It seems one of my kids couldn't resist putting her greasy little nose pickers on my lense. But, like so many things, DJI failed to cover the care and maintenance of what made the Inspire worth buying. So.... If anyone would shed some light on this for us all that would be greatly appreciated!!
You can pick up a bottle of lens cleaner at any photographic supply store. But my understanding is its just overpriced isopropyl alcohol. you just want to be sure to use a soft cloth like a micro fiber type so as to not scratch or damage the coated surfaces.
I use Nikon Spray Lens Cleaner and a Lens Cloth, The actual name escapes me right now but the cloth is re-usable. I get the cleaning supplies from B&H Photo. If it is good for a $5K Lens it is good for a filter. It also works well on your phone an tablet.
I've got a lens pen, for me it's good for quick touch ups in the field. But if you have to wash the dishes and clear the boogsers lens pen is too slow and can get clogged up. I like to use it jus for spot removal of small smudges or dust spots.
Be sure to spray the cleaner on the cloth, not the lens. Ever. The alcohol can easily get between elements and wreak havoc. I know the ND filters are a single lens, but it's good to get the process established early.