Flight distance : 5469 ft
Dear DJI,
since about two weeks, I am the owner of a DJI Spark. And I can say: WOOOW, what a great product. I already had great flights in the Austrian mountains.
I just wanted to send you some feature request. Would be great if you could take a look on.
Feature Requests:
- Possibility to put the Camera Mode Switch (Video/Photo) on one of the customizable buttons so that a switch is possible without handling around on the smartphone.
- Possibility to enable automatic video record, starting when drone takes off . Maybe the drone pilot is "nervous" before a flight and forgot to push "record" and as a result, great moments will not be captured. (I actually forgot by myself a few times to push the record button).
- Possibility to switch off the button sound on the RC.
- Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance Behaviour:
(Source: https://forum.dji.com/thread-99214-1-1.html, DJI Forum user: milksteak)
----> Automated RTH behavior (the mode needs to be set up in the settings)
Possible modes:
A. Stay within obstacle avoidance speed limits (2.5meters/s) at ALL TIMES and land wherever it is if the drone runs out of battery.
B. As A, unless RTH approximation against battery life does not allow successful return, then auto switches to mode C until it CAN make it, then auto slows to within obstacle avoidance speed limits.
C. Mixed speed mode. I think this is the current functionality - it flies quickly outside of a certain distance to cover ground without obstacle avoidance, and switches to low speed mode within a certain range. I'm not sure what the purpose do this mode is for, balance of battery life and safety I guess, but I think we can just keep A and B, which this mixed mode can be full sport mode speed.
D. Hover until out of battery and then land
----> Manual RTH activation (These options can be asked each time I slide my thumb across to call for RTH manually)
THEN, the battery graph with the live-adjusting RTH warnings can have two color-coded RTH flags. Green for RTH mode-A and Yellow for mode-B and then Red for mode-C which constantly adjusts itself on the battery graph as I fly, showing me what safety nets I have left in my flight. You can also set <80m it defaults to mode-A or how it currently functions. The above options are for >80m RTH behaviors using the remote.
I think the idea of the OA extension is great. Would be great if you guys can think about that :-)
Kind Regards