Bill in Ohio
United States
I just updated the Mavic Pro. Went out and did a quick flight and all went well. It did want me to do a vision calibration. I had tried that once before and it failed (I have a 4K monitor). So with the message next to the current fw saying I needed to do a vision calibration I tried using my backup computer. I did it and got a good calibration. Went out and flew around a little bit and flew it toward the side of my house. It stopped itself a little further out, before I got scared it would hit (unlike before where I stopped it).
I will fly a longer flight later today and try out a few intelligent flight modes. All I did a few minutes ago was fly it around in position and sport modes and check the video feed.
Phone Samsung S7, FW 01.03.0900, DJI GO4 app v 4.1.2, and Android 7.0