Flight distance : 133694 ft
South Africa
Welcome to dealing with the Chinese business mentality. This is the standard way of doing business in China.
Sell the product, and give zero support afterwards. I live in a country with stringent and very strongly applied consumer protection laws, (South Africa), but if you are stupid enough to buy something in a Chinese market or from a Chinese owned store, and have problems with your purchase, then you are straight up Sh*t Creek without a paddle. Either the owners will miraculously no longer be able to speak English, or they will shout and abuse you and chase you out of their shop.
Which in a way is kind of what DJI are doing to the owners of their drones? The standard response from their support staff to almost all issues? Reinstall the app and firmware. That's their equivalent of no longer being able to communicate in English. Log a fault with their support for a known issue like I have done? Don't expect a reply. Ever. Re-log the call, and expect to start from scratch...Reinstall the app. Over, and over and over again.
Maybe we are living in the year of the groundhog, and this is their day. |