Recreational Drones soon to be Regulated
4803 68 2015-10-19
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Flight distance : 112185 ft
United States
Offline Posted at 2015-10-19 16:17
No wanccie, you're wrong.

As we all know, the government can protect us from everything. That's w ...

Hilarious!  Are you a prepper too?
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United States

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
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Flight distance : 1805141 ft
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United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2015-10-19 17:22
A very Big election tonight, here in jolly old Canada.
It would appear we may have a young and much ...

just curious what that has to do with the forum?
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Flight distance : 1805141 ft
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United States

ajinop Posted at 2015-10-19 19:49
If it comes down to fly or not flying I'll register my multi-rotor, but any of the validated pilots  ...

If you fly around property or people you better have liability insurance.  Better yet join AMA, follow the rules and you're covered if you do it as a hobby.
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United States

Zdrone Posted at 2015-10-20 12:36
If you fly around property or people you better have liability insurance.  Better yet join AMA, fo ...

Chances are that the insurance industry and AMA will pony up to the FAA with the impending regulation to register ALL drones regardless of proposed use (hobby/enthusiast/commercial) which will leave 'unregistered' users wide open to penalty without prejudice based on the implementation of the legislated Act.

So in essence or in a nutshell - if you step back and look at the big picture, there will be no choice but to comply, as it were, even as it pertains to purchase and registration of a firearm.

If I were a betting man, and I am not; I'd say that all naysayers opposed to the rule of law will have little to no choice other than to register their birds, if they desire to continue flying.
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>>>>> <<<<<
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I'm not surprised by some of the comments here. In this faceless digital age we can attack the author rather than argue the message. There's very little thought put into an attack message - it's more of a knee-jerk response holding all the clues to the attacker's frame of mind. If you tend to desire more and more government handouts, then believing more and more government regulation is a positive thing is a logical next step. If, on the other hand, you tend to be more self-reliant and sure of your abilities, you need fewer governmental gifts and rules to fill your life.

Drones for me were supposed to be a natural extension of what I've been doing since I was 13 years old - flying - but I quit that profession because I got tired of the government over-regulation, the idiots in tsa and all the fine folks that left their brains at the curb when they entered an airport. I also got tired of feeding the machine to the tune of $45-50,000/year in taxes. So I quit and stopped contributing those monies to everyone's programs. I've watched a lot of folks through the years and am very familiar with that mindset. It's just not worth my time to respond to them one at a time.

And before you come back with the standard "you didn't build that" comment, I'll just point out that my tax dollars for the last 35 years certainly helped build whatever roads, hospitals, police or fire station you want to throw in my face.

Phantom 3 Advanced with 2 batteries (less than 15 charges on each) and all other delivered accessories, perfect condition. $900.00. You pay shipping from the North Carolina mountains.
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United States

pilot222 Posted at 2015-10-21 06:09
I'm not surprised by some of the comments here. In this faceless digital age we can attack the autho ...

Well said Pilot.  Sorry to see a good man go.I too am considering just trashing the hobby, selling my Phantoms and such and moving on.  I don't need a hobby that's a pain in the ass due to government BS.
Unfortunately we have been invaded by government boot licking Socialist and they have methodically indoctrinated the next generations to the point they are seemingly a majority now.

Everywhere I go I hear them cheering for big brother as he mashes us all harder and harder into the ground like fools.  Many of them are probably living a luxurious life of govrnment entitlement handouts and freebies.   Bought and paid for..... just like polititcians.
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United States

I think people are WAY over reacting to this announcement.

1.  The announcement came from the DEPARTMENT  OF TRANSPORTATION.  NOT THE FAA.  So for all of the comments on the FAA... Stop.  Just stop.  It's the DOT that's proposing registration for hobby drones.  It's NOT the FAA..

2. Just because the DOT wants new drones to have a traceable serial number is not the END of hobby flying.  The DOT has NOT proposed ANY other requirement other than registration.  And just stop with all the "Slippery Slope" arguments.  The "Slippery Slope" argument is always BS.  It's like saying: "If we allow men to marry women next they will want to marry 100's of women... and next it will be female dogs, chickens and cows...  So we cannot allow men to marry women."   Just because the DOT want's to be able to look at the object that just caused serious harm or property damage and be able to track it back to the owner is not unreasonable.  The DOT is NOT proposing anything more than simple registration.
We register cars.  We register boats.  We register airplanes.  Heck we even register ourselves with an SS#.  Registering a platic toy is no big deal.  Get over it.
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-10-19 16:17
No wanccie, you're wrong.

As we all know, the government can protect us from everything. That's w ...

This guy ^^  Nailed it!  The government has no idea what to do with this issue, so like everything else, lets just charge money for a sticker!!  That will solve everything!!

I register my:
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Home Alarm System

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Flight distance : 1298317 ft
United States

I can stomach registration if it doesn't cost anything. If I could charge for a service, then I would also register. I am guessing it will not be free to register and that they will not allow an exemption to for someone to charge for an aerial service if registered. This is so similar to suggested gun legislation. Criminals will use guns illegally for crime and rogue drone operators will still fly recklessly without registering their product. Nothing solved here.
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Willie Wonka
United States

jimcloud74@yaho Posted at 2015-10-20 19:53
I can stomach registration if it doesn't cost anything. If I could charge for a service, then I woul ...

They solved one thing, a new way to get income to fuel there machine, and if you register then you will be put into a corner and require you to insure it as registration would be invalid till you proof insurance, thats why DOT is doing it not FAA, and FAA is going to say cool beans gimme my cut please. The AMA said do what you want with those drone guys BUT leave us model aircraft people alone as we have proof we did not do nothing wrong for a miilion years.
On the other hand DJI pushed to litchi the limit of 500 meters, plus DJI is waiting for the others to finish there biz so the new clamping firmware be released and everyone submit to the new world order.
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CrashTest Dummy

Seems to me its much ado about nothing.
Years ago, you were required to register CBs  after you bought one. It even came with the card to fill out and send in.
Ask an old trucker if he knows of anyone that ever registered his CB.
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United States

Jay_Bit Posted at 2015-10-20 15:12
Chances are that the insurance industry and AMA will pony up to the FAA with the impending regulati ...

I'm not sure where you live, but I do not "register" any of my firearms.  Yes, a background check is done every time I purchase a new firearm, but never a registration.  That is what gun control is all about.  It is about mandating registration so that if the government ever decided, which our current administration would do in a heartbeat, that they believe nobody should have a gun, they look at the registrations and know exactly where to go pick the firearms up.  Do not compare what the FAA is trying to do with what is currently done federally in regards to gun ownership.  If that was the case, I would have no issue with the proposal.  Registration is just the first step to control which can lead to confiscation.  If people think that by registering a drone, you will become a better/proper flyer, that's nuts.  Like has been said in this post multiple times, people who want to break the law/rules, will not register.
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United States

sean.mcshack Posted at 2015-10-21 06:59
I'm not sure where you live, but I do not "register" any of my firearms.  Yes, a background check  ...

I have no intention of straying off point on this issue. I assume you have a permit for your firearms? You are licensed to carry guns, right? Ownership can be verified through due process of verifying serial numbers versus carrier permits and who the "lawful" owner is, right?

Whether you term the legislation as 'registering', 'licensing' or 'permit issue' it's going to boil down to the same, same same but different. You will have those that abide and those that chide...doesn't matter which way you carve this puppy, it's going to ruffle feathers either way, pro or otherwise.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 15419022 ft
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I would like regulation and given a chance to see where other drones are in the area. And be able to make new friends
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Flight distance : 430686 ft
United States

I  think that most people on this forum are informed and fly responsibly. We have all seen videos (some here) where anyone with a credit card can pull one of these out of the box and crash it immediately by not taking the time to learn anything about it.

There is an opportunity to educate the less informed on some of the basic do's and don'ts of safe operation during the registration process. It is not merely Big Brother taking names, but a chance to get through to some people to not do something idiotic. The government has been dragging their feet and now they are playing catch up as things are about to get away from them if they haven't already.

People do stupid things with cars and guns every day. However, the majority take rules of the road and gun safety seriously enough to not injure someone else. Drone registration has that potential too if the education component is done right.
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United States

Jay_Bit Posted at 2015-10-21 10:42
I have no intention of straying off point on this issue. I assume you have a permit for your firea ...

No, no license needed here in Ohio.  Yes, if I want to conceal carry, a permit is needed.  All the permit does is verify I have had the proper training and background check.  There is no licensing, permitting, registering of any firearm in the process, just the verification that I am competent to carry concealed.  My point is not to sidetrack the conversation either, it is to make sure we not equating gun ownership to drone ownership in that the gun itself does not get registered to a person.  There is absolutely no federal requirement for any licensing/permitting/registering of guns.  Some states have taken it upon themselves to require licensing to either conceal carry or own a gun, butt there is no board/committee/administrative group at the federal level that requires registering of a firearm.  If you want to equate drone registration with car, boat, motorcycle, etc registration, no issue there.
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United States

If there were some form of legislation requiring some notion of licensing of drones then it might be conceivable that we would see a decline in near drone/aircraft incidents, drug drops in penetentiaries etc. so from this perspective I'm sure there is some common ground in our community here that agrees somehow we need a base that protects the "rights" of those who use this technology responsibly and has the ability to go after the rogue nut jobs that are causing this ruckus in the first place.

I hear that it is not guns that kill, it's the people behind them, so by the same token, it's not drones that drop dugs and fly into restricted airspace, it's the nut jobs controlling the RC's - right
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United States

Jay_Bit Posted at 2015-10-21 12:09
If there were some form of legislation requiring some notion of licensing of drones then it might be ...

Exactly. It is always some idiot ppl using different tools to do stupid things.
I guess we just need more laws, rules and regulations to get to our perfect freedom.{:3_53:}
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United States

Has there been any reaction from DJI on this registration process plan?
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United States

sean.mcshack Posted at 2015-10-21 11:09
No, no license needed here in Ohio.  Yes, if I want to conceal carry, a permit is needed.  All the ...

Sean, do you believe in the tooth fairy?

Every license dealer of firearms has annual compliance checks performed by BATFE. Any paperwork that isn't up to snuff is a black mark. Something as simple as an abbreviation, a missing dot on the letter I or not spelling out road or avenue is a violation.

I had a dealer not far my house that had failed his compliance check. In-order to stay in business he started an ammunition log which the local PD came in weekly to view and copy to run thru the NICS system.

BATFE would close his shop and leave with a full box of photo copied 4473 forms at the end of the day.

By law, the NICS approvals were supposed to be destroyed after 90 days, Guess what, they lied or didn't comply, as three years later they still had the not-disapproved lists.

If I choose to shelve my quad, should I have to register it? It isn't going to be flown, so why should I or anyone else be required to register.

Oh, BTW, you can still roll your own and there is no requirement for registration, unlike what make be happening to the UAV market.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Zdrone Posted at 2015-10-20 12:33
just curious what that has to do with the forum?

Nothing, unless you are a fellow Canadian. ;-) I was just thinking out loud.
Sorry to detract, from the OP theme. Ok carry on...

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States

lancegriggs Posted at 2015-10-19 23:02
Well since I'm actually an illegal immigrant I have to register my Phantom?

There's probably a fund out there that will pay the registration fee for you!

(I'm wagering your comment was somewhat tongue-in-cheek - so's mine!)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States

acenothing Posted at 2015-10-20 12:24
Again, AMEN!!!  Sadly I spend more time in airports and on airplane than the average business trav ...

The fine print on the ticket guarantees that you've already agreed to be sealed up in an aluminum can and shipped to a specific destination!

During a recent trip to France, my wife fell and broke two ribs. Fortunately, along with the help of some marvelous pain-killers, we were able to complete our trip. To make her more comfy on the way back, I forked out an additional $1,600 (on top of what I had already paid for our trans-Atlantic tickets) so she could sit/lay in first class for the flight from Paris to Atlanta.

Thus far, in my life, that's the apex of "sealing me up in an aluminum can" experience.

I guess, if we ever really do get to the registration process, I'll do mine (I have three) ONCE! if it's a PITA after that, then I guess I'll fall back totally to my ham radio.

Art Burke - N4PJ
Leesburg, FL
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United States

DJI Selected as Member of FAA Drone Registration Task Force

So I was right...for a non-betting man
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United States

I vote for no registering and no more government involvement.  They tend to screw up everything they touch.
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United Kingdom

Not in the U.S. But everything the U.S. Does eventually comes to the UK.
The problem - is that unlike other RC hobbies drones are much easier to fly making them more accessible.
There  is a lot of mass hesteriai out there driven mainly by the media.
Not been American I don't know this but how many people are killed by guns everyday and how many people have been killed by a hobby drone? All I know the latter is zero!

Personally, I think registration is unworkable, I know other UAV pilots agree with registration.
It's unworkable because for a start the talk is only about out of the box ready to fly  quads like the phantom - what about self build?
What are you going to register, the flight controller, the RC, the motors, the whole thing? But what if you do not register it?
Then there is the problem of transfer of ownership - yes, you could have a system that is done online. Much like car registrations in the UK where the old owner states they have sold it and the new owner has to register it.  I think as many have pointed out registration does not stop stupidity.

For registration to work there has to be some benefit to the Person who's the owner.
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United States

Registration would appear to only work "after the fact" as there is no mechanism in place to respond to an egregious act. So...that looks like a knock on the door by federal agents days after the infraction. Will certainly be interesting to see how this plays out...grabbing a bowl of popcorn
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