Simon Child
Flight distance : 153852 ft
United Kingdom
Page 4 of the UK Dronecode says to keep 50m away from people and properties, and 150m from crowds and built-up areas.
The wording, and the diagram there, suggest that over-flying people and properties is OK, so long as
1. the height above them, or the linear distance from them, is over 50m
2. it is not a built-up area or crowded
So the $64,000 question, what is a "built-up area" or a "crowd"?
- a single house or structure??
- a cluster of n houses, where n=3 (a smalll village), n=10 (a larger village), n=50, n=150, or what - where is the line drawn?
- a quiet country road, a busy country road, a quiet A road, a busy A road, a motorway?! - where is the line drawn?
- how many people / what density of people make a 'crowd'? a group of 5? a group of 10? 50 people in a cluster, or 50 people spread over a couple of acres of a park?
I'm not asking because I want to push my luck - I have no intention of overflying busy motorways etc! I'm asking because I don't want to restrict myself unnecessarily.
Am I OK overflying a quiet road, or a few buildings? When does an area become 'busy' enough to be considered a 'built-up' area or enough peple present to constitute a 'crowd'. I can't find any guidance on interpretation of these phrases.