Flight distance : 123005 ft
MikeQView Posted at 2017-7-14 14:49
Strange how this hobby evolves ! a few years back, this scenario was so unlikely to ever happen, as a drone pilot would have come up through the ranks, by way of learning and building the machine, so from day one the pilot would be very aware, of its capabilities, and performance capability. typically the new pilot would have sought advice and training to fly his /her model, starting by learning to hover in atti type mode, then would have progressed to learn nose in flying, all with in about 50 meters, then the pilot would have learnt circuits etc etc over many weeks. these days drone manufacturers build turn key drones, to make flying a drone easier. So a guy sees a drone on the internet and orders one, postal service drops it to his door, the new pilot charges the battery, and goes off and flies well over a 1000mtrs on the first few flights ! the pilot has absolutely no idea of what is happening or why its happening ! with a likely outcome that it may crash. authorities then see this and say drone flying is dangerous. this makes this whole thing ridiculous ! route cause analysis would show that the fault here is THE SERIOUS LACK OF TRAINING ! i am sorry but i am starting to think its wrong to sell, turn key drones, in the current way! the guy with this issue didnt have a clue, just as bad, he wasnt aware that he needed to know anything ! and dissappointingly he still doesnt know much, so where does the fault really start? companies who sell turn key drones, really ought to lock the drone into 50mtr radius circle, until the pilot has undertaken x number of flights, and sat through a comprehensive flight training video, before having the drone unlocked, or at least something ! if the outcome even though very unlikely was a fatality, and this went to court, who could argue what ? who would have the best case of due diligence ? i am not siding with the pilot or DJI , i am just raising this, because its so easy for all us long time served pilots to knock this pilot for what he has done here, i have tried to think of putting myself into a hobby where i didnt have a clue and think if i could get myself in a similar predicament, like jet sking, jet boat or something ??? my natural want to understand would lead me to research and do more research before applying the throttle for the first time. i dont the know the full answer to this without breaking it down and understanding , i do know its sad though !
Hi MikeQView,
You are not right, People are free, healthy, and smart, so you can't create sytem, law or anythings else to prevent some people (A few part in fact) to be stupid ! I
f DJI do that : Block your drone or somethings else, YOU or other good skilled pilot will be the looser and you will have to deal with this unpleasant restriction.
Any law, system, book, forum and so on will prevent people to be stupid.
Obviously, in any hobbies you have to read, learn and understant you hobbies before starting, lot of people hnow that and do that, don't late stupid people create bad law !
Have a nice day,