Corrupt ID
Flight distance : 49531 ft
United States
Phone Model: iPhone 6
App Version: 4.1.2
RC Firmware: 01.00.0100
Spark Firmware: 01.00.0400
Observations and Questions
Sport mode: I noticed that my gimbal would, I assume, attempt to correct itself but would over tilt. In some cases it would tilt in the opposite direction. I changed the camera mode from follow to fpv with similar outcomes.
Gesture mode: I remember selecting the option when I first setup the drone, but I had to reactivate it.
Gesture Question: Is there a distance lock if I switch to RC? I attempted to fly the spark to my car away from me and it came to a dead stop. I continued to rotate and fly sideways and backwards with no success.
Signal Quality: After three batteries and an RC update this morning my previous camera signal issues cleared up. There is still a little lag in the camera feed but nothing that would keep me from flying in sport mode fpv from the remote.
In short I am loving my Spark and hope this information helps.