AZ Flyer
Flight distance : 143757 ft
United States
I am looking at returning my DJI Spark, and want to know what the policy is?
Some facts:
- I purchased my spark fly-less from DJI directly on pre-order first day.
- It shipped from Commerce, California.
- I live in AZ and it arrived to me last friday (6/16).
- I activated it on 6/17.
- I have flown it 3 times in about 6 days with no accidents.
The reason for the return:
-The quickshot modes arent working like advertised (see my other thread for video evidence... quickshots are the main reason I bought it over the mavic)
- I recieved my Spark Fly-More Combo today from amazon and originally i pre-ordered the combo and the fly less, but DJI pulled a switch-er-ooo on me and backed my shipping date till July for my Fly-More. When i realized Amazon was claiming shipping in mid june, i ordered from them and cancelled the fly-more from DJI and my Fly-More just got here today.
Questions about the return: I have heard of a 7 day return policy. Do i need to pay a restocking fee? Do i need to pay for shipping? If so, just back to Commerce, CA where it shipped from, or back to China?
Im really trying to determine if i should just sell it locally for $450 (pain in the a** or go send it for a refund. Tomorrow will be 7 days for me (6 days from activation).
Thanks for the help in advance!