Flight distance : 1594 ft
United States
thanks for the reply, I understand your passion now and, while I do not share it (maybe I am too cheap, can't risk that kind of capital) I say more power to you. I do aerial imagery on the side so it is not my main bread winning activity so it does not get me very upset about the legalities of what has transpired. According to the rules it appears to be illegal but then again you are the one risking everything not me. I can see both sides of the argument, Paul has a point and I think he comes from that point because aerial imagery is really his thing (not trying to mis-represent here Paul, correct me if I am wrong) and he makes a living off of it. UAVs are so heavy in the media right now and, while it did not happen this time, had you lost control or, heaven forbid, the drone took off on some ghost flight (this sorta thing apparently happens to some people...) then your video would have been on the news rather than this forum, and in a totally different light. You want to skirt the law, I do not encourage it, but then again I can't really stop you either.
Totally side track but I would caution that if this is your passion and you want others to share in that passion maybe not try to be aggressive about it. You call out Paul a lot for his referencing his knowledge (anyone who has been on here knows Paul know's what he is talking about and posts a lot of good material) but in your reply to me, and throughout this forum, you have stated that "this video was just a way of showing that you have it". Again, correct me if I am wrong, but is not flaunting your skill the same thing as flaunting your knowledge? Difference realms but same outcome if you ask me.
Brad |