remote controller battery relacement
55768 41 2017-1-8
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Flight distance : 2743 ft

I bought the DJI mavic mini online from Amazon. After 2 months of usage the Remote controller stopped working. It has happened before that the battery died inside the drone case whenever I wanted to fly the drone. At first I thought maybe I forgot to charge it but now the battery is just not charging and I can not power on the RC. I have contacted DJI support but not much of “SUPPORT” provided by them. It has been more than 10 days that I have raised a request and also send multiple emails to follow up. The customer service is incompetent and just tells me that someone will reach out to me within 2 days.
My remote controller is still with me and they have not even shared a process with me to send the faulty RC to them and they can diagnose it. Nor they have offered any replacement. My drone is sitting idle while I am trying to find out a way to get my RC issue fixed. I believe by the time my RC issue is possibly fixed then the drone will stop working or some battery issues.
-Danish M
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Flight distance : 1262136 ft
United States

I know that this is an old topic/thread, but thought it worthwhile posting anyway.

With such a relatively simple repair, all one needs to do is to go online & do a search...

& The controller replacement batteries are generally available, & if you're feeling adventurous, you can even explore replacing the OEM batteries with larger capacity, higher performance versions, even if that involves increasing the physical size, &/ changing the chemistry, as in, using the LiFePO types which tend to have a superior life, not to mention being safer.
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