Experiencing similar issues but none of the alternate fixes has had any real effect.
I crashed my P3Pro a month ago (fatal) and my friend let me borrow theirs (which hadn't been used in quite some time (1yr +).
Inserted my old SD card from my unit (with latest firmware v1.11.20) and booted up the unit.
Tried to install firmware but continued to fail.
Downloaded .BIN file again and attempted again, continual failure.
Deleted .BIN files and log then reinserted and booted up again, seemed to go OK.
Linked my old RC controller (with latest firmware) to the P3 and opened app.
Checked all versions (all up to date, v1.11.20 FW, 3.1.42 APP, 1.9.2 RC) but had ESC issue for a while (props off).
This was resolved and now no longer have ESC issue but still no image feed from the camera and continuing to see the ATTITUDE mode is on (even though switch is toggled to P.
Keeps flicking between OPT and P-Att modes on the app.
I can see all the settings, the auto ISO changes if I put my hand in front of the lens, I can fly, take photos etc but completely unable to view camera feed from the app.
I can see the files on the microSD card but cannot stream to my devices via the app.
Have tried using different devices (Samsung Galaxy Note 8, Samsung Galaxy Tab Active 2, Google Pixel XL, Google Nexus 7 (using DJI Pilot old version).
None of these with various different cables has had any success.
Once when I tried the Nexus it said all firmware was out of date but no longer says that.
No other device has said so, all say up to date.
No idea what to try other than the 1.11.30 FW version and see if that helps.
Have PM's DJI Susam so hopefully she can link me the files asap.
PS: Why is it that an apparently more common than previously though problem has it's 'fix' closed from public/consumer access when it has been 'solved' for ~10 months ?
Shouldn't this be generally accessible via the support section ?