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DJI- Lies, Lies, and More Lies...
2767 29 2017-6-21
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United States

So I finally decided that I was going to purchase a Mavic Pro... and then all hell broke loose.

On 2017-06-16 22:44:38 (UTC), <(per DJI's record in my account), I placed my order for the Mavic Pro Fly More Combo, along with the Care Refresh.
To start, I will fully acknowledge that I placed the order after close of business that day. They even have a promotion at the moment for a free Aircraft Sleeve:
Mavic - Aircraft Sleeve
USD $0.00
USD $0.00

Awesome! I love free things!

On their sales page for the Mavic, the order confirmation page, and checkout page, their site CLEARLY states: "
[backcolor=rgba(68, 168, 242, 0.1)]Estimated to ship 1 business day after payment confirmation.
So, I assumed, that since I ordered late, it would most likely process on either Monday the 19th, or maybe Tuesday the 20th. Man, this is great! Excellent drone, fast service, quick shipping?!

Boy was I wrong.

I contacted DJI via online chat on Tuesday to check the status. I was informed that "due to the inclusion of the free Aircraft Sleeve, the processing time would require an additional 3-5 business days", and all because of the Sleeve it wouldn't ship until June 24th. I asked for other options, and was told by the person I was speaking to, had forwarded my issue to be "escalated", and that they could split my order, so that the Mavic would ship first, and the Sleeve would come later. He apologized, and informed me that I would receive a message in my DJI account, as well as an email to confirm the change, within a few hours. So Tuesday evening, I had not gotten aything in my account messages or email, nor had my order status changed, etc... so I got on their chat again. I was told that the order had not been split, but that the Mavic combo, as well as the Sleeve, were all in the same order, and would ship at the same time, on June 21st. Ok, I can handle that, great! Can't wait!

So, foolishly, expecting the status to change to be reflected in eithe my DJI account, or via email, I checked this morning. Nothing. No message, no email, nothing. Back to the online chat again...
Today, I spoke to anothe person. He informed me that no, my order will NOT be shipping today, it will ship on June 24th. Which, by the way, is a Saturday, so I highly doubt that. Plus, he informed me that "because the Aircraft Sleeve is a free item, we cannot split the order", and "we don't have any way to expediate the shipping".

So, now I've been lied to by my count, 3 times; the "ship 1 business day after payment confirmation" was a lie; the "split the order"/"escalation"/"email and account notification" was a lie; and the "it will ship on the 21st" was a lie.

This is irritating and annoying, and probably borerline bait and switch. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect simply what is stated/offered/suggested on a retail website. I have my own business and website, and I wouldn't have any customers if I pulled that kind of deception.

Oh, and to top that off, I asked about a refund, and they said it's take 7-14 business days.

All of this is quite ironic since I could have (and probably should have) ordered it via my Amazon Prime, and had it in 2 days.

DJI, you really need to step up your game and stop lying to your customers. Oh, and have you SEEN the review of your DJI Go and DJI GO 4 apps? Seriously... the FAA's B4UFly app is only SLIGHTLY worse than yours, and it's appaling...

Rant over, I guess I'll go back to wondering if or when I'll actually get my $1400 Mavic, much less the "free aircraft sleeve"... I shudder to think about how service or repair might go in the future...
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Flight distance : 1174111 ft

DJI support - no matter if it is by phone or emails keep lying all the time in order to push back until you give up.
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Flight distance : 1174111 ft

DJI support - no matter if it is by phone or emails keeps lying all the time in order to push back until you give up. I have had 3 examples:

- My Mavic RC cable was faulty, during one month I had to harass them and kept saying that they were checking their inventory or that they forwarded my query to a supervisor obviously never responding
- I bought an Osmo mobile with a free spring gift pack - I have the confirmation email of the order. The spring gift pack never arrived with the Osmo. I emailed support they never responded
- Now my Mavic is stuck at DJI repair center and they ask me to pay repairs when I have the DJI Care Refresh. Because I bought the Care Refresh in the US and I am now in Europe they say Europe is not covered. Of course, the Terms and conditions of my DJI Care Refresh do not indicate any coverage limitations.

I found DJI great until I got completely disgusted by their obsession to screw customers over their support department
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

I'm sorry to hear of the negative experience thus far. If you could please provide your order number, I can try to look into this further. As far as what you're looking to do, do you still want to receive this order or do you want to cancel/refund the order to purchase it elsewhere? I just want to ensure I'm on the same page.
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United States

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-6-21 12:40
I'm sorry to hear of the negative experience thus far. If you could please provide your order number, I can try to look into this further. As far as what you're looking to do, do you still want to receive this order or do you want to cancel/refund the order to purchase it elsewhere? I just want to ensure I'm on the same page.

I don't want to cancel, repeat: I DO NOT WANT TO CANCEL.

It wouldn't make sense, because it would take an ADDITIONAL 7-14 days for the refund. $1400 does not break me, but that's not the point. The fact there are THOUSANDS of reports just like mine, is ridiculous. This shouldn't happen in the first place. I'd like to know the REAL STATUS, with no bulls**t. I'd like to buy something that says "ships in 1 day", and ACTUALLY have that happen, not be lied to multiple times by multiple people in the span of 4 business days. Please respond here so there is a public record of what we discuss. If you don't, it's ok, I'll just copy it here myself.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

vincentmd Posted at 2017-6-21 12:39
DJI support - no matter if it is by phone or emails keeps lying all the time in order to push back until you give up. I have had 3 examples:

- My Mavic RC cable was faulty, during one month I had to harass them and kept saying that they were checking their inventory or that they forwarded my query to a supervisor obviously never responding

I've responded to you on your initial thread about this: ... =page%3D1#pid839677
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

GTXGTP Posted at 2017-6-21 12:56
I don't want to cancel, repeat: I DO NOT WANT TO CANCEL.

It wouldn't make sense, because it would take an ADDITIONAL 7-14 days for the refund. $1400 does not break me, but that's not the point. The fact there are THOUSANDS of reports just like mine, is ridiculous. This shouldn't happen in the first place. I'd like to know the REAL STATUS, with no bulls**t. I'd like to buy something that says "ships in 1 day", and ACTUALLY have that happen, not be lied to multiple times by multiple people in the span of 4 business days. Please respond here so there is a public record of what we discuss. If you don't, it's ok, I'll just copy it here myself.

I had received your PM with the order number, thank you for supplying it. I will let you know what I'm able to find out.
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Flight distance : 1174111 ft

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-6-21 13:32
I've responded to you on your initial thread about this:

Thanks I have responded to you too.

Here : ... =page%3D1#pid839677

And here : ... mp;page=1#pid839685
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

GTXGTP Posted at 2017-6-21 12:56
I don't want to cancel, repeat: I DO NOT WANT TO CANCEL.

It wouldn't make sense, because it would take an ADDITIONAL 7-14 days for the refund. $1400 does not break me, but that's not the point. The fact there are THOUSANDS of reports just like mine, is ridiculous. This shouldn't happen in the first place. I'd like to know the REAL STATUS, with no bulls**t. I'd like to buy something that says "ships in 1 day", and ACTUALLY have that happen, not be lied to multiple times by multiple people in the span of 4 business days. Please respond here so there is a public record of what we discuss. If you don't, it's ok, I'll just copy it here myself.

From what I was able to gather, the Online Store was able to split the order. The Mavic is expected to go out by tomorrow. There still isn't an ETA for the free aircraft sleeve, but at least you'll finally be up and running with what you paid for.
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United States

So, yet again there's a different story. Yes we can split, no we can't, wait, yes, maybe, ish, I don't know... actually... "I don't know" would have been much better than this disaster.

I'm in really lucky, maybe there will be a status change, or an email, or tracking info, or a carrier pigeon... something by tomorrow? Which, for the record is still a lot more than "ships 1 day after payment conformation".  I'll let everyone know what happens.

I do hope this latest report has some basis of truth to it. If that turns out to be the case, that I will gladly thank you for your help.
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DJI Mindy

GTXGTP Posted at 2017-6-21 20:06
So, yet again there's a different story. Yes we can split, no we can't, wait, yes, maybe, ish, I don't know... actually... "I don't know" would have been much better than this disaster.

I'm in really lucky, maybe there will be a status change, or an email, or tracking info, or a carrier pigeon... something by tomorrow? Which, for the record is still a lot more than "ships 1 day after payment conformation".  I'll let everyone know what happens.

Could you please provide the order number to me since you PMed Jamie, I cannot see that? I will help to double confirm with our Sales Team about the further resolution, thank you.
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United States

Oh. My. God. Now I have two people "checking on this"?

But wait, there's more!

I won't up this morning to fond that in my DJI Store app, there was a red dot on the "Me" icon. Instead of anything helpful, nope.... Now, my order shows in "Paid Orders", but nowhere else. Not in Shipped  not in, not in In Process.

Oh, and before you at DJI start to blame me, guess what people... while i was reviewing EVERY tab and EVWRY PAGE ib my account, i discovered that, some way, somehow, magically, with the help of angels in guessing... my shipping address was deleted! I'm guessing you don't know anything about that either, or I'm sure it was "my fault" right? But now that is fixed, let's see how long it takes for you to lie about something else.

So DJI-Jamie, looks like you probably didn't know what you're talking about either. Still have no botice, no email, no tracking, no information, no clue, about the $1400 your company is holding hostage from me.

DJI-Mindy... so you want to get involved too? I'll PM you the order number. Aside from that, this is so fuc&ing unprofessional, this is ridiculous. So sure "Mindy", get involved. What's another person to add more lies.
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United States

Sidenote, I find it amazing that at this point you need me to tell you the order number. What, no intercompany cozmmunication? You can't contact the other DJI-Jamie for that? Haha... I PMed you. Oh, and somehow, there was a conversation for someone else, prefilled in the PM box... Interesting....
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United States

Oh good God... please make it stop....

So now today, I check with online support, (because God forbid you might have a way to talk on a phone), and DJI claims "the earliest ship date is June 21st to courier" (yesterday)... whatever that means. Melou, the online chat guy, claims that he has no idea how, when, or if I'll get the tracking information, whether it will come to my email, the app, my account, and whether it will come from DJI or from FedEx directly. I'm not convinced that he has any idea what's going on. He can't tell me HOW he knows any of this supposed "information", just that "our dispatch team is working on it". What does that mean?? I thought it was at FedEx?!??! Does anybody at DJI ACTUALLY HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON???

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United States

Ha.... now my order says "Shipped".... BUT.. it only shows that on the web browser version. My DJI App, still only now shows it in "My Orders", and there's no status. I guess their platforms don't talk to each other, oh, and I don't have any tracking information or a way to confirm that it's actually shipped.

Quick, someone act surprised for me....I don't have the energy.
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United States

GTXGTP Posted at 2017-6-22 08:37
Ha.... now my order says "Shipped".... BUT.. it only shows that on the web browser version. My DJI App, still only now shows it in "My Orders", and there's no status. I guess their platforms don't talk to each other, oh, and I don't have any tracking information or a way to confirm that it's actually shipped.

Quick, someone act surprised for me....I don't have the energy.

Oh.... no wait..... the "shipped" notice and tracking number i just got, is for the F-ing Aircraft Sleeve ONLY.... you know, the one that was causing the entire thing to be delayed?! Are you f**king kidding me???
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United States

This is just a joke.... NOW, I look at that tracking number again.... and it states that THE F**KING AIRCRAFT SLEEVE, the ROOT of all this BS, is the ONLY THING that's SHIPPING... DJI, WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K!!???
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Flight distance : 1897129 ft
  • >>>
United States

GTXGTP Posted at 2017-6-22 12:38
This is just a joke.... NOW, I look at that tracking number again.... and it states that THE F**KING AIRCRAFT SLEEVE, the ROOT of all this BS, is the ONLY THING that's SHIPPING... DJI, WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K!!???

Dude I feel your pain as I’ve been there before, but you need to relax
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United States

Ha, I'm fine. But thanks.  Honestly, it's more fun to annoy DJI Admins <(like they care), and alleviate my annoyance here. It's probably healthier than breaking something, plus it's cheaper haha.
I feel like I'm dealing with AT&T with this ridiculous process.
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Flight distance : 24354 ft
United States

I actually enjoy the day to day, hour by hour updates. I'm sorry DJI but your company really needs to take notice of what's going on with your entire after sale care. If what GTXGTP is saying is all true, and I have absolutely no reason to think it isn't, then the upper ups at your company need to get their collective sh*t together and soon. As I stated in a previous post, DJI is the industry leader in design, feature and performance, but if the company thinks they can remain the leader with the total disorganization of each and every department, you're in for a rude awakening.  I fail to understand why a company as large and financially successful  as yours can't figure out the logistics of basic day to day operations.  I give cudos to GTXGTP for having the courage to not sugar-coating his complaints.  I love my P3A as I'm sure most all us us DJI drone owners do. So do us and yourselves a huge favor and take these complaints seriously, especially the ones that are multiple in nature. And in closing I'd like to thank all of the moderators on this site for doing what I"m sure is a very thankless job. They do their very best. Unfortunately they cannot change what they cannot change.
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DJI Mindy

GTXGTP Posted at 2017-6-22 12:38
This is just a joke.... NOW, I look at that tracking number again.... and it states that THE F**KING AIRCRAFT SLEEVE, the ROOT of all this BS, is the ONLY THING that's SHIPPING... DJI, WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K!!???

GTXGTP, Mavic Pro Fly More Combo and Aircraft Sleeve have all been shipped separately, have you got the email note of tracking number?
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused, we are now working hard to improve our customer service, thank you for your understanding.
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DJI Mindy

Rex59 Posted at 2017-6-22 18:33
I actually enjoy the day to day, hour by hour updates. I'm sorry DJI but your company really needs to take notice of what's going on with your entire after sale care. If what GTXGTP is saying is all true, and I have absolutely no reason to think it isn't, then the upper ups at your company need to get their collective sh*t together and soon. As I stated in a previous post, DJI is the industry leader in design, feature and performance, but if the company thinks they can remain the leader with the total disorganization of each and every department, you're in for a rude awakening.  I fail to understand why a company as large and financially successful  as yours can't figure out the logistics of basic day to day operations.  I give cudos to GTXGTP for having the courage to not sugar-coating his complaints.  I love my P3A as I'm sure most all us us DJI drone owners do. So do us and yourselves a huge favor and take these complaints seriously, especially the ones that are multiple in nature. And in closing I'd like to thank all of the moderators on this site for doing what I"m sure is a very thankless job. They do their very best. Unfortunately they cannot change what they cannot change.

Thank you for your support to DJI products and sincere suggestion to our customer service, I just want you to know that we are aware customer's complaints and trying our best to improve it, and appreciate your understanding to us. If there is anything you need our help, please don't hesitate to let us know.
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Flight distance : 24354 ft
United States

Thank-you Mindy for accepting my post as an attempt to constructively criticize. And a bigger thank-you for all you and the other moderators on this forum try to do to help make things better.
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DJI Mindy

Rex59 Posted at 2017-6-23 01:30
Thank-you Mindy for accepting my post as an attempt to constructively criticize. And a bigger thank-you for all you and the other moderators on this forum try to do to help make things better.

Best wishes to you
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United States

Let me add something as well if I may. I have ZERO problem admitting if I was ever wrong. But the reason that this has spiraled out of control is that every appearance tells me that DJI doesn't care about it's customers. I would gladly retract that if I was the only one facing this issue, but there's literally thousands of complaints against DJI. Everything from shipping, to service, to simply trying to get in touch with someone who has ANY idea whats going on.

I recently bought a 30 dollar item from a company in Taiwan. I was made aware upfront of some delays, and that it will be 6-8 weeks before I should expect my item. They have taken the initiative and contacted me twice a week for the last 3 weeks to keep me updated on the status, even if it hadn't changed. Then two days ago, they contacted me to let me know there was a production issue, and it would be 1 additional week, but they apologized and told me they had already refunded me the shipping cost, and 5% of the cost of the item because of the delay. THAT'S customer service. Not this. I didn't ask for it, I didn't even realize there was a problem. THEY took the initiative and made things right before their customer even knew it was an issue.

I get that DJI has taken the RC/Drone/Etc market by storm, but if they gave even 10% more care about their customers, they'd do WAY better. I think the problem is they have grown to fast, and have forgotten about the "little guys", aka, their customers.

My issue with this purchase is that I have been lied to over and over by people at DJI. I will fully agree that it might be possible that DJI's system and management is so broken that the people I've been speaking to didn't even KNOW they lied to me because they really have no idea what is going on, so I don't fault the individual associates. But when you advertise a shipping standard, or a promotion, or whatever it might be, stick to it. This whole bait and switch and then have ZERO ability to tell the customer whats actually going on, is just stupid. I operate several businesses and I wouldn't be in business for a second if I treated my customers like this. I would have gladly taken a "Sir, I honestly don't know, may I get back to you?" over this crap. So yeah, that's why I'm annoyed about this and using strong language.

DJI-Mindy, I genuinely DO appreciate your help/interest with this. Yesterday evening after my last post, I DID receive tracking from FedEx for both the Sleeve, and the Mavic FMC. However, the Sleeve shows that it has been tendered to FedEx, and appears to be in transit. The Mavic however, still appears that it hasn't left DJI's possession. The tracking number still shows as waiting to be tendered from DJI. When I ask via online support chat about the status, I get "Thank you for waiting I see here that a part of your order is on shipment status with tracking number 7406488xxxxx. Please allow 3-5 business days to deliver on your doorstep."   BUT.... that's not the tracking number I was asking about, and it's not the question I asked in the first place. I asked "I have gotten 2 separate tracking numbers from FedEx... the aircraft sleeve has already shipped, but the tracking number for the Mavic itself, has not. I was curious if you could tell me when you expect it to be given to FedEx? The Mavic tracking number is 7412164xxxxx"
It's THIS kind of complete unawareness that irritates me. I realize there's probably a language barrier, but to not be able to clearly answer a question is just crazy.

I'll wait until end of day Friday to see if FedEx updates the tracking information, hopefully this is getting resolved, and I DO appreciate the help, if any, that has been rendered by people like you(Mindy), and other's that I've spoken to.

Look, at the end of the day, It's not about the dollar amount, it's not about the product, frankly it's just about the process. It's about making sure that your customer has a good experience. 99% of my businesses have grown via word of mouth advertising. I don't understand how DJI can accept a 2 star rating on their apps, or a public forum where there is justified customers posting thousands of negative posts, like I have, because of genuine ridiculously bad policies and lies rendered to customers who've spent thousands upon thousands of dollars at your company. Get it right, get it fixed, appreciate your customers more, listen and act on their complaints, and DJI will go far.

Oh, and I can make myself available to run your North American customer relations, or fill in as CEO/COO if needed.
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United States

If anyone still thinks I'm just being an ass, I'd like to add this: I just had a MUCH better chat with Jeff. He didn't lie to me, he said "I apologize, I don't have access to that information", he answered my questions, and gave me a QUICK, ACCURATE answer when I asked him about Care Refresh. He gave me the link I needed, and thanked me for being a customer of DJI's, and it was NOT the pre-made form "thanks and have a great day" that you typically get.

THAT's...what I've been talking about. I will gladly give credit where credit is due.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

GTXGTP Posted at 2017-6-23 07:42
Let me add something as well if I may. I have ZERO problem admitting if I was ever wrong. But the reason that this has spiraled out of control is that every appearance tells me that DJI doesn't care about it's customers. I would gladly retract that if I was the only one facing this issue, but there's literally thousands of complaints against DJI. Everything from shipping, to service, to simply trying to get in touch with someone who has ANY idea whats going on.

I recently bought a 30 dollar item from a company in Taiwan. I was made aware upfront of some delays, and that it will be 6-8 weeks before I should expect my item. They have taken the initiative and contacted me twice a week for the last 3 weeks to keep me updated on the status, even if it hadn't changed. Then two days ago, they contacted me to let me know there was a production issue, and it would be 1 additional week, but they apologized and told me they had already refunded me the shipping cost, and 5% of the cost of the item because of the delay. THAT'S customer service. Not this. I didn't ask for it, I didn't even realize there was a problem. THEY took the initiative and made things right before their customer even knew it was an issue.

Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention, we care much about your feedback on our product and service, I’ve transferred your feedback to the supervisor, will keep improving to make your experience with us better. Sincerely sorry again for the trouble you have been caused.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 50642090 ft
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United States

DJI would be the go to for all my drones if only they would clean up their act with customer service and at least compensate customers for their wrong doing.  I guess no company is perfect.  I really hope I don't have to deal with DJI customer service.
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DJI Mindy

Lucas775 Posted at 2017-6-24 11:53
DJI would be the go to for all my drones if only they would clean up their act with customer service and at least compensate customers for their wrong doing.  I guess no company is perfect.  I really hope I don't have to deal with DJI customer service.

We know we have many shortcomings, but we are working hard on it, will keep improving to provide you all more products with good quality and professional service.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 50642090 ft
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 2017-6-25 23:37
We know we have many shortcomings, but we are working hard on it, will keep improving to provide you all more products with good quality and professional service.

Thank you for replying Mindy.
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