First, the spark is my first drone. Second, I am a function over form kinda person meaning I am trying to tell a story (like catching a fish). I am NOT a cinematic film maker too worried about building perfect looking films...yet.
So far the Spark is everything I could have asked for, espcially given the price which is important because as an avid kayak angler, I am almost certain my spark is going to end up in the ocean one day.
I have had a few issues with the programmed modes like the dronie, helix and rocket. It doesn't seem to stay actively tracked.
The video image could be better and with the wide field of view, I can see the advantages of shooting in 4k and then cropping it down to 1080P. But for the price, I won't complain.
I like the ability to get it into the air quickly but I am still trying to figure out if I can land the spark while fishing in a kayak. For example, if I hover it over a "landing pad on my kayak, will it hold over the landing pad becasue of the sensors, or will the GPS taje over and try to land it over the exact GPS location while my kayak drifts in the wind or current? Don't know the answer to that yet.
In a way, I can also already tell that its going to take hours of practice to get the smooth images. That's a good thing I think though I think a lot of folks think they are going to buy a drone and instantly become aerial movie makers. Not true from my initial experince.
So here are some videos. The first is my kid running the spark in sports mode shot with my Samsung S7. A lot of fun though watching the video from the Spark afterwards made my kid motion sick. lol. Second is some footage taken by the spark in the same area.
The last is a video our halibut fishing derby for kayaks. The drone shots are at the beginning and end of this video. I want to graduate to getting more "on the water" footage versus just "over the water" footage I used here but it was really just my first day really trying the spark. Being it was my first try ever, there was a lot of pilot error though I think its only going to get better!
Thanks for the video's.
Just found them via another thread
That sports mode sure looks impressive (almost hit you in the end?)
The shots from Alaska were also beautiful.