maelstrom Posted at 2017-3-9 21:20
Why does every online forum, on any subject have to degenerate in to this kind of s--t? People should reveal their true name and have some type of verifiable credentials before they can even post here. Then, they might not be so free with insults and hostility. Those who are should be banned permanently.
Hal Everett, Poulsbo, WA
i see you quoted my post. i dont understand your point: is there anything in my text you dont agree with? are you quoting in support? you make no point on your own, like you avoid taking responsibility by leaving to the reader open options for reasoning. is not fair, in sports that is called a foul play.
either way, you associating with my post is detrimental to me. so please be so kind to adjust your post to a civilized level- that is without insulting inferences.
if you have a point to make, either pro or against, please do with arguments towards the idea and not with insults towards the person. let alone your rally for discrimination based on difference of opinions, which i find inappropriate. i do agree with you on one aspect: there should be accountability.
regarding discrimination based on difference of opinions. if you meant a coalescing of affinities of opinions with the gradual elimination of all posts proven off-topic (not to mention rude or uncivilized, a mechanism should be employed to eliminate those right away), then i can see value in that. ultimately a thread has a question to answer and if only the contributing posts were to remain live, then i guess the thread initiator would see his question answered. i have already opened a thread on that subject, if you can hold your breath (i see in your pic you're well equipped) and have interest in the subject, then maybe you can help me understand what went wrong there.