Flight distance : 1131886 ft
United States
This screenshot was taken with a WiPry-Pro, a neat little device that hangs off an iPhone. The x axis is frequency which is covering most of the US WiFi spectrum. The purple bars are my home Wifi setup. The big red bar is the P3P transmitting to the RC from a distance of around 10 feet. While not actually listed, 2.4000 GHz is just off the LEFT side of the picture. So, the original power meter could well be measuring .... nothing useful.
Most peak power meters for this band include the some or all of the band's frequencies. My IT 24 measures the entire Wifi band and looks for a peak. I don't know about the original poster and the picture - what amount of bandwidth is the meter picking up? What was the RC doing?
Unfortunately, WiFi is a complicated protocol and microwave frequencies. It is MUCH more complicated that putting a cheapo meter on the transmitter.