 First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft
| Posted at 4-6 03:16
The worse thing is that the new regulations have little, if anything, to do with safety. These drones were flying perfectly well and without any serious problems before but the 'wise' politicians in the E.U. and in the national governments saw it fit to introduce more regulations. Have there been serious problems with these types of drones ? No. Will the new regulations improve safety ? Probably no. Was there a need for new regulations ? No.
If putting a 'C1' sticker on a drone makes it safer then we should also apply them to cars, boats and cycles for the same magic to work there too.
"The worse thing is that the new regulations have little, if anything, to do with safety"You must not have informed yourself well. It would be good to support the point with some concrete argument.
"Have there been serious problems with these types of drones ?"
Before 2014-2015 the use of civil unmanned aircraft (drones) was mainly concentrated in dedicated clubs and supervised by federations/associations.
In many countries clubs were and still are duly identified for the purpose of sharing airspace with other aircraft, but also to prevent the risk of intrusion into private territories.
Then drones became more and more popular and accessible, in terms of price but also in terms of maneuverability.
New phenomena have appeared, and for the most serious, overflight of sensitive sites, proximity to manned aircraft... Which constitutes serious problems.
"Will the new regulations improve safety ?"
The regulation is made to provide a regulatory framework and inform as much as possible the general public who can go to any hardware store or on the internet, buy a drone, and fly it.
The idea is not to completely prohibit the practice, while indicating to users the procedure to follow in terms of respect for air space and the environment. It is therefore directly linked to security. Moreover, the categories were made through a risk identification process.
"If putting a 'C1' sticker on a drone makes it safer then we should also apply them to cars, boats and cycles"
If you have a driving license, look on it, there are letters from A to E ;)
For the boat it's the same there are at least four, maybe more, and subcategories depending on the type of boat and its use.
"And the worst thing, these regulations were NOT needed in the first place"
This regulation is more than necessary, because the next step is the pure and simple banning of drones outside the aeromodelling club. What was mentioned among the options considered.