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DJI GO 4 Insane data quantity generated
1231 6 2017-6-21
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Flight distance : 70778 ft

I own a P4P since 2 weeks now and made only a very few flight (less than 10). I run DJI GO 4 app on an Android Samsung Galaxy TAB A. By curiosity, I started a monitoring of the directory "DJI" created in the accessible part of the tablet. Yesterday, because of a problems with no-fly / authorization zones, the DJI support recommended me to erase all and reinstall DJI GO 4 app. which I have done.

This was for the context, now to the main subject, my monitoring result so far:

Before to erase the "DJI" directory it was:     Size: 220 Mo in 1456 files & 445 directories
After the full erase and DJI GO 4 reinstall:     Size 45.02 Mo in 300 files & 81 directories

When you will know that in both cases, every caches were cleared, including warning log (no pic, no video, nothing), that since the reinstall, I made only a simple start test, without even flying the drone, you will probably found this is insane, like me !

What the hell are all these files and directories ?!? I really doubt that a flow of soo much data is mandatory to let fly a Phantom 4 Pro. For sure, this is a sign of something really poorly optimized. Moreover, there is apparently no automatic removing of the obsolete datas. They will probably simply grow and grow more, until the memory is full !

Does anybody know what can be safely deleted in this complex structure ?

DJI dev team, are-you going to improve this ? Are-you going soon to manage more efficiently your datas and also include an automatic obsolescence management, so that this "DJI" directory remain in an acceptable size for ever ?

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Flight distance : 3738274 ft
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United States

Hardware Hacker here, its sounds like the phone might be doing a portion of the autonomy flight characteristics of the UAS client side instead of on the UAS itself. but that's just my guess
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
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United States

AndyP. Posted at 2017-6-21 11:21
Hardware Hacker here, its sounds like the phone might be doing a portion of the autonomy flight characteristics of the UAS client side instead of on the UAS itself. but that's just my guess

You would be guessing correct.  Not surprisingly, that sort of software takes some space.

I don't consider 220MB very big for what the app is doing.
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Flight distance : 2576972 ft
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United States

Why do you even care? 180MB is nothing.
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Flight distance : 3738274 ft
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United States

microlinux Posted at 2017-6-21 12:36
Why do you even care? 180MB is nothing.

he might be restricted on data space on the tablet. though I'm not familiar with the tablet he's using.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

"For sure, this is a sign of something really poorly optimized. "

I remember a time when that was said when files were bigger than 10 kB

Edit:- And my first Hard Drive was 10MB (That was Huge !!!)
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Flight distance : 70778 ft

method007 Posted at 2017-6-21 11:53
You would be guessing correct.  Not surprisingly, that sort of software takes some space.

I don't consider 220MB very big for what the app is doing.

Guys, if you have a bit time, I encourage you to have a look inside the structure of this directory, with a filer. You will see how crazy it is.

Yes, my tablet is only 16gb and I am already "short petrol", even with all my multimedia & applications moved to a SD card.

In any cases, being a former programmer myself, I do not consider 220Mb data being "nothing", especially in the particular context of what is doing this application. And if this was a stabilized size, maybe you could accept this, but, as I said already, I bet this will never stop to grow.

By the way, can some of you who are flying since longer than me, report here the size, number of files & directories of this "DJI" directory ? This might be very interesting. Thanks in forward.
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