Flight distance : 76152 ft
As many other Spark owners I've experienced the "fly away" bug yesterday and lost my drone (while everyting was up to date : drone firmware, remote controller firware, the Android app, and everything in the best configuration with an OTG cable to link the phone to the controller). As a French customer it's not clear on your website what I should do, what email adress to contact... Could you please help me (I have sync my flight records and can provide everything but I don't know to whom) ?
Furthermore I tried of course to find my drone 1.5km away at the last known position but without success. I used the "Find my drone" tool in the Android app which is pretty bad : first it took me quite long to understand that the blue arrow was me and the red one the drone. Indeed, the blue arrow was not refeshed enough while the green line pointing to the "crash" did not refresh live, had to exit/enter the "Find my drone" to have my real new location.
Then when finally on "crash site" (actually last known position before signal lost be the remote controller (linked to a Galaxy S7 by OTG cable for the record), the red arrow corresponding to the Spark was way to big to find the drone precisely, plus the "pop up rectangle window" indicating the missing duration was also covering my own arrow, making my search in the bushes even more difficult.
Another very anoying thing is the fact that it has to use data to download the map live, I was in the mountains with poor signal making everytgin even more stressfull, and even if the Here maps are OK (and hopefully it is good to have the Satellite layer when in nature), it would be very more intersting to be able to just upload the trace in .gpx format for example. Indeed, giving the possibbily in the Flight Record" to save/export/share the trace as a .gpx (or .kmz, or anything useable with a GPS app) would have allowed me to directly watch my trace on my GPS add (Locus Map in my case) and use my very more detailled recorded offline maps to search my drone more easily.
Hope this could be implemented in futur updates... |