Flight distance : 230052 ft
I just loaded a 100% battery in to upgrade to Firmware .800. I am on a slow connectionand it took more than 1.5hrs, so the battery ran down to <50% during update. It had gotten to 100% on the download. So I shut the aircraft down (I was connected directly via USB port, using Assistant 2 software) and loaded a 100% charged battery. I continued the upgrade and it went through the updating part and got to 100%, then it started the transmitting part and got to 44% and then all the lights went red on the drone. The battery started flashing the MIDDLE two lights green and the third light from the top a double blip every so often. I waited a long while, and finally got this error..
Error log
No amount of button pushing on the battery would turn it off, so I took it out of the drone.
I then (reluctantly) loaded a new battery (100%) and tried again. It went right through the process and at the end said it had upgraded to .700 - !!!! That's what I was on already.
So I tried again for .800. It stopped at 44% again on the "transmitting" part of the upgrade, when all the lights went RED again. And now I have two batteries stuck in limbo with the middle two lights flashing every so often.
The lights on the batteries are still flashing every so often - I have tried holding the button down for 30 seconds or more, they do go off but as soon as I release the button, they come back on and remain in the same state.
I put them in the 4 bank charger - don't know what will happen.
Is there any way to reset a battery?
And why did this happen during upgrade to .800?