Has anyone figured out a "lifejacket" for Spark?
12871 83 2017-6-27
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VenomousSVT Posted at 2018-1-5 12:15
i saw on amazon some bouy's that installed on the bottoms of the motors.  they were basically white foam balls that slid on the bottom of the motor housings.  This would likely give enough buoyancy if it hit the water not to sink completely.

There are leg extensions now that are long enough to poke into the balls, you make a hole in the ball first, then fill it with hot glue, then stick the leg extension into it.  Works like a charm
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Scott V.
Flight distance : 241791 ft
United States

I still don't understand people's infatuation with flotation  for the Spark. What's the point? False sense of security?

"Just in case."  Just in case what. Every flotation idea I have seen tried involves a gentle piloted landing on smooth glassy water.

1. If you can control your Spark ever so gingerly to land gently... you can most probably get it to a dry landing spot.
2. If you try landing those things on any body of water with any sort of wave action... even small... you're going to capsize anyway.
3. I guarantee you that if your Spark is going to land in the water against your will.... it will be a hard landing. Not soft and controlled and will almost certainly not stay upright.

Floatation IMO is a waste of time and effort. Adding unecessary weight and decreasing flight time. Just my .02
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 13346 ft

OK - it's not for you. Doesn't mean it is " a waste of time and effort"
I use mine to take selfies when I am fishing. The banks of the lake are very steeply sloping and overgrown. The only sensible take off and landing point is the water surface.
I am sure others have their own particular reasons reasons
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Flight distance : 56991 ft
United States

cwe0002 Posted at 2017-6-27 12:29
I have been landing it manually (basically have it hover over my bow and I grab it out of the air and flip it upside down to kill motors). The key is even if your RTH is set to controller instead of takeoff point, it doesn't update automatically when you move so I suggest keeping it close and just landing it yourself. I haven't tried RTH on the boat yet and really hope I don't have to.  

How I have found the spark to work is it just hovers in place when there are no inputs/auto-modes active. So no, it doesn't 'track' the boat floor or even the boat itself unless you're using a quick shot or active-track mode.

Does this cause any issues with the gimbal?
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