page of their website. Now being hypocritical is ok there is no law against being one I am pretty sure. I see videos posted on the site that are much worse in the so called "undesirable" content than want skycam posted here. So my thought is if DJI is ok with posting videos of flying over people, next to people, following people, cars, etc then they have no right to judge anyone doing it,  at all!. In fact to me it looks like they support it fully. So if a Drone maker supports the content on their website by allowing it to be posted,  then I must assume that they are in favor of using their drones in all the situations depicted. Now did DJI post a negativite review on this thread regarding Skycams video? I don't believe so but I have read other threads where they are in agreement with the issues being brought up regarding flying in the environments that are "undesirable" so where is the line being drawn?, well the individual flying his or her drone is taking the responsibility to assess the situation and make the judgement call to fly or not. Until laws are passed and they're  will be laws limiting our hobby it's inevitable, then we are free to follow our own judgement in flying or not flying in these situations. If you choose not to that's your decision, no one has a right to make you fly. If you choose to fly then that's your choice as well,  it's also your liability no one can save you if you cause damage or harm to property or others. So Skycam made a choice to fly in what others feel is a no no situation I personally don't agree with those in the negative, in the end it worked out well for him.
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Flight distance : 1594 ft
United States

It still doesn't make sense to me.  Is there a market for this skill? Why train hundreds of hours for this?  Am I missing the bigger picture here? Is this market coming down the line?  Drone races are the next big thing? (kinda like Star Wars Episode One....) I understand all the arguments and everything, and I have to say that while I care about the legality of this just like everyone else, I just don't see the point.  You can clearly do this exact same thing with a phantom.  The I1 is designed for a purpose, which is imagery.  So, Ill pose my question again because the answers above really did not satiate my desire, why do this?  A simple answer would be "Brad, X-sports is going to have FPV flying in 2 years and I am training for that event" or "I am part of a racing league" or "Because I enjoy flying like this and its fun for me (although questionable I guess I could accept that one)

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

Walk away Paul,

Just because you see dog shite on the footpath doesn't mean you have to pick it up.
Your style of argument won't work in this instance because he doesn't give a toss and believes he is completely in the right.
The facts are irrelevant.

Logic doesn't work because alternate viewpoints, laws and regulation are not known, understood nor respected.
Just like another person we had around here a while ago, total self belief leads to complete denial of fault nor mistaken belief.
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PaulKerry Posted at 2015-10-14 21:32
It seems that you have missed the point.

Laws HAVE been passed and Skycam has broken a number of  ...

God Paul you are like a dog with a bone... you said at first i was 4km now 3.5 next you will have me on the runway... i was not going to reply anymore to this post but you my freind make it impossible... the way i measured it i was on the edge... and because i did not go above tree hight i was a danger to no aircraft... i have met guys ike you before.. they get some qualification and all of a sudden they think they are the sheriff of us all ...well you dont impress me... i would like to tell you what i think of you... but it would probably get me kicked of the forum... this is not about rules anymore its about you ...  that is why you get involved in the first place.... so you can big note yourself ... and tell everyone how qualified you are .. which you did many times... give it up Paul i think everyone as had enough of this post i know i have....
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precisionair Posted at 2015-10-14 16:06
It still doesn't make sense to me.  Is there a market for this skill? Why train hundreds of hours fo ...

Brad.. this video is not about racing or flying through and under trees... its about control.. and doing the video was just a way of showing that you have it...  i believe precision flying like this will come in handy making videos... well if does not i have waisted hundred of hours and put my Inspire at risk for nothing... we all do what we think will work for us.... this is what i believe will work for me... and you hit the nail on the head i do enjoy flying like this.... unless you have experienced it its hard to explain .... but believe me its a rush....
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Flight distance : 1594 ft
United States

skycam Posted at 2015-10-14 20:55
Brad.. this video is not about racing or flying through and under trees... its about control.. and ...


thanks for the reply, I understand your passion now and, while I do not share it (maybe I am too cheap, can't risk that kind of capital) I say more power to you.  I do aerial imagery on the side so it is not my main bread winning activity so it does not get me very upset about the legalities of what has transpired.  According to the rules it appears to be illegal but then again you are the one risking everything not me.  I can see both sides of the argument, Paul has a point and I think he comes from that point because aerial imagery is really his thing (not trying to mis-represent here Paul, correct me if I am wrong) and he makes a living off of it.  UAVs are so heavy in the media right now and, while it did not happen this time, had you lost control or, heaven forbid, the drone took off on some ghost flight (this sorta thing apparently happens to some people...) then your video would have been on the news rather than this forum, and in a totally different light.  You want to skirt the law, I do not encourage it, but then again I can't really stop you either.  

Totally side track but I would caution that if this is your passion and you want others to share in that passion maybe not try to be aggressive about it.  You call out Paul a lot for his referencing his knowledge (anyone who has been on here knows Paul know's what he is talking about and posts a lot of good material) but in your reply to me, and throughout this forum, you have stated that "this video was just a way of showing that you have it".  Again, correct me if I am wrong, but is not flaunting your skill the same thing as flaunting your knowledge?  Difference realms but same outcome if you ask me.

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Flight distance : 47674 ft
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United States

PaulKerry Posted at 2015-10-14 03:32
It seems that you have missed the point.

Laws HAVE been passed and Skycam has broken a number of t ...

Actually I believe that you missed my point Paul.
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precisionair Posted at 2015-10-15 00:18

thanks for the reply, I understand your passion now and, while I do not share it (maybe I ...

Thanks Brad for your comment ... there has been a lot said about the law and safety on this post... i do take a lot of care when i fly...my record speaks for its self..years of experience and hundreds of hours... in that time i have never crashed or hurt anyone... how in hell can anybody look at that video and say it was dangerous ... the ony danger was to the Inspire.... i made sure the area was clear... i had been there over one hour practicing.. and..the flight was planed.... i walked through the flight area removing any branches and twigs that could get in the way before i started... everyone is jumping to conclusions... the fact is if you were not there you do not know what transpired..
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As i said before you were not there.. how do you know that i did not look around during the flight to make sure nobody had come into the flight area...(which i did).. as far as your comment .. danger to wild life.. incoming air traffic ... that is so stupid i wont bother to reply .... the answere to A.. is NO....i was on the edge of controlled airspace and not in it....i could see the Inspire.... look i have had enough of you and your high and mighty attitude... you gave advice i told you i did not want or need it... why did you keep on?... havent you been told your advice is not wanted before... if you are so concerned about the laws governing UAVs and people breaking them... why dont you go on the FPV forum and tell them what you have said to me.. there are thousands flying FPV there.. and ..pilots posting distance records would you believe over 10km .. hmmm LOS... give it rest Paul you have made your point ... let it go....
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Flight distance : 47674 ft
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United States

Paul I must say you are a man of few words.
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PaulKerry Posted at 2015-10-15 11:22
> the answere to A.. is NO....

Wrong !

I measured from the control tower...
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PaulKerry Posted at 2015-10-15 11:22
> the answere to A.. is NO....

Wrong !

I find it hard to understand how someone on the other side of the world would go to so much trouble over this..  has it become a vendetta for you Paul?... did i hit a nerve ?.. maybe you will get the message next time when you are told you are not wanted or needed...
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Flight distance : 47674 ft
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United States

Skycam stop feeding this it's over if you keep the argument alive this will never end. In your eyes You did nothing wrong that's ok, the other opinion in this thread is that you did that's ok too we all have them don't we. It's just not worth continuing this out anymore. I will assume that you will continue to fly at that park and enjoy your inspire no matter the opinion of others here on this forum, so no worries no one here on this forum can stop you can they, so go fly :-)

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Flight distance : 47674 ft
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United States

I am ok with that.
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Flight distance : 91811 ft
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United States

PaulKerry Posted at 2015-10-15 06:54
You confuse opinion with proven fact.
Fact: Skycam broke the law.

Guys ,close this and move on .No one is going to win .Who cares .???????
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Flight distance : 47674 ft
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United States

Excellent idea.

Thank you.
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United States

I have done some under the trees flight several times and with the inspire no more than 100 ft from me.
It only took one time to touch a small branch that I couldn't see with my own eyes to bring it down thanks to the new firmware that stopped one of the motors its now in for repair.
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houndogme@yahoo Posted at 2015-10-19 09:59
I have done some under the trees flight several times and with the inspire no more than 100 ft from  ...

Your right houndogme ... it is high risk flying close and under trees... but... if you want to improve your flying skills you have to take risk's... i now have 200 hours up on my Inspire's and never had them in for repair...  
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United States

Skycam.  That is some bad a__ flying!  You have real skills.  As to doing this kind of thing with a hand held gimbal on the ground...I don't think do.  I use a Ronin M all the time.  I'd have to run like a crazy person to get this kind of movement and I couldn't do that for long.  I could see this type of movement being great for a horror film.  I appreciate you pushing the boundries and trying something like this.  I've never seen anything like it before. I didn't see any people around so I think it was safe...only danger was to your aircraft but you knew that.  Thanks for sharing.
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dave.encoremult Posted at 2015-11-14 04:48
Skycam.  That is some bad a__ flying!  You have real skills.  As to doing this kind of thing with a  ...

Thanks dave for your kind comment ... i have put a lot of time and effort  getting to this level of control and confidence ... i just hope it was worth it... time will tell...
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United States

This is some bada$$ flying with a larger and faster craft.

And no I don't condone it, but it is some bada$$ flying.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

nice.. but crazy flying my friend.

I sure that I would want to crash 4K just flying close around the tree branches for fun.

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remltr Posted at 2015-11-14 13:18
This is some bada$$ flying with a larger and faster craft. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfVyLvlNi ...

Hi remitr
Do you know what UAV that was ?... i think you will find it is a purpose built UAV... totally different.. ... crash it no problem... cheap to put back together...imagine having that crash in that video with the Inspire.. BAM.. your day is shot not to mention your wallet.... go on the FPV sites there are fantastic video;s with these UAV's ... also they are much smaller not bigger than the Inspire... great flying by the way ..but.. its easy to be brave when you haven't got a lot to loose...
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United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2015-11-13 21:38
nice.. but crazy flying my friend.

I sure that I would want to crash 4K just flying close around t ...

Sorry didn't mean to leave the impression that I was the pilot. Not me, a guy on RCGroups DJI FW550 site by the name of D Dale.
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United States

skycam Posted at 2015-11-13 23:47
Hi remitr
Do you know what UAV that was ?... i think you will find it is a purpose built UAV... to ...

I do know. Wasn't commenting on the cost, just the bada$$ flying.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

remltr Posted at 2015-11-14 00:14
Sorry didn't mean to leave the impression that I was the pilot. Not me, a guy on RCGroups DJI FW55 ...

I see, I was assuming you were posting this video here in the forum because it was the Inspire one. If this is a cheap quad copter with FPV, then it makes sense to me now.

I have the micro FPV from Blade and this is easy stuff... just crappie video feed is all using the Fatshark goggles
Nothing to loose when you hit the tree....

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United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2015-11-14 16:23
I see, I was assuming you were posting this video here in the forum because it was the Inspire one ...

It is a DJI FW 550 hexacopter
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