United States
DAVIDTNZ Posted at 2020-5-18 16:33
Hi from New Zealand. I have just bought an Air 2 and would like to use it with a colleague’s Phantom 4, on land surveying tasks. This requires flight planning on waypoints; typically post processing in Pix4d. Company DroneDeploy have replied to me today saying that they are waiting for the DJI SDK. Hopefully DJI are reading these requests and will work with the community to advance their user’s interests. Great drone: push the boundaries on it, now. Thanks.
Hi from the US. Try out Red Waypoint. I also just recently purchased a Mavic Air 2 & also needed to plan multiple WPs (>5 limit in DJIFly). So far Red Waypoint has worked well for me, for mapping or lawn mowing pattern missions. The interface is good, the laying down of WPs is reasonably easy, editing is good too. FYI - I've found the hard way that the .srt file for mission telemetry on the MA2 is now encrypted & password protected by DJI. You CAN'T open it & thus can't utilize the geo data. I note this because I'm assuming you'll want this geolocation data of your imagery when moving over to Pix4D. I know I do, having the same plan as you. Good luck! |