Flight distance : 183537 ft
Hi !
I am having big trouble with range and penetration...
The Wifi Icon usually shows 2.4G a short time and then switches to 5.8G.
5.8G is known to suck bad for WiFI Copters,only makes sense if 2.4G is crowded....
I am living in CE country so i get max range of about 300m@50m ALtitude butthta already pushing it...
The Remote COntroller contains a small PCB ANtenna inside. It is established that this ANtenna broadcasts the regularWiFi Network used for connecting the smartdevice.
I *assume* That the WiFi Settings in DJI Go are all about THAT connection, NOT about the connection of the Remote with the Spark.
(Someone disagrees ? Why ? :-) )
Its also established that the external Antennae broadcast in 2.4 & 5.8 GHz simoultaneously. That connection does NOT show up as a WiFi SSID (not even a hidden one afaik).
So its some modified WiFi protocol or its Ocusync or whatever.
I do not know if both freqs are used by the spark or if the Spark "decides" Which frequency to connect to, butitseems to be the laztter as the WiFi icon in the top bar in DJI Gi clearly indicates a frequency.
ONE time i had 2.4G and it stayed at 2.4G. THAT time the range was okay (600m@50m, still semi fluid) but more important the penetration was okay as well (allowing to fly behind a large tree in 150m distance).
I made sure that inthe region i am flying BOTH 5.8G % 2.4 are clear, no interference so the choice should ALWAYS be 2.4G ( i know the drill from Bebop, WiDV, Breeze)...
I even generated interference in 5.8G to tinfluence the choice.
Nada, Zilch, NULL
It always fallls back to 5.8G resulting in crappy subpar toy performance connectionwise.
Is there anyone who knows better about my assumptions ?
Is there anyone who knows how to select & stay in 2.4G for Tx <--> Spark Connection ?
Then please speak up :-)