Flight distance : 315906 ft
South Korea
"MavicUser" you got a lot of valid points but I would like to correct a few of your comments that you have concluded incorrectly. Moreover I would like to reiterate that I am NOT claiming NOT having done a pilot error. All I am trying to achieve is to have DJI acknowledge the fact, that there is no 100% guarantee that the failsafe RTH was correctly initiated. Even if all odds are against me, I would at least like to make DJI understand that the reason why I signed up for the DJI care refresh package was to protect myself from wasting a lot of money by committing pilot errors or like in my case simply misjudging the situation prior to take-off (setting RTH height).
So these are the two main points:
1. If the failsafe RTH was correctly initiated, why am I not able to find my drone in the area of the indicated trajectory back to the home point? This would allow me to claim a replacement via the DJI care refresh package I have signed up for.
2. Why can I be 100% sure that the failsafe RTH was correctly initiated, when the last sighting of the Mavic (approx. 2 minutes after the signal loss) was achieved by running down the harbor BUT WAS FAILING to re-connect?
Please allow me to comment some of your statements:
- at a distance of 602 meters the mavic is indeed just a little black dot in the sky. I was however accompanied by my buddy who was so excited to see me fly the mavic that day (first week-end after the delivery on the 21st of November) that he brought some binoculars.
- you are right, shortly (NOT directly after, my friend had lost sight of the mavic due to the tall buildings blocking it) after having lost sight, the signal broke off (in fact I had two warnings (after the first warning I could briefly get rid of the warning by moving my position more to the left when looking at the picture), after the second warning the connection was completely gone) and I tried to re-establish the connection by running down the harbor as indicated in the picture. At that time I was screaming to my friend "can you see it....he was confirming and I screamed back..."why the hell does it not re-connect" - At that time I was guessing to have about 5 to 6 minutes left of battery. So I started running in the other direction losing sight again. (second mistake, my friend ran with me, instead of staying where he could see the mavic - well, even if he had stayed, how would we have been able to communicate over the distance....). At the time, I had arrived at the corner of this street jumping a fence and almost killing myself, the mavic was gone and reconnection was still not possible. I assume at this time, the battery must have been dead already and the mavic must have either landed somewhere or simply have dropped into the water.
- locator system: well, afterwards we all have these good ideas and yes, DJI is a business, so I guess what I am actually after is some goodwill from DJI, allowing me to have a chance to buy another Mavic without killing my financials entirely..., simply due to the fact that I signed up for the care refresh package and the fact that the proper RTH functioning cannot be 100% guaranteeed...
line of last sight
line of last sight