Flight distance : 482805 ft
United States
UNsyncED Posted at 11-28 14:50
Hey Rfern, have you had any feedback from DJI, about the M2 and Goggles RE not working together properly?
I have not. Nothing. I got absolutely nowhere at all. Phone calls included. It’s a shame. Ya think they’re stalling? Or more optimistically, working on it? I can’t get anything accomplished no matter who I talk to , email or just plain b____h to. And if you notice , when it first started , they relatively were responding. Now , as more of the issue becomes known, and more people are posting there experiences/issues, we hear crickets. Not sure if that means anything. Maybe they finally realized that everyone’s firmware is updated, DJI app is current, it’s not our devices fault, and it doesn’t matter if the stupid antenna is being used or not? I mean, that would eliminate anything that’s our fault, right. They ran out of dumb questions |