Second Officer
Flight distance : 556667 ft
United Kingdom
I really do sympathise with you guys in Canada. The proposals are draconian to say teh least and completley out of proportion to any percieved 'threat' that may come from a drone flight. I would also agree that so much of this is brought about by thougtless people flying their aircraft in a reckless way, not caring if it comes back to bite the community, becasue they will carry on regardless of the regulations. Sadly though you can see almost daily in this and similar forums, where responsible pilots criticise the actions of, or offer advce to, one who has flown recklessly only to be shot down in flames by many others defending the right to fly beyond VLOS and about 400 ft or whatever. Aleady people are looking for ways arounnd the geofencing that DJI has carefully put into the mix to stop peeple flying illegally. It was bound to happen, but should it be supported by responsible flyers, and perhaps responsible forums? It is time that responsible pilots banded together and fought for the rights of those who do fly legally in every country. It would be helped if the testing process were cheaper. For the PfCO here in the UK I will not get much change out of $2500. I have learbed so much, and it has made my operations much safer, but I am lucky to have the money. Even a simplified test for hobby fliers shoud become a requirement , especially if the srones are not in the toy category.
I hear that new regualtions are to be introduced over here soon, probably courtesy of the (EU), we may then fight a similar battle. |