Live streaming with dji mimo
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83215 128 2019-9-12
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Mario Michiels

Reading all these posts it must be clear to DJI R&D Squad that this product is NOT delivering.

People want to use this device WITH active tracking in every possible situation - also in Live feeds using other platforms.  So maybe the app needs to be redesigned to work in the background to enable active tracking while recording is possible on any other platform or app.

KISS principle I think.
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United States

Just received my Osmo 3 specifically to use it via Teams and Zoom. The gimbal, video on/off and zoom functions are the only functions I was looking for. To find out this isn’t possible is disappointing.
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United States
Offline why not the double-press trigger to switch cameras?

The 2nd thing we were hoping to use it for is to improve quality while livestreaming a regular worship service with Switcher Studio. We hope to mount Osmo mobile 3 on a tripod. I now know we're unable to use the active follow function in Switcher. That would be super useful. Looking forward to at least using the pan and tilt in Switcher though.

This is a great tool, I can already tell. It's well built. If you can find ways to improve connectivity, integration, and function for livestreaming purposes, it will be even better!  Thanks for considering.
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United States

Hmm...looks like my 1st of 2 posts didn't post. So, here it is again. We're doing a "pop-up worship service" where our pastor videos himself with a phone in Osmo 3 mobile while he walks around the neighborhood, talking on a topic as he walks. I walk with him carrying a mobile hotspot in my backpack, livestreaming his video via Switcher Studio. Along the way we meet up with congregation members outside near their homes, and they sing a song, do a reading, etc. The trouble with the Osmo in this scenario is that you can't use the double-press trigger to switch between the front and rear facing cameras with Switcher Studio. (And, you can't even switch cameras in mimo itself that way without ending the video and starting a new one.) Pastor had to physically turn the Osmo around to film himself, ands then couldn't see where he was in the frame. This would be a great feature for mobile livestreaming. Also, +1 to the requests by others in this thread for active tracking, zoom, etc. Thanks!
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Second Officer
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Nightfallen. Posted at 2019-9-13 05:55
It's impossible via MIMO app, but you can use basic functions like the joystick and the stabilizer itself while streaming directly from the Facebook app.

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DJI-ytao Posted at 4-26 23:53
Thank you all for the feedback.
I do not intend to explain why the live feature does not show up.
On the other hand, we are collecting what this feature should be and then make it.
Hi, I purchased the DJI Osmo Mobile 4 to use it for live streaming nature walks via RTMP for my 1,000 followers.
I wanted to use active tracking and zoom to focus on animals and birds.
These features are very, very good. But I cannot use them as I must use third-party streaming apps.
I am considering getting a refund. I hope that live streaming will be developed in the DJI MIMO app soon.
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djiuser_IUiquoRPOIaa Posted at 11-22 18:23
Hi, I purchased the DJI Osmo Mobile 4 to use it for live streaming nature walks via RTMP for my 1,000 followers.
I wanted to use active tracking and zoom to focus on animals and birds.
These features are very, very good. But I cannot use them as I must use third-party streaming apps.

I agree, it’s very disappointing..
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Docta P

djiuser_CPxmwFxzaFJq Posted at 1-2 18:18 the HELL could you think it was okay to release the OSMO Mobile 3 WITHOUT Live streaming???  What exactly do you think people are using it for?  I feel so ripped off!

I brought specifically to do this also, as I see people doing such on the Mobile 2.
Very disappointing. I do seminars and need to track my movements in seminar and livestream - now I spend the money and got the Osmo 3 sitting on my shelf doing absolutely nothing. I thought 3 was meant to do everything of 2 but much better and fix problems.
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Docta P

DJI-ytao Posted at 4-15 20:09
Hi, guys. we can have a more comprehensive talk about the mimo livestream in this thread:

In my humble opinion ,There are  3 kinds of ways to do live stream from mobilephone.

I brought specifically to do this active tracking to livestream, as I see people seem to be doing as such on the Osmo Mobile 2.
Very disappointing. I do seminars and need to track my movements in seminar and livestream - now I spend the money and got the Osmo 3 sitting on my shelf doing absolutely nothing. I don't need it for anything else just this function. I was even told it could do such.
I thought the Mobile 3 was meant to do everything of 2 but much better and fix problems and balance issues.
So how can I make it work for FB live and active tracking ?

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Docta P

DJI Gamora Posted at 2019-9-12 09:44
Hi, thank you for reaching out. As of the moment, the DJI Mimo application does not support the live stream features. However, we will forward this suggestion of yours to our designated department. Thank you for your kind and understanding. Cheers!

I brought specifically to do this active tracking to livestream, as I see people seem to be doing as such on the Osmo Mobile 2.
Very disappointing. I do seminars and need to track my movements in seminar and livestream - now I spend the money and got the Osmo 3 sitting on my shelf doing absolutely nothing. I don't need it for anything else just this function. I was even told it could do such.
I thought the Mobile 3 was meant to do everything of 2 but much better and fix problems and balance issues.
So how can I make it work for FB live and active tracking ?
Is there now an upgrade in firmware or something for me to get this issue solved?
Thank you very much
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United States

I am a high school teacher and have been forced to return to virtual teaching.  I purchased the OM4 so students could 'feel' like they we're in the classroom.  I would be able to walk around the classroom, utilizing whitebaoards, smartboard, other materials and the OM4 would track me.  We teach virtually over the Google Meet platform so the ability to livestream to the meet is incredibly important.  I can not find how to make this happen.  Could someone at DJI please help?  If there is no way to make this happen, I will need to return the device and resort to a static version of teaching remotely.  PLEASE HELP!!!  Students are struggling learning remotely and I feel this your tracking gimbal can be a game-changer in virtual education...if we could make streaming to Google Meet, or Zoom, or other platforms at reality.  AGAIN, PLEASE HELP!!!
Thank you very much.
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United States

Did the app for the Osmo Mobile two allow you stream to Facebook and YouTube? If so, why can't the OM4 stream?
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Docta P

I can not find a way to get my OSMO Mobile 3 to stream to FB Live.
I have seen videos of other people using their DJI Osmo divice to active-track and stream live.
I have watched many tutorials and I just can't find out how you do this?
Can someone advise me and help me please.
I do live seminars - that need to be streamed to FB through a private group.
Sometimes I need to move around - the OSMO Mobile 3 actively tracks me perfectly - but I can not stream at the same time.
Why is this - this should be a normal function or software switch surely?
I brought the unit for this sole purpose - because I had seen some others do it using the DJI OSMO Product. Not even DJI Go app will work on this DJI product - why?
Do I need to load in other firmware? Is there something 3rd Party they were using to achieve this end?
Seems Hundred of people requesting this to be fixed - what DJI is not fixing this issue?
I am using a Samsung A71 Smart phone - or I could use my wife's Samsung S10e which both by themselves do FB Live perfectly, or stream up to Youtube also (which I can not find a streaming option for either when using the DJI App) - but once the DJI App software is running to control the Gimbal and the phone there simply seems to be no option to access FB Live.
I have tried this probably 30 or 40 times and I can't find a way to make this happen.
Can someone help me please.
I am finding myself severely Tech Savvy Challenged here.
I have had the OSMO 3 for 4 weeks and now have not used it once, I am so frustrated.
I only brought the Gimbal so I can ACTIVE track and go live to streaming - this should be able to do this. My phones can go LIVE and the Gimbal can active track so why not both - this is essential
Thank you for your help.
Docta P
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Docta P

DJI-ytao Posted at 4-15 20:09
Hi, guys. we can have a more comprehensive talk about the mimo livestream in this thread:

In my humble opinion ,There are  3 kinds of ways to do live stream from mobilephone.

DJI Go does not support the OSMO Mobile 3
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Atlantic Gooner
United Kingdom

I have today just finished talking to DJI support... guess what no answer to live streaming for the Mimo App or my new OM 4... thats how long since the initial question?... I am so disappointed that this has not happened... I think now time to move to another brand..
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This has been raised several times but the DJI Dev team is turning deaf ears to it. Shame on you DJI. I will never purchase your product again.
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United Kingdom

Thankfully I only paid half price second hand for my Osmo Mobile 3. Is the concept of multi camera use on OBS etc beyond the scope of DJIs experience of what we do with their gimbals?. If streamlabs app works, guess that's a go then.. but no active tracking is a deal breaker in say my situation in my music studio... sad.
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Flight distance : 19124 ft

È inammissibile che noi utenti chiediamo questo ennesimo aggiornamento all app Djmimo per il lice streaming..e dji non ci ascolta...Vergognoso..
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Sarebbe davvero utile poter usare le funzioni del software mobile anche per il live streaming
Spero facciate presto questo upgrade, farebbe diventare la funzione di inseguimento fondamentale.
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Flight distance : 35135 ft

it is all ready in 2021. 2 years of doing nothing? hmm dji. i start to getting disappointing. you as company. we gave you feedback. even a response of. WE CAN NOT DO UPDATE ON LIVE STREAM. than we know it. than we buy the next DJI product than will have this options.

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United States

ysliew77 Posted at 2020-4-29 23:18
Also, steaming via "generic RTMP host " would be ideal to accompanying Facebook and YouTube.

By providing a generic RTMP host target option, it will then addresses both the beginners and advanced users needs, in my humble opinion.

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DJI Gamora Posted at 2019-9-12 09:44
Hi, thank you for reaching out. As of the moment, the DJI Mimo application does not support the live stream features. However, we will forward this suggestion of yours to our designated department. Thank you for your kind and understanding. Cheers!

Is it very cool to modify Livestream facebook and YouTube for Android , the Android world exist too
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Let's go the Android world exist too !
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United States

Hi all,
I still want DJI to fix this on their end, but there is one way to livestream on Zoom if you have an iphone and a Mac. Step 1: Start your Mimo App in the camera mode. Step 2: Start your Zoom meeting. Step 3: In Zoom, click on Share Screen and click on Iphone/Ipad via Airplay. Step 4: Swipe down from the upper right on your Iphone and click Screen Mirroring, then choose the Zoom option. Step 5: Hopefully success. If Airplay didnt connect, you might need to eithe restart your Mac or Iphone.

This has worked for me. It's not ideal because it shows all of the various menu options and the green box around your face. But it does work.

Hope this helps until DJI gets its act together and does what customers were expecting when they bought its product!
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United States

btw, you can then put this on Facebook Live or Youtube by doing a share screen of the window that is showing up on your Mac (I just tried this on Facebook live and it worked).
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United States

DJI-ytao Posted at 2020-4-20 23:03
Thanks for the feedback.

I shall conclude:

Honestly, I could live with just live streaming to youtube/twitch/facebook with gestures and tracking and no other features (no chat, etc).

My use case is I work on Pinball and Arcade Machines. I really just want (expected) my iphone to track and follow me around the space.

I have a separate ipad I can use for audience interaction and reading chat. I really want the camera to be follow me around the shop during a stream like it did in this offline video:
Go to youtube forward slash:

It would have been great to have been able to stream that video live.

Yeah, built in chat might be nice. But honestly, I'm having trouble thinking of a scenario where someone would actually want/need to read the chat off the same phone/camera that's tracking them.

Following the chat on a separate device makes more sense to me. Just focus on streaming support while tracking and detecting gestures. :-D

I rarely use this device anymore because like many others I assumed and was sold on the device being able to stream while tracking. Major disappointment.
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United States


Is it possible to rename my Osmo 3 so it can connect to legacy DJI Go?  Is it possible to just add Osmo 3 to the list of acceptable devices on DJI GO4?
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stolen willow
United States

following, !00% need this
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United States

DJI Gamora Posted at 2019-9-12 09:44
Hi, thank you for reaching out. As of the moment, the DJI Mimo application does not support the live stream features. However, we will forward this suggestion of yours to our designated department. Thank you for your kind and understanding. Cheers!

If it's problematic to support active tracking while another app (FaceTime, Zoom, social media live-streaming) is running, it would be cool just to have mimo send its video stream out through the USB-C or Lightning port, so I could connect it as an external camera to a laptop or hopefully a mobile device.
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Hi, the way I have found to stream with MIMO is to use with MOBCRUSH app. With this app you can stream what you have at your phone screen...
See the Live Test on Facebook , Twitch or YouTube ...
But, as you can see, you have all the content of the phone screen... Grid, button and others text informations...
So if Dji make an update to have an option to avoid OSD on screen it will work find (vertically), I've not yet find a way to shot horizontally with mobcrush...
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Just purchased the OM4 for streaming. Yeah I can use Streamlabs app for iOS but all the cool tracking functionality is lost. Tried the Go app since it has streaming. Sorry this device is not supported. Okay... Why is it not supported?

DJI, it's been over 2 years since this tread started. What is taking so long? When you supposably buy the best on the market but the tool lacks that one feature that should be in there. Feels like I have been scammed. Even the guys in the store believed tracking while streaming was part of it. Seems some serious bad marketing/teaching.

I'm on the edge of returning this device. I want to believe DJI has its consumers best interest at heart. However there are some product managers internally screwing up their reputation.  
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Dougo Posted at 8-10 23:39
Just purchased the OM4 for streaming. Yeah I can use Streamlabs app for iOS but all the cool tracking functionality is lost. Tried the Go app since it has streaming. Sorry this device is not supported. Okay... Why is it not supported?

DJI, it's been over 2 years since this tread started. What is taking so long? When you supposably buy the best on the market but the tool lacks that one feature that should be in there. Feels like I have been scammed. Even the guys in the store believed tracking while streaming was part of it. Seems some serious bad marketing/teaching.

Hahahaahah lols
DJI = sale sale sale profit profit profit
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Its 2021 and DJI has still not come to the party with a firmware update or any free software that allows you to connect and use your Osmo as a webcam. Pretty lame if you consider how much their products cost. Most other mainstream camera manufacturers have already incorporated or added the webcam feature. Brands like Panasonic Lumix, GoPro, Feiyu Pocket, and Canon all have the ability.

You already have a USB-C Connection to the bottom of the device, how hard is it to enable the connection to allow the device to be used as a webcam with tracking etc, but also in the Mimo app allow live streaming. As a DJI customer soon to be a former one after owning two drones and the Osmo Pocket, your feature updates are none existent. You used to be a good player in the market but a lot of people are expecting feature updates not new products to do something that should be possible with existing equipment. Just like Nintendo enabling Bluetooth support on their Switch Consoles, the ability has been there but they have just been arses about it, well DJI its your turn. Time to deliver some support for users.
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DJI Gamora Posted at 2019-9-12 09:44
Hi, thank you for reaching out. As of the moment, the DJI Mimo application does not support the live stream features. However, we will forward this suggestion of yours to our designated department. Thank you for your kind and understanding. Cheers!

It looks like that you haven't done anything about the problem and its been 2 years. A very good customer service I see.
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United States

The Mimo App since 2020/03/05 has supported Live Stream on the Mimo Action:

Yo, DJI, "just" enable this feature for all cameras supported by the app.
Maybe is isn't as simple as that.
Maybe the Action is doing the streaming and code needs to be added to the App so that it can do the streaming.
Implementing streaming to RTMP isn't difficult.
Do that and turn off the limitation of streaming only from the Action.
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United States

We need to be able to live stream to Facebook, use ZOOM etc. and use active track at same time. Not purchasing another DJI gimbal without this.
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DJI Gamora Posted at 2019-9-12 09:44
Hi, thank you for reaching out. As of the moment, the DJI Mimo application does not support the live stream features. However, we will forward this suggestion of yours to our designated department. Thank you for your kind and understanding. Cheers!

Is this some kind of JOKE??
How can you guys advertise the OM series as a mobile phone gimbal when the DJI mimo program does'nt support LiveStrams..
Be Nice to ADVERTISE this FACT waste of money and surely FALSE marketing
EVERY other product we can livestream through the supporting app yet OM series when we use other apps we LOOSE gimbal FCUNCTIONALITY so please explain what on earth where we paying for??????
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Allo ? Someone from DJI here ? Can you please answer ??? Or must we consider that OSMO MOBILE 3 and MIMO will never offer the functionnalities we ask for ?????
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Hello, is it normal that in 2022 dji mimo is not facing live broadcasts. Which application can be used with Dji om 4 for direct broadcasts?
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DJI Gamora Posted at 2019-9-12 09:44
Hi, thank you for reaching out. As of the moment, the DJI Mimo application does not support the live stream features. However, we will forward this suggestion of yours to our designated department. Thank you for your kind and understanding. Cheers!

Hi. please can I live streaming with my Dji Om4.
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