Mavic Air 2 SDK Support
65579 246 2020-4-28
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Flight distance : 1638274 ft
United Kingdom

2afer Posted at 11-15 11:57
So, we expect the Mavic Air 2 support of Mobile SDK on Nov. 30th. That's good news.
But, it will not support the waypoint missions. @DJI_Lisa, can you confirm that? Although you are not part of the hardware team, I am sure you can get this information much easily than us.
If SDK comes without the waypoint support (either due to hardware or software), it will be a very big deal breaker for most of us. @DJI_Lisa, I hope you come with good news regarding the waypoint mission.

DJI_lisa has been consistently trying to manage expectations on this forum and has been transparent in explaining why the SDK can’t magically create waypoint functionality. She’s even gone so far as to side with MA2 users, but the SDK team can’t change the reality of the MA2 being somewhat shortchanged in the hardware/processor or memory department. Software can’t change the hardware limitations that are the cause why waypoints will not be enabled for the MA2.

I also have had confirmation from DJI support that hardware choices made by the programme team are the reason why waypoints won’t be possible now or in the future.

If you already invested in the MA2, you most likely did so on spec and those specs didn’t include waypoints. As disappointing as that may be, look into virtual sticks as a workaround and enjoy your MA2. And let’s hope that the successor of the MA2 will have side and up sensors, waypoint, an improved image sensor and a better gimbal as well as improved protection against impact.

Happy droning!
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Super pilot
Flight distance : 174905 ft

djiuser_fwtdh0d947ZX Posted at 11-20 19:45
DJI_lisa has been consistently trying to manage expectations on this forum and has been transparent in explaining why the SDK can’t magically create waypoint functionality. She’s even gone so far as to side with MA2 users, but the SDK team can’t change the reality of the MA2 being somewhat shortchanged in the hardware/processor or memory department. Software can’t change the hardware limitations that are the cause why waypoints will not be enabled for the MA2.

I also have had confirmation from DJI support that hardware choices made by the programme team are the reason why waypoints won’t be possible now or in the future.

It is immediately clear that you do not understand anything in modern computer technology and the connection between hardware and software. The Mavic Air V1 has APAS and Waypoint and it works great. Do you think it has a more powerful processor and more memory than the Mavic Air 2? You also do not understand anything about the policy of large companies to differentiate their product lines so that they compete with each other as little as possible. I will write an explanation later. The Mavic Air 2 is now a useless piece of plastic for the professional, and a lot of fun for the narcissistic kids.
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Super pilot
Flight distance : 174905 ft

I got a great idea. DJI Team, release 2 types of firmware for the Mavic Air 2 and add selectability to the DJI Fly app so that the user can choose which firmware to install on the drone. The first type of firmware will be standard, with functions that are still there. And in the second type of firmware, remove the Hyperlapse mode, and add Waypoint mode instead. (This can be done if there really is not enough memory). I would gladly install a second type of firmware that supports Waypoint mode without Hyperlapse support (which I do not use).
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Flight distance : 1638274 ft
United Kingdom

Super pilot Posted at 11-21 00:50
It is immediately clear that you do not understand anything in modern computer technology and the connection between hardware and software. The Mavic Air V1 has APAS and Waypoint and it works great. Do you think it has a more powerful processor and more memory than the Mavic Air 2? You also do not understand anything about the policy of large companies to differentiate their product lines so that they compete with each other as little as possible. I will write an explanation later. The Mavic Air 2 is now a useless piece of plastic for the professional, and a lot of fun for the narcissistic kids.

Super Pilot, we’re all passionate about drones but there is no need to attack me personally by making assumptions about what I do and don’t know. I have 20 years’ experience working for global brands in management, including 7 years in premium consumer tech, launching the most ubiquitous of tech devices with OTA for software updates and products with complex softwaremanipulation modes. I worked with product designers, software engineers, product teams and tested products long before they were sold globally to millions of customers.. Ow I always also fairly instrumental in launching a network of innovation centres. I think I have a fair amount of knowledge, so please do not attack forum participants like myself on your assumption that they have no knowledge.

DJI Dev and support teams have stated it’s a hardware issue. From a customer’s perspective the thing that is unclear at the moment about the MA2 is if the hardware components responsible for processing and writing image data and sensor data were downgraded in the MA2 or if the complexity of data increased between the MM1 and the MA2. It is common practice for manufacturers to improve their financial position by cutting costs by using less capable and cheaper components from one generation to the next. Perhaps this was the case here.

I find it an extraordinary tactic (if it is that) for the support team to say that strategic hardware decisions taken by the DJI product team prevent the MA2 from getting waypoints - the single most requested MA2 feature. Such a frank admission is quite damaging because it shows a deliberate decision was taken that would upset the vast majority of consumers, and secondly DJI’s support team and Dev team are communicating with the public in a way that is allegedly transparent with their user community but at the same time damaging to their colleagues in product development, which in most other consumer tech companies (or any company for that matter) would be 100% unacceptable.
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Super pilot
Flight distance : 174905 ft

djiuser_fwtdh0d947ZX Posted at 11-21 04:14
Super Pilot, we’re all passionate about drones but there is no need to attack me personally by making assumptions about what I do and don’t know. I have 20 years’ experience working for global brands in management, including 7 years in premium consumer tech, launching the most ubiquitous of tech devices with OTA for software updates and products with complex softwaremanipulation modes. I worked with product designers, software engineers, product teams and tested products long before they were sold globally to millions of customers.. Ow I always also fairly instrumental in launching a network of innovation centres. I think I have a fair amount of knowledge, so please do not attack forum participants like myself on your assumption that they have no knowledge.

DJI Dev and support teams have stated it’s a hardware issue. From a customer’s perspective the thing that is unclear at the moment about the MA2 is if the hardware components responsible for processing and writing image data and sensor data were downgraded in the MA2 or if the complexity of data increased between the MM1 and the MA2. It is common practice for manufacturers to improve their financial position by cutting costs by using less capable and cheaper components from one generation to the next. Perhaps this was the case here.

Can you give me an example of Apple's line of computers where the next generation used the worst processors or RAM? The Mavic Air 2's APAS system performs much better than the Mavic Air V1. ALL smart features work much better. MA2 has an H6 processor, MA1 has an H3 processor. 4K / 60 fps vs 4K / 30 fps. All of these data indicate that the processor does its job well and is very energy efficient. Knowing this information, how can we even make hypothetical assumptions that DJI used outdated sensors and equipment in the new drone and consider this the reason for the rejection of the Waypoints function? Do you like science fiction?

When planning a new product, managers are in charge. They predict and endow the developed product with the necessary technical and software solutions in their opinion and set tasks for the developers of components and software. In this case, developers are only pawns who carry out orders from their superiors. They cannot add any intelligent function they want to the product; everything needs permission from their superiors. Managers initially decided to replace Waypoints with Hyperlapse. This miscalculation or a cunning move is unknown to me. But the fact that the Mavic 2 has Hyperlapse and Waypoints at the same time speaks for the latter. The Mavic 2 has both a worse processor and more obstacle sensors, and it all works together. The 2016 Phantom 4 Pro works great and still captures great footage! I don't believe there is any hardware problem with the Mavic Air 2 that supposedly prevents the addition of Waypoints. As a last resort, a chunk of 8GB of internal storage can be used to add this feature. Much more realistic is the desire of DJI managers to divide their line of drones not only in price, but also in features.

MINI 2 - QuickShots.
Mavic Air 2 - QuickShots, ActiveTrack, Hyperlapse.
Mavic 2 - QuickShots, ActiveTrack, Hyperlapse, Point of Interest, Waypoints, TapFly.

All this DJI logic can be traced in an elementary way.
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When you visit DJI Mavic Air website

and DJI Mavic Pro website

you see a page that says:

“ The Mavic Air is no longer in production. For the latest in DJI technology, please view our product recommendations below.”

and recommends Mavic Air 2.

Now , Both Mavic Pro and Mavic Air support Waypoints and Mavic Air 2 does not?

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Crippled MA2
United States

Super pilot Posted at 11-21 01:49
I got a great idea. DJI Team, release 2 types of firmware for the Mavic Air 2 and add selectability to the DJI Fly app so that the user can choose which firmware to install on the drone. The first type of firmware will be standard, with functions that are still there. And in the second type of firmware, remove the Hyperlapse mode, and add Waypoint mode instead. (This can be done if there really is not enough memory). I would gladly install a second type of firmware that supports Waypoint mode without Hyperlapse support (which I do not use).

1up.  Hyperlapse I find useless.  Missions are so useful, especially when you are in a scenario where you need repeatable results.  Marketing decided to make the ma2 the toy version so you need to make the investment on the pro
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1640367 ft

djiuser_fwtdh0d947ZX Posted at 11-21 04:14
Super Pilot, we’re all passionate about drones but there is no need to attack me personally by making assumptions about what I do and don’t know. I have 20 years’ experience working for global brands in management, including 7 years in premium consumer tech, launching the most ubiquitous of tech devices with OTA for software updates and products with complex softwaremanipulation modes. I worked with product designers, software engineers, product teams and tested products long before they were sold globally to millions of customers.. Ow I always also fairly instrumental in launching a network of innovation centres. I think I have a fair amount of knowledge, so please do not attack forum participants like myself on your assumption that they have no knowledge.

DJI Dev and support teams have stated it’s a hardware issue. From a customer’s perspective the thing that is unclear at the moment about the MA2 is if the hardware components responsible for processing and writing image data and sensor data were downgraded in the MA2 or if the complexity of data increased between the MM1 and the MA2. It is common practice for manufacturers to improve their financial position by cutting costs by using less capable and cheaper components from one generation to the next. Perhaps this was the case here.

What do you want to achieve by writing such posts? Are you rented by DJI? Because your very weak arguments have been refuted beautifully and very substantively by "Super Pilot". It is only the drone manufacturer's decision what functions will be implemented in the drone. Now they are making all of us idiots, they think we'll believe their little fairy tales.
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Flight distance : 864652 ft
  • >>>

Clearly, DJI is not interested in its customers. I have spent € 1050 on the pack fly more on a drone without waypoints. The only solution I see is to switch us all to Autel. They manufacture excellent machines with waypoints, super cameras, very high quality batteries, and much more.
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Flight distance : 69459 ft

I have purchased Air 2 instead of Mini 2 because I was under impression that it has(will have) waypoints as Air did.
Should I know it will not have waypoints, I would stick to Mini 2 because of its size and price.
It is frustrating.

If DJI says hardware lacks CPU/Memory to work with waypoints, just disable some other functions when working with waypoints. This is as simple as is.
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Super pilot
Flight distance : 174905 ft

djiuser_JpmoShQze6U5 Posted at 11-22 08:54
I have purchased Air 2 instead of Mini 2 because I was under impression that it has(will have) waypoints as Air did.
Should I know it will not have waypoints, I would stick to Mini 2 because of its size and price.
It is frustrating.

And I sold Air 1, confident that Air 2 would definitely support Waypoints, because it is more modern and perfect.
We are waiting for what DJI will come up with. Will she want to repeat the fate of BlackBerry or will develop her products adequately.
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Flight distance : 21585 ft


I am extremely disappointed with the direction that DJI chose for the Mavic Air 2. It was my first drone of the brand, but I am already providing its sale. Without waypoints, this toy is completely useless to me.
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Flight distance : 1275295 ft
United States

Indeed at this price point, my fun Mavic Air 2 has become a very expensive toy without missions. As I become a better pilot on this platform and as the SDK development takes longer and longer, I am realizing that I can sell my Mavic Air 2 at a great price right now and switch to a competitor for a few extra dollars and gain the way point features. This is a scary position to be at with this price point DJI, help your users out!
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Jose Jaime Guerrero Villa

It really sucks that a 1000 usd drone does not natively bring waypoints, and even worse than with the SDK that they have been developing for more than 6 months it is still not available.
I literally bought a $ 1000 toy.
I would have kept my FIMI X8 for 400 dollars that if it included waypoints misions
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United States

vg1 Posted at 11-21 11:19
What do you want to achieve by writing such posts? Are you rented by DJI? Because your very weak arguments have been refuted beautifully and very substantively by "Super Pilot". It is only the drone manufacturer's decision what functions will be implemented in the drone. Now they are making all of us idiots, they think we'll believe their little fairy tales.

I would like to remind both parties of DJI Developer Forum Rules found here:

Please remain, respectful and friendly - this is place for developers to work together and share information.  
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The reality is that MA2 is not a new generation as the "2" implies.
If the company was marketing another target, why not just call it differently... AirEgos, AirMillenial or something different, but "Air 2" was misleading.

This was very very sad to find out...
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Super pilot
Flight distance : 174905 ft

djiuser_fdWFLZSjciU0 Posted at 11-24 21:16
The reality is that MA2 is not a new generation as the "2" implies.
If the company was marketing another target, why not just call it differently... AirEgos, AirMillenial or something different, but "Air 2" was misleading.

The Mavic Air 2 drone couldn't be on this list. There is currently no support for MA2 in the 3rd party SDK. You need to wait. Until early 2021 should be added.
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Flight distance : 1496791 ft

Super pilot Posted at 11-21 07:11
Can you give me an example of Apple's line of computers where the next generation used the worst processors or RAM? The Mavic Air 2's APAS system performs much better than the Mavic Air V1. ALL smart features work much better. MA2 has an H6 processor, MA1 has an H3 processor. 4K / 60 fps vs 4K / 30 fps. All of these data indicate that the processor does its job well and is very energy efficient. Knowing this information, how can we even make hypothetical assumptions that DJI used outdated sensors and equipment in the new drone and consider this the reason for the rejection of the Waypoints function? Do you like science fiction?

When planning a new product, managers are in charge. They predict and endow the developed product with the necessary technical and software solutions in their opinion and set tasks for the developers of components and software. In this case, developers are only pawns who carry out orders from their superiors. They cannot add any intelligent function they want to the product; everything needs permission from their superiors. Managers initially decided to replace Waypoints with Hyperlapse. This miscalculation or a cunning move is unknown to me. But the fact that the Mavic 2 has Hyperlapse and Waypoints at the same time speaks for the latter. The Mavic 2 has both a worse processor and more obstacle sensors, and it all works together. The 2016 Phantom 4 Pro works great and still captures great footage! I don't believe there is any hardware problem with the Mavic Air 2 that supposedly prevents the addition of Waypoints. As a last resort, a chunk of 8GB of internal storage can be used to add this feature. Much more realistic is the desire of DJI managers to divide their line of drones not only in price, but also in features.

I completely agree with you.

Decision to omit Waypoint mode has nothing to do with any hardware and or software issue as you have clearly explained.

It is also nonsense to stand againist this "obvious fact" and trying to convince people otherwise.

It is solely and completely a "MARKETING CHOICE"

While buying this product consumers made a very logical prediction that this product will have "waypoint mode" in the future which even "PAST MODELS" now have.

Now it turns out that they will not add this future for no reason. (other than marketing of their other products.)

So it is again consumers decision to proceed as they like (continue to use this drone, sell this one and buy a pro, sell this one and buy another brand) and live with the approach of DJI.

DJI have good products but they are not so consumer oriented.

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Flight distance : 13566 ft

I just bought a MA" to start in this field for practice and eventually do more. I'm really disappointed to see that it doesn't have the waypoint mode since the MA1 had it and that it is somehow in the hyperlapse mode. I agree that without it, it is really an expensive toy and nothing more. I should have wait and save my money to buy an Autel with better features instead. The Mavic 2 pro is too expensive for what you get. What is the most disappointing for me is the consideration Dji has for the customers. This is one of the most requested feature and they don't seem to even listen. I still hope that this will come in a future update. If not, that definitely means that Dji doesn't need my money and I will think about it when I will purchase my next drone.
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Flight distance : 864652 ft
  • >>>

The MA2 is a hoax. DJI should announce the features before sales. In this way, whoever buys it would agree with what was announced. If they add other features later, perfect. But currently it is bought without knowing what will come in the future. We all buy products after reading their specifications. DJI sells them and then tells you what they won't have. Total deception. We have no alternative but to sell our MA2 and buy a drone that has waypoints. Let's find Autel.
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Guys i also want waypoints on the MA2, but sadly there won't be any time soon, hope that the SDK file will unlock this feature somehowfor any third party app, although i find it to still work manually for 3d mapping when flying zig-zag as for example dronelink would, slow flight, interval photos, it's doable. Nothing compared to click 2 buttons, light a cigar and wait, but still, at least you do have more time to spend with the drone that way = )

PS - really really waiting for the SDK file to see what DJI will give us.
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my current atempt to get more info :
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Super pilot
Flight distance : 174905 ft

In my opinion, DJI doesn't necessarily have to add waypoint support to the DJI Fly app. It is enough to add Waypoints to the drone firmware and SDK. MA2 drone owners wishing to use Waypoint Mode will use third-party apps. This is just my opinion as a developer.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1640367 ft

I am afraid that DJI will not listen to our requests and it will remain in the spring to change the company to SONY, which will then release its drones, and then DJI will lose many customers.
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Flight distance : 13566 ft

Super pilot Posted at 11-25 12:26
In my opinion, DJI doesn't necessarily have to add waypoint support to the DJI Fly app. It is enough to add Waypoints to the drone firmware and SDK. MA2 drone owners wishing to use Waypoint Mode will use third-party apps. This is just my opinion as a developer.

I completely agree with you. If they can just release it in the SDK, that would be enough.
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Super pilot
Flight distance : 174905 ft

vg1 Posted at 11-25 13:14
I am afraid that DJI will not listen to our requests and it will remain in the spring to change the company to SONY, which will then release its drones, and then DJI will lose many customers.

It's a good news. This is my first time hearing about Sony in the drone market. But you can be sure that such a powerful company with a history full of great products will take over a fairly large market share. I'm happy about that. I will need to hold 1000$ in my hands by the spring and follow the news. Competition is great!
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Super pilot Posted at 11-24 23:35
The Mavic Air 2 drone couldn't be on this list. There is currently no support for MA2 in the 3rd party SDK. You need to wait. Until early 2021 should be added.

I am totally new with drones...

Two weeks ago, I saw a meteorite from a work trip, and I planned to look for it.
So, I youtubed what the options there are for mapping. I saw people using Mavic Air with dronelink, so I assumed that Air 2 was going to be supported specially since DJI does not sell Air anymore.

Do you think that eventually Dronelink would support MA2 after DJI release SDK?

By the way, I ordered the MA2 and I have subscribed to Dronelink already.
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Super pilot
Flight distance : 174905 ft

djiuser_fdWFLZSjciU0 Posted at 11-26 18:14
I am totally new with drones...

Two weeks ago, I saw a meteorite from a work trip, and I planned to look for it.

I do not use Dronelink and am not going to do it in the future, but I am sure that they will support MA2. All developers are awaiting the release of SDK version 4.14. The only question is whether MA2 will support full Waypoints mode. If not, then as far as I know Dronelink will suggest using a imitation of Waypoints mode, which uses virtual sticks and is not suitable for long-distance flights and flights in areas with a lot of interference. So wait and test it.
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DJI_Lisa Posted at 10-19 12:54
Litchi is a developer who uses our SDK - we have no way to block any particular developer.  It is up to Litchi to update to our newest SDK release and it will be up to them if they support MA2.

I can confirm the possibility of dates, as already mentioned the SDK team is shooting to have the release before the end of Q4.  The roadmap lists an estimated date of 11/29/2020 but please note, that this is an estimate.  You can view the roadmap here:

Finally it has arrived, the date we've been waiting for.... 11/30/2020! Are we on par with the new MSDK?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 163438 ft
United Kingdom

djiuser_faeGlNPSL3o9 Posted at 11-29 08:48
Finally it has arrived, the date we've been waiting for.... 11/30/2020! Are we on par with the new MSDK?

Any News As Of Yet ?
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Flight distance : 21585 ft


Today is the date set for completion of the SDK, as informed by @DJI_Lisa. Any news? There is a whole community of users with renewed hopes for this day.
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United States

Fabriciolvm Posted at 11-30 07:32
Today is the date set for completion of the SDK, as informed by @DJI_Lisa. Any news? There is a whole community of users with renewed hopes for this day.

Well, I had news from Dronelink that it was actually supposed to be the 29th of November. But, now that DJILisa says it's an 'estimated' date...snicker, snicker,... here we sit...INDEFINATELY...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 163438 ft
United Kingdom

djiuser_6VIlh6li3Ol1 Posted at 11-30 13:10
Well, I had news from Dronelink that it was actually supposed to be the 29th of November. But, now that DJILisa says it's an 'estimated' date...snicker, snicker,... here we sit...INDEFINATELY...

I just hope we get flight planning with waypoints added in to the SDK release so Litchi can make it happen for MA2
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United States

I'm another individual who would greatly benefit from waypoints in the mavic air 2 SDK. Please take the time to add it DJI.
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Flight distance : 1330495 ft
  • >>>
United States

I wouldn’t count on it.  IMO there is a reason DJI has not answered the waypoint question and keep saying they’ll forward the question to the engineers.   MA2 was released in May 2020.  They still don’t allegedly know?  I hope I’m wrong but I sense it’ll be virtual waypoints.
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Flight distance : 1220479 ft
  • >>>

We've purchased many DJI products throughout the years, but I have the feeling the Mavic Air 2 will be the last one ever. The big delay in making the SDK available (it's December 1st & still not out yet!) and these artificial marketing BS limitations about waypoints is a complete letdown, HUGE disappointment !
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Flight distance : 617346 ft

marcbou Posted at 12-1 05:58
We've purchased many DJI products throughout the years, but I have the feeling the Mavic Air 2 will be the last one ever. The big delay in making the SDK available (it's December 1st & still not out yet!) and these artificial marketing BS limitations about waypoints is a complete letdown, HUGE disappointment !

When sdk for Mavic Air 2 release? Please..
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United States

Somebody on MavicPilots forum got a revised date of December 13: ... page-2#post-1149216
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Flight distance : 2587211 ft
United States

Roadmap says it should’ve been released the 29th, what the heck DJI, we payed for this stuff months ago this is unacceptable really.
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As far as i know the mavic mini 2 doesn't support waypoints in tradtional way (upload/offline) also.
The waypoint function is supported by 3rd party developer who also using the virtual sticks functionalty.

So with the SDK for the Mavic Air 2, we will get the same waypoint functionalites like the mavic mini 2.

Is that correct?
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