Flight distance : 3176083 ft
United States
A thread is to discuss the Flame Wheel F450 quad-copter and Flame Wheel F550 hexa-copter.
I put the 2 in one thread because they are very similar (same arms, same esc’s, same motors, and same Naza controller) and some of the accessories like landing gear, gimbals, and GoPro mounts can be used with either.
After you build your multi-rotor and download the Nasa Assistant this is the order to follow.
1 Remove props or secure them in some way!!! With the new E300 props this is easy with the old motors and props I use wooden dowels because I do not want to keep taking off my props every time I do an update or connect the hexa to check something in assistant.
2 Open up Naza Assistant on your computer. click Skip ((You only need to click skip in you are following this order. If you already plugged in the battery in your multi-rotor and connected you USB then you do not have to click skip.))
3 Plug in your USB to computer then to your LED module on your multi-rotor
4 Then turn on your Transmitter
5 Then plug in your battery on your multi-rotor
6 You should see a steady green light on your LED module and a green light and a blinking blue light at bottom left of Naza Assistant window.
Now you can do your TX calibration and set up your GPS xyz, mixer type, receiver type, gains, motor idle speed, cut off type, failsafe, IOC, and voltage 1st and 2nd level.
After you update do a basic and advance calibration even if after you hit [Check IMU Status] and it says you do not need to still do it.
Then go outside and do compass calibration.
Side note:
For Spektrum radio binding with DJI Naza. I use Spektrum so that is why I go into more detail on Spektrum. I am thinking about getting a Futaba also. It seems to work well with Naza.
To set Preset Failsafe on the receiver. Power on the receiver with bind plug inserted, once the receiver is blinking removed the bind plug. Place your programmed Failsafe switch (Mix/Hold) switch to Pos.1 (in other words PUT FAILSAFE SWITCH IN FAILSAFE POSITION) and Power on the radio in bind mode. Wait until the lights on receivers stop flashing and wait till your transmitter finishes binding.
This will set PRESET failsafe, recommended receiver failsafe type for use with Naza Controller.
People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.