registration C1 Air 2s
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Jozzino Air 2S
Flight distance : 61529 ft

DJI Diana Posted at 4-5 14:37
Hi, djiuser_rkWjv75c17We, thank you for your reply. I understand how you feel and know how difficult this situation is for you. As much as I would like to answer this, I cannot provide direct answers to your request. The steps, process, and time frame you asked for will be announced. As mentioned by our relevant department, we are currently in the final stages of resolving this. Rest assured, we are putting in our best efforts to address this matter. Once it is ready, we will promptly notify you. We hope for your kind understanding and cooperation.

We hope for your kind understanding and cooperation...
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FabioV Posted at 4-5 13:02
In 2021 the requirements  for the certification had still to be finalized.
True that.
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The worst thing is that the new regulations have little, if anything, to do with safety.  These drones were flying perfectly well and without any serious problems before but the 'wise' politicians in the E.U. and in the national governments saw it fit to introduce more regulations.   Have there been serious problems with these types of drones ?  No.   Will the new regulations improve safety ?  Probably no.   Was there a need for new regulations ?  No.

If putting a 'C1' sticker on a drone makes it safer then we should also apply them to cars, boats and cycles for the same magic to work there too.

There has been more than enough time since 2021 for DJI, the EU regulators and others to have sorted the mess out.  They have not.   That to me, is incompetence.  Delays, delays and more delays.  And the worst thing, these regulations were NOT needed in the first place.

I ask for your understanding and patience in this matter.    My patience is near its end, and my understanding is that the whole matter is just incompetence.

Rant over.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft
Offline Posted at 4-6 03:16
The worse thing is that the new regulations have little, if anything, to do with safety.  These drones were flying perfectly well and without any serious problems before but the 'wise' politicians in the E.U. and in the national governments saw it fit to introduce more regulations.   Have there been serious problems with these types of drones ?  No.   Will the new regulations improve safety ?  Probably no.   Was there a need for new regulations ?  No.

If putting a 'C1' sticker on a drone makes it safer then we should also apply them to cars, boats and cycles for the same magic to work there too.

"The worse thing is that the new regulations have little, if anything, to do with safety"You must not have informed yourself well. It would be good to support the point with some concrete argument.

"Have there been serious problems with these types of drones ?"
Before 2014-2015 the use of civil unmanned aircraft (drones) was mainly concentrated in dedicated clubs and supervised by federations/associations.
In many countries clubs were and still are duly identified for the purpose of sharing airspace with other aircraft, but also to prevent the risk of intrusion into private territories.
Then drones became more and more popular and accessible, in terms of price but also in terms of maneuverability.
New phenomena have appeared, and for the most serious, overflight of sensitive sites, proximity to manned aircraft... Which constitutes serious problems.

"Will the new regulations improve safety ?"
The regulation is made to provide a regulatory framework and inform as much as possible the general public who can go to any hardware store or on the internet, buy a drone, and fly it.
The idea is not to completely prohibit the practice, while indicating to users the procedure to follow in terms of respect for air space and the environment. It is therefore directly linked to security. Moreover, the categories were made through a risk identification process.

"If putting a 'C1' sticker on a drone makes it safer then we should also apply them to cars, boats and cycles"

If you have a driving license, look on it, there are letters from A to E ;)
For the boat it's the same there are at least four, maybe more, and subcategories depending on the type of boat and its use.

"And the worst thing, these regulations were NOT needed in the first place"
This regulation is more than necessary, because the next step is the pure and simple banning of drones outside the aeromodelling club. What was mentioned among the options considered.

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In Europe (we consider ourselves very progressive) we pay 7 times more taxes than in any country outside the EU.
Our politicians exploit us with taxes for everything. Pollution, spills, noise... And I don't think it's bad, but what we can't do is make EU citizens pay for the problems of the entire world. While other countries (like China, India (which are half the world's population)) pollute 1000 times more than us, it is the Europeans who have to pay our taxes and also theirs to solve it.
Welcome to the UN2030 agenda.
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Ulf Pedersen
Flight distance : 16751906 ft
Offline Posted at 4-6 03:16
The worst thing is that the new regulations have little, if anything, to do with safety.  These drones were flying perfectly well and without any serious problems before but the 'wise' politicians in the E.U. and in the national governments saw it fit to introduce more regulations.   Have there been serious problems with these types of drones ?  No.   Will the new regulations improve safety ?  Probably no.   Was there a need for new regulations ?  No.

If putting a 'C1' sticker on a drone makes it safer then we should also apply them to cars, boats and cycles for the same magic to work there too.

You are absolutely right
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Ulf Pedersen
Flight distance : 16751906 ft

FabioV Posted at 4-5 13:02
In 2021 the requirements  for the certification had still to be finalized.

They have been available since (EU) 2019/945
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2185043 ft

Ulf Pedersen Posted at 4-6 04:14
They have been available since (EU) 2019/945

No, they were not. They’ve been released far later than the regulation.
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Ulf Pedersen
Flight distance : 16751906 ft

FabioV Posted at 4-6 04:54
No, they were not. They’ve been released far later than the regulation.

12 March 2019 is written on this ... =CELEX%3A32019R0945
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Flight distance : 124547 ft

Ulf Pedersen Posted at 4-6 07:18
12 March 2019 is written on this

They were written ... but they enter into force from 2021, and drone classification from end of 2023
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Ulf Pedersen
Flight distance : 16751906 ft

djiuser_GzeZ2Cj9TQVy Posted at 4-6 07:44
They were written ... but they enter into force from 2021, and drone classification from end of 2023

So you're trying to convince me that DJI doesn't know about it ;-)
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Ulf Pedersen
Flight distance : 16751906 ft

djiuser_GzeZ2Cj9TQVy Posted at 4-6 07:44
They were written ... but they enter into force from 2021, and drone classification from end of 2023

So explain why the Mavic 3 could get their C1 ;-) ... rcraft%20systems%20(UAS)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

Ulf Pedersen Posted at 4-6 07:58
So explain why the Mavic 3 could get their C1 ;-)
The law was studied between 2015 and 2019.

Then it was amended numerous times, then its application postponed until January 2024 following the request of manufacturers due to the covid period.  

Products such as drones do not come out of a hat.  These are development plans over several years.  I wouldn't be surprised if a company like DJI had a product roadmap for at least 5 years.

What I mean is that the law certainly appeared at the right time in the development of the Mavic 3 allowing its application.  Which is probably not the case for the Air2s.  

Once again, DJI owes us nothing.  The law does not require them to bring drones placed on the market before January 1, 2024 into compliance.
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Flight distance : 124547 ft

Ulf Pedersen Posted at 4-6 07:56
So you're trying to convince me that DJI doesn't know about it ;-)

they knew ... but ... it's a company that seek profit
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Jozzino Air 2S Posted at 4-6 02:04
We hope for your kind understanding and cooperation...

Thanks for your patience, Jozzino Air 2S.
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Fozando Posted at 4-5 23:07
Why you cannot give us the information? Why you cannot tell us the truth?

Tell us which are the reasons for this behaviour

I understand how you feel and how inconvenience the situation is for you. I wish I could respond directly to your request, but I am unable to do so. The steps, method, and time frame you requested will be announced.
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Pietro G.
Flight distance : 219990 ft
  • >>>

DJI Diana Posted at 4-6 08:16
I understand how you feel and how inconvenience the situation is for you. I wish I could respond directly to your request, but I am unable to do so. The steps, method, and time frame you requested will be announced.

"The steps, method and time period required will be announced"....

Let's hope as soon as possible though. You will understand that such a long wait is quite frustrating for us who have been waiting since January.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2185043 ft

Ulf Pedersen Posted at 4-6 07:18
12 March 2019 is written on this

You’re confusing the regulation with the technical requirements for the C classes, The first version of the requirements has been released in july 2021.
It’s quite obvious that the certification of the Air 2S started late, because probably at the beginning they decided to not certify, or they had other priorities, such as the certification of the new models.
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Ulf Pedersen
Flight distance : 16751906 ft

FabioV Posted at 4-6 11:34
You’re confusing the regulation with the technical requirements for the C classes, The first version of the requirements has been released in july 2021.
It’s quite obvious that the certification of the Air 2S started late, because probably at the beginning they decided to not certify, or they had other priorities, such as the certification of the new models.

Just as you wrote yourself "certification of the new models"

But then we also agree ;-)
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DJI Customer service from Germany 2 days ago.

Sehr geehrter Herr ,
Es liegt leider noch kein genaues Datum vor aber ich kann schonmal
bestätigen, dass die Air 2S in naher Zukunft auf C1 nachzertifiziert
werden kann. Es hat leider zusätzliche Hürden gegeben und DJI wartet
noch auf die Bestätigung der Behörden
Seitens DJI wird die Nachzertifizierung mit Nachdruck angestrebt aber
für jedes Modell ist dies ein einzelner Prozess. Bei der Air 2S dauert
es leider länger als ursprünglich angenommen. DJI muss auf die
Bestätigung der Behörden warten und kann es leider nicht weiter
Es liegt auch intern leider kein Datum vor. Als groben Zeitraum würde
ich die nächsten Wochen vermuten aber ich kann es nicht bestätigen.

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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Pietro G. Posted at 4-6 11:02
"The steps, method and time period required will be announced"....

Let's hope as soon as possible though. You will understand that such a long wait is quite frustrating for us who have been waiting since January.

Sorry to hear that. We use a mailing list to ensure our customers receive timely updates in a targeted and consistent manner. But we also value the forum and public platforms as a means of engaging with our community. We will forward your feedback to our relevant team about your suggestion to share updates this way. Thank you for your understanding.
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All these regulations and rules is why most things don't make sense, and why a lot of ppl don't bother with drones.One example that also doesn't make sense is:

The limit is 120m.If I get to a rooftop of a building that's 200m tall and fly another 120m, that's 320m and I'm just RIGHT there being legal.

The guy that's in the yard down below, if he flies at 320m right next to mine, he's illegal cause he went WAY above 120m.

And now when you look at Air2s, imagine looking at a monster drone used for spraying the fields and construction sites, until this gets resolved.It's ridiculous and complicated for most ppl out there, which is why they don't bother.

Go figure.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

Greglaz125 Posted at 4-7 02:37
All these regulations and rules is why most things don't make sense, and why a lot of ppl don't bother with drones.One example that also doesn't make sense is:

Above Ground Level is the rule. Its different than above Surface level. Read the rules carefully please before posting such nonsense.
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Flight distance : 39820 ft
  • >>>

Greglaz125 Posted at 4-7 02:37
All these regulations and rules is why most things don't make sense, and why a lot of ppl don't bother with drones.One example that also doesn't make sense is:

Are you really trying to find any common sense in laws and regulations? Really? Good luck
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1640367 ft

The company DJI, solely focused on profit, does not care about its image like European companies because it practically holds a monopoly. It has clearly demonstrated multiple times that the customer is important only before the purchase, and afterward, their needs are disregarded. We should already be accustomed to this. It is the same in this situation as well. The company had plenty of time to prepare the drones, and the regulations have been known for several years, yet little has been done in this regard.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2185043 ft

DosPalotes Posted at 4-7 03:39
Are you really trying to find any common sense in laws and regulations? Really? Good luck
Regulation are required because the most of people does not have any sense of responsibility and, when left without any limitation, they would continuously put at risk themselves and all the other people. Please imagine a world without speed limits and driving regulation. Regulations are not perfect, but they’re necessary in the real world.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1640367 ft

FabioV Posted at 4-7 05:56
Regulation are required because the most of people does not have any sense of responsibility and, when left without any limitation, they would continuously put at risk themselves and all the other people. Please imagine a world without speed limits and driving regulation. Regulations are not perfect, but they’re necessary in the real world.

Bicycles, skateboards, roller skates and many other equipment should also have regulations, exams, and notification of the intention to use them - after all, in the event of a collision with people, they have much greater kinetic energy than a 250g drone...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2185043 ft

fansd8c9ca1c Posted at 4-7 06:54
Bicycles, skateboards, roller skates and many other equipment should also have regulations, exams, and notification of the intention to use them - after all, in the event of a collision with people, they have much greater kinetic energy than a 250g drone...

Indeed, and in some countries they are subject to regulations.
Just to remind: the Air 2S is not a 250g drone and it has the potential to cause severe injuries.
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Flight distance : 384058 ft

fansd8c9ca1c Posted at 4-7 06:54
Bicycles, skateboards, roller skates and many other equipment should also have regulations, exams, and notification of the intention to use them - after all, in the event of a collision with people, they have much greater kinetic energy than a 250g drone...

Bicycles, skateboards, roller skates do not have electrical motors and are not as technology dependent as drones, they cant speed up via motors, suddenly crash into someone because they refuse to cooperate or be hijacked or blown by the wind. You are trying to compare a potato to a wind mill.
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Flight distance : 384058 ft

Our best bet is trying to track changes here: or here:
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Flight distance : ****

TUV Rheinland will disclose any info only and only if DJI want.
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If there is no C1 markigs please give us old firmware without  so much restrictions. I have insurance paid and flying test finished pilot number on my drone. And still can not fly and film. Only on fields. Please give us old firmware so i will be responsible for law in my country.
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FabioV Posted at 4-7 05:56
Regulation are required because the most of people does not have any sense of responsibility and, when left without any limitation, they would continuously put at risk themselves and all the other people. Please imagine a world without speed limits and driving regulation. Regulations are not perfect, but they’re necessary in the real world.
What you just said.Imagine a guy with an electric scooter, not needing a license to have it, most of them can ride these things being less than 18 years old, have pretty much no idea about the traffic code.Then the responsibility goes away and something happens and they get injured or even killed, while taking others with them.

Then, you need a license for some little machine up in the unlimited sky, license expires in like 3 years until you have to renew it again, expensive machine, trying to learn how to fly it, hard to cause trouble unless you fly way close to the ground.

Yeah...rules are not perfect.I can agree to that, but one thing's for sure.The drone community is a very responsible community.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

Greglaz125 Posted at 4-7 21:50
What you just said.Imagine a guy with an electric scooter, not needing a license to have it, most of them can ride these things being less than 18 years old, have pretty much no idea about the traffic code.Then the responsibility goes away and something happens and they get injured or even killed, while taking others with them.

Then, you need a license for some little machine up in the unlimited sky, license expires in like 3 years until you have to renew it again, expensive machine, trying to learn how to fly it, hard to cause trouble unless you fly way close to the ground, even down to the sticks they are selling, that's not fit for everyone.

Stop trolling.
At the beginning, drones were not regulated. Electric scooters either but no luck for your argument, since April 1st this is the case. So its coming.
Registration of electric scooters mandatory as of April 1 / Article (

New technologies are not born with their associated regulations, it is based on a risk assessment which is based on experience.

Go complain to those who had the good idea to fly over nuclear power plants, take photos of airliners landing and taking off, deliver packages to prisons from the air...

The drone injury database is widely documented, and has existed since before DJI appeared. Before we called them RC models.

So please stop trying to convince people that this law serves no purpose, but only to police people.

"The drone community is a very responsible community"
After your flamboyant explanation of the takeoff from a rooftop 120m high in post #262, this is very laughable coming from you. By the way, the case of a building greater than 120m is very well described in the law, and does not correspond at all to the interpretation you made.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

Greglaz125 Posted at 4-7 21:50
What you just said.Imagine a guy with an electric scooter, not needing a license to have it, most of them can ride these things being less than 18 years old, have pretty much no idea about the traffic code.Then the responsibility goes away and something happens and they get injured or even killed, while taking others with them.

Then, you need a license for some little machine up in the unlimited sky, license expires in like 3 years until you have to renew it again, expensive machine, trying to learn how to fly it, hard to cause trouble unless you fly way close to the ground.

In your defense, the Greek CAA website regarding drones is close to nothing. It's not easy to acquire the right information.

Atvertā kategorija - CAA
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LV_Forestry Posted at 4-7 22:05
Stop trolling.
At the beginning, drones were not regulated. Electric scooters either but no luck for your argument, since April 1st this is the case. So its coming.
Registration of electric scooters mandatory as of April 1 / Article (

Why do you have to be so aggressive in your responses?The 120m was a mistake of mine, I get it.If you can't take other ppls comments and correct them for being wrong, and do it in a better manner, then why be here?Why read them?To respond like this?

Yeah I figured that aerial photos and such machines can be used for bad reasons and obviously spying on others, but at least I'm talking about the ppl who use them for work or even hobby but have no ill will.You are literally the only one in here being this aggressive.Please behave better.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

Greglaz125 Posted at 4-7 22:12
Why do you have to be so aggressive in your responses?The 120m was a mistake of mine, I get it.If you can't take other ppls comments and correct them for being wrong, and do it in a better manner, then why be here?Why read them?To respond like this?

Yeah I figured that aerial photos and such machines can be used for bad reasons and obviously spying on others, but at least I'm talking about the ppl who use them for work or even hobby but have no ill will.You are literally the only one in here being this aggressive.Please behave better.

The reason is simple, this forum is the temple of misinformation, there are moderators but there is no moderation.
Look at the number of upvotes under post #243. Scary!

It is extremely dangerous to post unfounded certainties. You have no idea how many students said to me “yes, but I saw that on the internet”.
There are so many trolls here that the technique is simple, be rude to them, or they will realize their mistake and correct, what seems to be your case thank you. Either they lose their temper and get banned.

Above all the idea is to reestablish what is right.
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LV_Forestry Posted at 4-7 22:21
The reason is simple, this forum is the temple of misinformation, there are moderators but there is no moderation.
Look at the number of upvotes under post #243. Scary!

I didn't lose my temper.It's simple.I say what i know, I don't spread misinformation on purpose.If I'm wrong, sure, correct me and that's it.Im not like those toxic ppl who, when you tell them the truth, they know the truth, and you're right even 200%, they will still find a way to make a comeback no matter what, cause being toxic is good, whether you're right or wrong, whether logic wins or not.This is why most times I don't comment on the internet, and sometimes it's better to be a bit antisocial and out of events.

If you know that ppl are wrong and feel the need to correct them, do it, but if sometimes it gets too much to handle, then don't bother, cause it's the internet, not your students to keep trying.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2185043 ft

Greglaz125 Posted at 4-7 21:50
What you just said.Imagine a guy with an electric scooter, not needing a license to have it, most of them can ride these things being less than 18 years old, have pretty much no idea about the traffic code.Then the responsibility goes away and something happens and they get injured or even killed, while taking others with them.

Then, you need a license for some little machine up in the unlimited sky, license expires in like 3 years until you have to renew it again, expensive machine, trying to learn how to fly it, hard to cause trouble unless you fly way close to the ground.

Generally speaking, the drone community is not responsible at all. Just navigating YouTube and browsing videos taken with drones can demonstrate it. People flying over the clouds (how can eventually see an incoming plane or helicopter ? ), in busy historical city's center, close to the airports or critical infrastructures.
And just browsing this forum it's possible to know that many people with licenses do not even understand the regulations.
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Flight distance : 384058 ft

FabioV Posted at 4-7 23:38
Generally speaking, the drone community is not responsible at all. Just navigating YouTube and browsing videos taken with drones can demonstrate it. People flying over the clouds (how can eventually see an incoming plane or helicopter ? ), in busy historical city's center, close to the airports or critical infrastructures.
And just browsing this forum it's possible to know that many people with licenses do not even understand the regulations.

That is true but matter how much training someone goes through idiots will still pass the system, as you can see from private manned airplanes pilits.
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