United States
I am also disappointed in the performance of Waypoints 2.0 with the Mavic 2 (M2Z here). I did some tests comparing a Waypoints 2.0 route vs. a regular Point of Interest 2.0 (circle).
Waypoints 2.0 video was always jerky in my tests, both at the waypoint transition and traveling between waypoints. Tested both Polyline and Arc, various speeds (down to 2mph, up to 15mph), different angles, number of waypoints, etc. Youtube has other examples of the jerky motion. My guess is the gimbal is not being used (or used enough) to help smooth things out left/right and tracking is just being accomplished (and under/over compensated) by the yaw of the M2.
Point of Interest 2.0 worked pretty well. After the M2 figured out the radius, the video of the circle around the POI was smooth.
Ideally, Waypoints 2.0 should be as smooth as POI 2.0. Unfortunately, POI isn't a substitute for Waypoints.
Hoping a fix comes soon (or eventually).