Flight distance : 9629 ft
Bartosz Supcziński Posted at 12-13 09:30
Why these screams, this aggression is unnecessary, I did nothing wrong. It seems to me that if I am a physicist by education, I can speak on this matter. I will explain to you where the temperature difference comes from in your case. In flight, when the matrix is working, the temperature inside the lens is +60'C, and the ambient temperature is +25'C, and with high humidity inside, condensation occurs. The UV filter will reduce this temperature difference. This will not allow the outside of the lens to cool down. More precisely, it will allow the lens to heat up from the outside, because the environment will not receive heat.
Can you accept the possibility that someone is not your enemy and is giving you good advice, and you don't always have to be right?
I don't scream! I also studied physics, I had an engineering faculty, advanced mathematics, physics, programming, etc. I'm not idiot and studied this problem before creating this topic. If I understood the mistake, I would admit it! I'm just tired of repeating the same thing. I said you in first answer that filters don't help, the owners of drones with this problem tried this and many different solves. Someone tried use filters, someone using anti-condensate stickers inside, someone stores drone in many silica gel, someone additionally treats the o-ring with oil or vaseline, and someone simply wipes fog on lens from the inside and removes o-ring completely, this helps for some period.
At this moment only one user here, has written that the new drone works fine for him, but maybe he will have a problem again. Another user who already had 5 replacements wrote to me in a personal message and his problem didn't disappear. I had "Mini 2" for half a year before "Mini 3" and had no problems with it! The same climate, the same conditions, no fog has ever appeared.
I perfectly understood your idea with the filter, but for example, how does it work with a camera? You just have condensation on the filter, that's all. Here, if there is a high temperature inside, then it will remain so. Yes, it may slow down the formation of fog, but it will not be able to get rid of it, and during a long flight, condensation may also appear on filter. Plus, any filter darkens the picture and I just don’t want to constantly fly with a filter. I want to use the drone like everyone else!
The problem is rare, and instead of recognizing it and making refunds to the owners, DJI decided to mock with constant replacements and repairs. Why don't they study at what points on the planet the problem occurs, in what temperature conditions, in what humidity? They should look into it and understand the mistake in order to prevent it in the future, and at least make some kind of effective solution, or for example, allow me to wipe the camera myself so that it does not void my warranty, but they don't! Just understand that I had the drone for two months in my hands, and for three and half it was in service. Now they should send me a new drone. I'm waiting news more than month. But even that I had to demand, because DJI wanted me to do another repair for third time, which twice had no result... And I have probably already 5 times in this thread and several times in another, I explained that this is a non-standard situation, everything has already been tried, nothing helps. I have never encountered such attitude towards client, I was surprised when I was openly told that we cannot return money to you. I asked: "Ok. But what should I do now? Everytime send drone for repair?" I was told: "Sorry, the company's sales policy. We will definitely try to solve your problem." That is, they do not promise to fix anything, but they will not return the money. Nice! I don't want everytime run to service, in the end it's just money thrown away. Now when new drone arrives, I will send it to my friend in Europe to sell it there. |