Flight distance : 70778 ft
I own a P4P since 2 weeks now and made only a very few flight (less than 10). I run DJI GO 4 app on an Android Samsung Galaxy TAB A. By curiosity, I started a monitoring of the directory "DJI" created in the accessible part of the tablet. Yesterday, because of a problems with no-fly / authorization zones, the DJI support recommended me to erase all and reinstall DJI GO 4 app. which I have done.
This was for the context, now to the main subject, my monitoring result so far:
Before to erase the "DJI" directory it was: Size: 220 Mo in 1456 files & 445 directories
After the full erase and DJI GO 4 reinstall: Size 45.02 Mo in 300 files & 81 directories
When you will know that in both cases, every caches were cleared, including warning log (no pic, no video, nothing), that since the reinstall, I made only a simple start test, without even flying the drone, you will probably found this is insane, like me !
What the hell are all these files and directories ?!? I really doubt that a flow of soo much data is mandatory to let fly a Phantom 4 Pro. For sure, this is a sign of something really poorly optimized. Moreover, there is apparently no automatic removing of the obsolete datas. They will probably simply grow and grow more, until the memory is full !
Does anybody know what can be safely deleted in this complex structure ?
DJI dev team, are-you going to improve this ? Are-you going soon to manage more efficiently your datas and also include an automatic obsolescence management, so that this "DJI" directory remain in an acceptable size for ever ?