DJI, why dont you ban offensive contributors?[SOLVED] MSG 14
7816 260 2017-2-7
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Geebax Posted at 2017-2-8 14:57
Can't you punctuate that?

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Flight distance : 392247 ft
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That last post was silly, everything was upper case numbers!
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RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-2-8 09:49
Opravdu teď? Manuál je mexická Bandito!

I've seen posts here that were written in French, Spanish and a couple of other languages. It's a multicultural society of drone enthusiasts. Being Bilingual is a good thing.

Aloha RedHot,

     Oops!  Breathing down your neck too much! ;-)

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Nigel_ Posted at 2017-2-8 10:35
Diolch i chi am eich ateb, ond yr wyf yn meddwl y bydd yn llawer haws os byddwn i gyd yn defnyddio Saesneg. Mae hwn yn fforwm rhyngwladol felly ddefnyddio'r iaith ryngwladol.

Aloha Nigel,

     Mahalo for your perfect Welsh spelling, otherwise I could not have done it.  Please note that I mentioned something like that to RedHot (but in Czech).

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Cetacean Posted at 2017-2-8 15:48
Aloha RedHot,

     Oops!  Breathing down your neck too much! ;-)

Eh, I have a "solution"for this: image.jpeg

Haha, breathe deeply, my friend. ;-)

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Flight distance : 475522 ft
United States

Odan Posted at 2017-2-8 06:22
*post edited by mod for offensive content* . Probably a Moderator.  Hot P, you and your buddies are kinda bully like.  WS, you are like the science nerd who always gets picked on.
WS, Sometimes your responses are as blotted as the DJIGO4  app and you ask for it. Hot  P  and gang. you guys are like the kids who wait for WS to
leave class so you can pick on him..

Lol that is offensive.
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Flight distance : 475522 ft
United States

Lol this thread is funny.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

KevDrones Posted at 2017-2-8 17:01
Lol that is offensive.

He forgot the bailiff.. Ha

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Flight distance : 165105 ft

KevDrones Posted at 2017-2-8 17:02
Lol this thread is funny.

I'm glad you're amused. Something completely "indifferent", for sure... ;-)

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Flight distance : 475522 ft
United States

Lol RsdHotPoker might have a spelling error.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

You have a good point there. Haha

Let me jump in there and give it an uppercut. ;-)

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-2-8 17:14
You have a good point there. Haha

Let me jump in there and give it an uppercut. ;-)

Has this thread not been KO'd yet?
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

blackcrusader Posted at 2017-2-9 09:13
Has this thread not been KO'd yet?

Kicking and screaming, it continues to squirm... ;-)

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Flight distance : 16 ft

blackcrusader Posted at 2017-2-7 21:31
We don't do blood transfusions.  We also don't have vegetarians.

We also do live sacrifices. When visiting friends check your weapons in at the door. Blood transfusions are not required for those about to die.

amazing pics, ty for sharing
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Flight distance : 16 ft

Odan Posted at 2017-2-8 06:22
*post edited by mod for offensive content* . Probably a Moderator.  Hot P, you and your buddies are kinda bully like.  WS, you are like the science nerd who always gets picked on.
WS, Sometimes your responses are as blotted as the DJIGO4  app and you ask for it. Hot  P  and gang. you guys are like the kids who wait for WS to
leave class so you can pick on him..

is a long message, but comparisons are thoughtful
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

WindSoul Posted at 2017-2-9 11:12
is a long message, but comparisons are thoughtful

You've created a monster, which can not be contained...

As it runs rampant, we can all be entertained!! ;-)


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Flight distance : 16 ft

method007 Posted at 2017-2-8 12:57
DJI is generally pretty quick with banning people or removing offensive posts - you should be here when a new product launches!  Honestly WindSoul I think there may be a communication issue at play.  You posted just the other day in a way that had no punctuation or commas or periods, it was really hard to understand what you were saying.  It almost seemed like Spam.  I think maybe some people have fun with that?  Some of your ideas are funny and people may have fun with that.  When you advise someone that the reason their drone may have crashed is because someone else may have linked a 2nd remote to their drone and operated it simultaneously along with them, then intentionally crashed it - your going to get some funny responses.

"It almost seemed like Spam"
You almost seem to have issues with logical thinking. "almost and seemed" in the same sentence?
It doesnt bother me that you have made a mistake. i get your message, with or withouth proper construct in English.
I wonder if you can do the same with people not ending the sentence with a full stop, or not capitalizing the I. or even worse, for using words outside the 30 that makes English aboriginally correct.

it doesnt matter wether P4 can link two controllers. yes, that is wrong, have fun with it.
you want to eliminate a suggestion as being totally wrong, that's fine with me. of course i would appreciate if you added that is mentioned in the book ( no two rcs could link at the same time), that way they guy making a wrong suggestion could also learn something.
what matters is to see the air cleared on an issue a fellow droner faced (contribute to solving the thread).
unleashing on one another is not a proper way of collaborating and i believe the characters doing that should be prevented from being present on the forum. as simple as that.

and spelling mistakes, really? are we gonna hit on each other on who's better dotting the i? we have amigos who even recognize themselves as bullies without a flinch and bully in the same post even in this thread, and all you can come up with are excuses for bullies? this almost seems really immature, if you can catch my drift.

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Augustus Brian
Flight distance : 397592 ft
United States

I'm not very familiar with the term splenetic.

Keep Smiling,

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Flight distance : 392247 ft
United States

WindSoul Posted at 2017-2-9 11:41
"It almost seemed like Spam"
You almost seem to have issues with logical thinking. "almost and seemed" in the same sentence?
It doesnt bother me that you have made a mistake. i get your message, with or withouth proper construct in English.

"using words outside the 30 that makes English aboriginally correct"

Is that the Australian version of English?  Fair dinkum, throw another shrimp on the Barbie, no worries mate   

I used a 3rd of the Australian language in one sentence

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Flight distance : 16 ft

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-2-9 11:40
You've created a monster, which can not be contained...

As it runs rampant, we can all be entertained!! ;-)

the monster can not be created. that you see it now is a proof it was there in first place- when you were not aware of it. its a philosophical construct.

let me give you an idea: Kurt Godel was an Austrian who found that any system of laws can produce effects which fail outside the rule of law, therefore can not be contained by the system. therefore, a new system of laws is required to correct the anomaly, but this new system is also plagued by the same imperfection. whatever it is, it was there before.

i hope that is proof enough that what we see now was there before.
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Flight distance : 16 ft

Geebax Posted at 2017-2-7 22:51
How about I ask the moderators to give me Captain's Privilege to erase all of your messages?

for who is not aware, i promised not to reply to this guy anymore. since i broke my promise once early in this thread for the sake of reminding him what civilized means, i will do it once more before erasing him completely from my thoughts. my answer is this:

this is by no means a reference to your person. but since youre asking a direct question, let me say that so far your contributions (replies to my posts) fall under the category correct, short and garbage, with a special mention for this thread: subcategory short and garbage. enjoy!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
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United States

WindSoul Posted at 2017-2-9 11:41
"It almost seemed like Spam"
You almost seem to have issues with logical thinking. "almost and seemed" in the same sentence?
It doesnt bother me that you have made a mistake. i get your message, with or withouth proper construct in English.

I don't understand what you mean, those words work great together.  

Almost:  not quite; very nearly
Seemed: give the impression or sensation of being something or having a particular quality

Here is 514,000 other examples for you:

It doesn't bother me how bad your post was, that wasn't my point.  You know how bad it was which is why you went back and updated it.  Why be so defensive and act like it was just a few spelling mistakes?  You commonly post poorly hard to understand things.  I was simply pointing it out as many other people have done.  It was not meant to be offensive, it was meant to help you possibly understand why you get the responses you get from other posters.

Stop bullying people, there is no excuse for it.

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Flight distance : 136686 ft


Hoc filum dando enim donum est quod facit.
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Flight distance : 16 ft

method007 Posted at 2017-2-9 12:45
I don't understand what you mean, those words work great together.  

Almost:  not quite; very nearly

of the link you provided i checked the first reference: ... must-be-some-random
that prompted me to stop checking.

check 'almost" here:
check `seems' here:

now almost and seem in "It almost seemed" translates into "it was about to be clear but not quite that what appeared to be, while it couldn't be considered fully although i could have". Illogical.

For me to bully you was to make inappropriate remarks about your person. find one in my message and i'll remove it, with apologies.make sure you show a remark like the one made be the fridge posting next.

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Flight distance : 392247 ft
United States

This thread is more and more hilarious.  Mr. WindSoul is correcting English and grammar, something about a pot and kettle comes to mind
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Flight distance : 136686 ft


WindSoul - I have  no animosity toward you and am not in any group, either targetting  or supporting you. I would just like to point out that you do come across as your own worst enemy.

There is a difference between insults and bullying, though the former may be used to achieve the latter.

There comes a time when the best action is to STFU and let things drop. It is my opinion you have reached that point some time ago.
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Flight distance : 16 ft

Cabansail Posted at 2017-2-9 13:11
WindSoul - I have  no animosity toward you and am not in any group, either targetting  or supporting you. I would just like to point out that you do come across as your own worst enemy.

There is a difference between insults and bullying, though the former may be used to achieve the latter.

listen if im wrong just say it. have a bit of spine. stop using acronymes. or take sides, thats fine too. but dont come up as the guy who preaches peace by applying STFU. is just uncivlized.
for your own information, there's no difference between insults and bullying.
this thread has traction because people have something to say on the matter, i hope you remember the matter.
dont fall in the same category with the contributor posting just before this post. or subcategory, if you follwed through.
seems obvious to me that this thread has morphed into pointing the contributors either off-topic or just simply uncalled for.
to me is a great tool ant knowing who's who and learning who i can rely when i have an issue with my P4 and who's post to skip.
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AlecW Posted at 2017-2-9 13:10
This thread is more and more hilarious.  Mr. WindSoul is correcting English and grammar, something about a pot and kettle comes to mind

How do you know its a mister?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-2-9 11:40
You've created a monster, which can not be contained...

As it runs rampant, we can all be entertained!! ;-)

"You've created a monster, which can not be contained...
As it runs rampant, we can all be entertained!! ;-)"

I think it's a thread that's being "Frank 'n' Stern" (a bit of word play there).

Edit:- spelling error now corrected.

2nd Edit, video added for editorial accuracy :- ... d-man-scene/956892/

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Flight distance : 16 ft

Aardvark Posted at 2017-2-9 13:21
"You've created a monster, which can not be contained...
As it runs rampant, we can all be entertained!! ;-)"

I thinks? I wonder what geebie and fridge would have to say about that English mistake. They'll blame me for sure, still puzzles me how.
I agree with your post: we're all wrong. I can see it in your pic. well, i didnt have to wait longer.
reading next post, i wonder if there's any way to replace a head from between the legs to around the intellect. if there was one to start with.

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Flight distance : 392247 ft
United States

Geebax Posted at 2017-2-9 13:16
How do you know its a mister?

Good point, he may be a Sheila.  I'm using a lot of Australian words today ;)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

WindSoul Posted at 2017-2-7 16:56
i appreciate your input on my spelling. if that is all you found mistaken in my english, then maybe you didnt learn too much in school. but who am i to assess on your english? or your learning in school?
this is what should be addressed better in this forum. the remarks people do to one another, absolutely off-topic and as much in need of intelligence as a teeth show.
in case you havent noticed, this is a forum. not the final dissertation. dont make a parallel between relying an idea and dotting the i, because knowledge of a language has nothing to do with writing an essay. world is full of english teachers, and yet the language looses ground everywhere.

"i bet Newton didn't face your level of exigency when it wrote the Principa- and don't say he didn't know English either, although you may want to mention he used Latin writing the most important book of all time written by an Englishman. isn't that funny?!"

Not funny at all!

The English language hadn't been standardised when Newton was alive, he would have been 113 years old when the "Dictionary of the English Language" was published and the grammar and spellings were standardised, up until then scientific and legal papers were published in Latin, used because it was standardised.  Newton's English is actually quite close to our modern English, even his handwriting is easy to read ( but there were big variations across the land, and not everyone spoke English anyway, the Cornish in the south west were still speaking Cornish and in the north of modern England people were still speaking Welsh, a much older language than English.  The UK has been occupied by humans for at least 800,000 years, we have a lot of history and pre-history including many changes in language use!

I see you didn't correct your use of capital letters!
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Flight distance : 16 ft

Nigel_ Posted at 2017-2-9 13:42
"i bet Newton didn't face your level of exigency when it wrote the Principa- and don't say he didn't know English either, although you may want to mention he used Latin writing the most important book of all time written by an Englishman. isn't that funny?!"
Not funny at all!

yeah, ok. 800 grand years. homo sapiens reached out of africa 70000 years ago. even then, britain was covered in ice and polar bears would roam over thames. sry, not interested.
newton's book got translated to english during his lifetime. as i recall correctly, more than theyre called saxons because they're germans from saxonia. ans welsh cause theyre from former Galia (France today). what else have you got, the androids?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
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AlecW Posted at 2017-2-9 13:31
Good point, he may be a Sheila.  I'm using a lot of Australian words today ;)

Yeah, but very few but Crocodile Dundee actually talk like that. And we don't have kangaroos hopping down the main street of Sydney either...

But I suppose nothing is sacred any longer in this thread. Lethal had it in one of the first posts - can we all pick up our bat and balls and go home now? Let's focus on the imminent firmware release (well, like in Beetlejuice, I figure if I say enough "Firmware, Firmware, Firmware' it will appear - yay!).
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Flight distance : 16 ft

Punchbuggy Posted at 2017-2-9 13:51
Yeah, but very few but Crocodile Dundee actually talk like that. And we don't have kangaroos hopping down the main street of Sydney either...

But I suppose nothing is sacred any longer in this thread. Lethal had it in one of the first posts - can we all pick up our bat and balls and go home now? Let's focus on the imminent firmware release (well, like in Beetlejuice, I figure if I say enough "Firmware, Firmware, Firmware' it will appear - yay!).

keep butting yourself and call that english. as for roos, you only have what was thrown down under. its sadly known and visible, no painting necessary.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

WindSoul Posted at 2017-2-9 13:31
I thinks? I wonder what geebie and fridge would have to say about that English mistake. They'll blame me for sure, still puzzles me how.
I agree with your post: we're all wrong. I can see it in your pic. well, i didnt have to wait longer.
reading next post, i wonder if there's any way to replace a head from between the legs to around the intellect. if there was one to start with.

Thank you for pointing out the spelling error, now corrected.
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Flight distance : 136686 ft


WindSoul Posted at 2017-2-9 13:16
listen if im wrong just say it. have a bit of spine. stop using acronymes. or take sides, thats fine too. but dont come up as the guy who preaches peace by applying STFU. is just uncivlized.
for your own information, there's no difference between insults and bullying.
this thread has traction because people have something to say on the matter, i hope you remember the matter.

I feel you do not understand what Bullying really is and are mistaking it for verbal or written insults.

"Bullying is an ongoing misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that causes physical and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power over one or more persons. Bullying can happen in person or online, and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert)."

Insults can be a part of Bullying behaviour, but simply being insulted does not mean you are being subjected to bullying.

My spine is fine but I will remain neutral on this subject. My point before was that you are bringing a lot of this upon youself. It may be best to step away from the keyboard for a while and then just engage here about issues to do with flying drones. The moderators have looked at your complaints and it seems they have found them baseless or not worthy of action.
While I have found aspects of this thread quite entertaining I am concerned that you may really be taking this all too seriously.

There .... no acronyms.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

WindSoul Posted at 2017-2-9 13:45
yeah, ok. 800 grand years. homo sapiens reached out of africa 70000 years ago. even then, britain was covered in ice and polar bears would roam over thames. sry, not interested.
newton's book got translated to english during his lifetime. as i recall correctly, more than twice.

Well the British are not 100% Homo Sapiens, I look nothing like the average African person!

OK, most of the non-Homo Sapiens DNA is thought to be Neanderthal and they only came to the UK around 250,000 years ago so there is no proven ancestry between us and the original UK humans.

While most of the UK was covered in ice at various times, there was nothing stopping us moving south for a while, we didn't even need boats since during the ice ages and for a while after the lower sea levels resulted in the UK being connected to Europe and we occupied a large area in the middle of what is now the North Sea and English Channel which where not covered in ice - there is a lot of archaeology being discovered at the bottom of our sea in recent years.
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Flight distance : 392247 ft
United States

Punchbuggy Posted at 2017-2-9 13:51
Yeah, but very few but Crocodile Dundee actually talk like that. And we don't have kangaroos hopping down the main street of Sydney either...

But I suppose nothing is sacred any longer in this thread. Lethal had it in one of the first posts - can we all pick up our bat and balls and go home now? Let's focus on the imminent firmware release (well, like in Beetlejuice, I figure if I say enough "Firmware, Firmware, Firmware' it will appear - yay!).

To be fair I have spent a couple of months in Oz but it was 2 decades ago, maybe your slang changed?

I currently get my Australian lessons from Outback steakhouse ads on the TV and that Ozzy Man on youtube who is hilarious, maybe he's a little too linguistically improper for our friend WindSoul, however  
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